© Peter Hoddie and Lizzie Prader 2020
P. Hoddie, L. PraderIoT Development for ESP32 and ESP8266 with JavaScripthttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5070-9_6

6. Hardware

Peter Hoddie1  and Lizzie Prader1
Menlo Park, CA, USA

Sensors and actuators are integral parts of nearly every IoT product. Sensors gather data from the environment, such as the temperature, humidity, and light levels, and translate it into electrical signals that a microcontroller or other system can react to. Actuators do the opposite: they take electrical signals and translate them into physical actions, such as turning a motor or a light on or playing a sound.

Just as there are different networking protocols that define how data is shared over the network, there are different hardware protocols that define how sensors and actuators communicate with the microcontroller they’re connected to. The Moddable SDK includes JavaScript APIs for a variety of hardware protocols, including digital, analog, PWM, servo, and I2C. These APIs enable you to interact with off-the-shelf hardware or your own circuits from your ESP32 or ESP8266.

In this chapter, you’ll learn how to get started writing your own JavaScript code to interact with hardware. The chapter includes many examples that require just a few simple, widely available, inexpensive sensors and actuators.

The code in this chapter communicates with hardware directly using different hardware protocols. Once you learn how to work with a few common hardware protocols, you’ll have the knowledge you need to incorporate the many hardware components that use those protocols into your own projects. When attaching new hardware to a computer, it’s often necessary to install a software driver—that is, software that knows how to interact with the hardware through the low-level hardware protocols; in effect, this chapter teaches you how to write the software drivers for various hardware components. IoT products that control the hardware directly in this way have many benefits, including more precise control, smaller code, and lower latency. Of course, software drivers are also available for many components; in the Moddable SDK, you’ll find them in modules/drivers.

Installing the Hardware Host

The examples in this chapter are installed using the pattern described in Chapter 1: you install the host on your device using mcconfig, then install example applications using mcrun.

The host is in the $EXAMPLES/ch6-hardware/host directory. Navigate to this directory from the command line and install it with mcconfig.

Notes on Wiring

This chapter, unlike most other chapters in this book, requires you to do additional setup of your device before running most examples: you need to wire various sensors and actuators to your device. If you’re new to this, it may be confusing as you get started. If you’ve done this before, you know that it’s easy to make mistakes and that troubleshooting can sometimes take time. This section provides important information on wiring that you should know before running the examples.

Following the Wiring Instructions

This chapter provides wiring tables and diagrams for most sensors and actuators used in the examples. The wiring diagrams show the wiring for NodeMCU boards and therefore NodeMCU pin numbers, such as D6 or D7. These labels don’t necessarily match the GPIO number used in code. If you’re using a different development board, make sure you look at the wiring tables, which provide the GPIO number—for example, GPIO12 or GPIO13—along with the NodeMCU pin numbers in parentheses. All development boards label pins differently, so you have to map the pins accordingly. The Moddable development boards are labeled with “GP” followed by the GPIO number used in code—for example, GP12 or GP13—so if the wiring table says a pin should be wired to GPIO12, plug it into the pin labeled GP12 on the Moddable boards.

Troubleshooting Wiring Issues

It’s important to follow the wiring instructions carefully. If you make a mistake in your wiring, a few things might happen:
  • An error is thrown. This is common and is generally the easiest issue to fix. For example, if you swap the SDA and SCL pins of an I2C sensor, you’ll get errors when reading and writing. Take advantage of xsbug and use the error messages to diagnose your issue. Sometimes you just have to fix your wiring; other times you may have a faulty sensor or actuator.

  • The application works but gives unexpected results. This is also common, but it can be hard to catch. For example, if you plug the digital pin of a sensor into the wrong pin on your development board, the application reads from a pin that’s not connected to anything; it doesn’t throw an error but it does give unexpected results. If you’re pressing a button and the application isn’t responding as expected, or you’re writing to a pin of a tri-color LED and the color isn’t updated, double-check your wiring.

  • You destroy your sensor or actuator. This is less common than the first two issues, but it can happen. For example, powering a sensor with 5V when it’s designed to accept 3.3V can damage the electronics on the sensor.

Blinking an LED

The simplest physical output you can create with your ESP32 or ESP8266 is to turn the on-board LED (Figure 6-1) on and off. Both the ESP32 and ESP8266 NodeMCU boards have an on-board LED connected to pin 2.
Figure 6-1

On-board LED on ESP8266 (top) and ESP32 (bottom)

The Digital class provides access to the GPIO pins on your device:
import Digital from "pins/digital";
You can configure a digital pin for input or output. Once configured, the pin can take on a value of 1, meaning the voltage is high, or 0, meaning the voltage is low. The $EXAMPLES/ch6-hardware/blink example uses the Digital class and a timer to blink the on-board LED. As shown in Listing 6-1, the example uses the static write method of the Digital class, which sets the pin (specified by the first argument) to Digital.Output mode and sets its value to 0 or 1 (the second argument).
let blink = 1;
Timer.repeat(() => {
    blink = blink ^ 1;
    Digital.write(2, blink);
}, 200);
Listing 6-1

Alternatively, you can construct an instance of the Digital class and call the instance’s write method. Using the constructor allows for full configuration of the pin. When you call the constructor, you pass in a dictionary with pin and mode properties. The following mode values are available for digital output pins:
Listing 6-2 shows another way to write the blink example, using the Digital constructor .
let led = new Digital({
    pin: 2,
    mode: Digital.Output
let blink = 1;
Timer.repeat(() => {
    blink = blink ^ 1;
}, 200);

Listing 6-2.

Using an instance of Digital is more efficient for writing than using the static Digital.write method ; the constructor initializes the pin once, whereas Digital.write must initialize it on each write. Digital.write is convenient for infrequent writes, but if your project writes to a digital output frequently, create an instance once and write to it instead.

Reading a Button

Buttons are a simple way to add physical input to projects. The ESP32 and ESP8266 NodeMCU modules have two buttons built in. One of the buttons is wired to digital pin 0 and may be used as a digital input in your projects; this button is labeled FLASH, BOOT, or IO0, depending on which module you have.

The $EXAMPLES/ch6-hardware/button example uses the Digital class and a timer to read the on-board button. As shown in Listing 6-3, the example uses the static read method of the Digital class, which sets the pin (specified by the first argument) to Digital.Input mode and reads its value, returning 0 or 1. The example traces to the debug console each time the button is pressed. It also maintains a count of the number of button presses and includes it in the output.
let previous = 1;
let count = 0;
Timer.repeat(id => {
    let value = Digital.read(0);
    if (value !== previous) {
        if (value)
            trace(`button pressed: ${++count} `);
        previous = value;
}, 100);
Listing 6-3

Alternatively, you can construct an instance of the Digital class and call the instance’s read method. Using the constructor allows for full configuration of the pin. When you call the constructor, you pass in a dictionary with pin and mode properties. The following mode values are available for digital input pins:
Listing 6-4 shows how the button example could be rewritten to use the Digital constructor .
let button = new Digital({
    pin: 0,
    mode: Digital.Input
let previous = 1;
let count = 0;
Timer.repeat(id => {
    let value = button.read();
    if (value !== previous) {
        if (value)
            trace(`button pressed: ${++count} `);
        previous = value;
}, 100);

Listing 6-4.

Other Digital Input Modes

The modes Digital.InputPullUp, Digital.InputPullDown, and Digital.InputPullUpDown are used to enable pull-up and pull-down resistors that are built into some of the GPIO pins on the ESP32 and ESP8266. This isn’t always necessary, but it’s useful for buttons like the one shown in Figure 6-2, which requires a pull-down resistor to prevent it from receiving random noise when it’s in an unpressed sate. You can get buttons like this from SparkFun (product ID COM-10302) and Adafruit (product ID 1009).
Figure 6-2

Tactile button

The $EXAMPLES/ch6-hardware/external-button example has the same functionality as the button example, but it works with a button like the one in Figure 6-2 rather than the built-in button. If you want to run this example, first follow the wiring instructions given here to connect it to your ESP32 or ESP8266.

ESP32 Wiring Instructions

Table 6-1 and Figure 6-3 show how to connect the button to the ESP32.
Table 6-1

Wiring to connect the button to ESP32






GPIO16 (RX2)

Figure 6-3

Wiring diagram for connecting the button to ESP32

ESP8266 Wiring Instructions

Table 6-2 and Figure 6-4 show how to connect the button to the ESP8266.
Table 6-2

Wiring to connect the button to ESP8266






GPIO16 (D0)

Figure 6-4

Wiring diagram for connecting the button to ESP8266

Understanding the external-button Code

The external-button example uses the Digital constructor as shown in the following code. It configures pin 16 with the mode Digital.InputPullDown, which enables the built-in pull-down resistor on pin 16.
let button = new Digital({
    pin: 16,
    mode: Digital.InputPullDown

The rest of the code is very similar to the rewritten button example (Listing 6-4), except for a few small changes to account for the use of the pull-down resistor.

More About Pull-Up and Pull-Down Resistors

Both the ESP32 and the ESP8266 have a built-in pull-down resistor on pin 16, which is why the external-button example runs on either one without any changes to the code. That said, you can modify it to use any pin with a built-in pull-down resistor, and other applications you build can use the other pins as well. The ESP32 has built-in pull-down resistors on all GPIO pins except pins 34–39, whereas the ESP8266 only has a built-in pull-down resistor on pin 16.

Other sensors may require a pull-up resistor. The ESP32 has built-in pull-up resistors on all GPIO pins except pins 34–39; the ESP8266 has built-in pull-up resistors on GPIO pins 1–15.

Instead of using the built-in resistors, you can also add pull-up or pull-down resistors directly to sensors. If you do this, you can use any GPIO pin, not just pins with a built-in resistor. Also note that if you do this, you should always use the mode Digital.Input . In other words, do not enable a built-in pull-down resistor if you add a pull-down resistor to the sensor itself, and likewise do not enable a built-in pull-up resistor if you add a pull-up resistor to the sensor itself.

Monitoring for Changes

You can more efficiently detect changes on the value of a digital input by using the digital Monitor class . Instead of periodic polling, it uses a feature of the microcontroller to monitor for changes. An instance of Monitor is configured to trigger on changes from 0 to 1 (that is, rising edge) and/or changes from 1 to 0 (falling edge). When the hardware detects a trigger event, the Monitor class invokes a callback function.

Listing 6-5 shows how the button example could use the Monitor class . Notice that this version is quite a bit smaller.
let monitor = new Monitor({
    pin: 0,
    mode: Digital.Input,
    edge: Monitor.Rising
let count = 0;
monitor.onChanged = function() {
    trace(`button pressed: ${++count} `);

Listing 6-5.

The original button example uses the value and previous variables to keep track of the button’s state; using the Monitor class simplifies the code considerably because the class keeps track of the button’s state itself, notifying the application only when the state has changed.

Like the Digital constructor , the Monitor constructor takes a dictionary with pin and mode properties. It also includes an edge property specifying the events that trigger the onChanged callback; edge may be Monitor.Rising, Monitor.Falling, or Monitor.Rising | Monitor.Falling. An application must install an onChanged callback on the instance, to be invoked when the specified edge events occur.

Using the Monitor class instead of polling has advantages beyond simplifying your code. Because the class uses the microcontroller’s built-in hardware to detect changes, there’s no need to run any code to watch for changes, freeing up CPU cycles for other work. Additionally, the monitor detects changes immediately, whereas the polling approach checks for a change only every 100 milliseconds. Of course, you can poll more frequently, but that requires even more CPU cycles. Further, the polling approach misses very quick button presses that happen between reads, whereas the monitor is always active and so doesn’t miss any button presses.

Controlling a Tri-color LED

Unlike the basic on/off single-color LED in the earlier blink example, a tri-color LED (also called an RGB LED) combines three LEDs—red, green, and blue—into a single package, enabling you to precisely control both the color and the brightness. Controlling the three colors of a tri-color LED requires four pins: one to control each of the three LEDs, plus a power pin shared by all the colors.

The examples in this section assume you’re using a common anode LED, like the one shown in Figure 6-5, which is available from SparkFun (product ID COM-10821) and Adafruit (product ID 159).
Figure 6-5

Tri-color LED

Before you run the examples, follow the instructions to set up your tri-color LED and the wiring instructions to connect it to your ESP32 or ESP8266.

LED Setup

As shown in Figure 6-6, the LED requires that current limiting resistors be added to all the pins except for the power pin, to prevent them from drawing too much current. Use 330 Ohm resistors.
Figure 6-6

Tri-color LED with current limiting resistors

ESP32 Wiring Instructions

Table 6-3 and Figure 6-7 show how to connect the LED to the ESP32.
Table 6-3

Wiring to connect the LED to ESP32






GPIO12 (D12)


GPIO13 (D13)


GPIO14 (D14)

Figure 6-7

Wiring diagram for connecting the LED to ESP32

ESP8266 Wiring Instructions

Table 6-4 and Figure 6-8 show how to connect the tri-color LED to the ESP8266.
Table 6-4

Wiring to connect the LED to ESP8266






GPIO12 (D6)


GPIO13 (D7)


GPIO14 (D5)

Figure 6-8

Wiring diagram for connecting the LED to ESP8266

Using Digital with a Tri-color LED

The red, green, and blue pins of the tri-color LED are connected to digital outputs. In the $EXAMPLES/ch6-hardware/tricolor-led-digital example, they can be controlled individually using the same Digital class you used in the blink example to control a simple single-color LED. As shown in Listing 6-6, the difference is that you can display eight different colors by mixing the three primary colors.
let r = new Digital(12, Digital.Output);
let g = new Digital(13, Digital.Output);
let b = new Digital(14, Digital.Output);
Timer.repeat(() => {
    // black (all off)
    // red (red on)
    // magenta (red and blue on)
    // white (all on)
}, 1);

Listing 6-6.

The tri-color LED can display more than just the primary and secondary colors of black, white, red, green, blue, magenta, cyan, and yellow. To achieve that, you need more control than simply turning the red, green, and blue LEDs on and off; you need to be able to set them to values between on and off—that is, between 0 and 1. A digital output can’t do that, since its output is always either 0 or 1. In the next section, you’ll learn how to overcome this limitation.

Using PWM with a Tri-color LED

To display a greater range of color and brightness, a tri-color LED may instead be controlled using pulse-width modulation, or PWM, a special type of digital signal commonly used in motors and LEDs, including tri-color LEDs. PWM is roughly equivalent to an analog output but is generated using a digital signal. More specifically, the digital pin outputs a square wave with varied widths of high and low values. Taking the average of these high and low pulses over time creates a power level between the high and low values, proportional to the pulse widths. The result is that instead of being limited to 0 and 1 as output values, you can output any value in between.

The PWM class provides access to the PWM output pins. The $EXAMPLES/ch6-hardware/tricolor-led-pwm example uses PWM and a timer to cycle through different colors.
import PWM from "pins/pwm";
The example needs three instances of the PWM class, one for each wire on the tri-color LED that controls the brightness of an individual color. The PWM constructor takes a dictionary specifying the pin number .
let r = new PWM({pin: 12});
let g = new PWM({pin: 13});
let b = new PWM({pin: 14});
The write method sets the current value of the pin. The value you pass is a number from 0 to 1023, the analog value to synthesize. Lower values correspond to higher brightness. When the application runs, it makes the LED turn green. A PWM value of 0 is equivalent to a digital output set to 0, and a PWM value of 1023 is equivalent to a digital output set to 1. The following code sets the tri-color LED to green by setting the green LED to full brightness and the red and blue LEDs to off :
As shown in Listing 6-7, the code then cycles through colors by adjusting the value of individual pins. First it changes the color from green to cyan by decreasing the value of the blue pin. Between calls to write, the delay method of the Timer class is used to delay execution for 50 milliseconds.
while (bVal >= 21) {
    bVal -= 20;

Listing 6-7.

After fading from green to cyan, the LED fades from cyan to blue, blue to magenta, and finally magenta to red (Listing 6-8).
while (gVal <= 1003) {
    gVal += 20;
while (rVal >= 21) {
    rVal -= 20;
while (bVal <= 1003) {
    bVal += 20;

Listing 6-8.

Rotating a Servo

Servos are motors that control a rotating output. The output may be precisely turned to a specified position within an arc, typically 180 degrees. Servos are commonly used in robotics to control movements of robots and for rotating objects such as the lens of a camera to control focus and zoom. Figure 6-9 shows a micro servo available from Adafruit (product ID 169). Micro servos like this one can be powered using an ESP32 or ESP8266. There are also larger, more powerful servos for moving larger objects; these servos require more power to operate than the microcontroller can provide and therefore require an external power supply.
Figure 6-9

Micro servo from Adafruit

Servos are configured with the Servo class , which uses digital pins to control servo motors.

The $EXAMPLES/ch6-hardware/servo example rotates a servo from 0 degrees up to 180 degrees, 2.5 degrees at a time. Before you run the example, follow the wiring instructions given here to connect it to your ESP32 or ESP8266.

ESP32 Wiring Instructions

Table 6-5 and Figure 6-10 show how to connect the servo to the ESP32.
Table 6-5

Wiring to connect the servo to ESP32







Servo (DOUT)

GPIO14 (D14)

Figure 6-10

Wiring diagram for connecting the servo to ESP32

ESP8266 Wiring Instructions

Table 6-6 and Figure 6-11 show how to connect the servo to the ESP8266.
Table 6-6

Wiring to connect the servo to ESP8266







Servo (DOUT)

GPIO14 (D5)

Figure 6-11

Wiring diagram for connecting the servo to ESP8266

Understanding the servo Code

The Servo class uses digital pins to control servo motors:
import Servo from "pins/servo";
The servo example creates an instance of the Servo class and changes the position at a regular interval by calling the instance’s write method. As shown in Listing 6-9, the argument to the write method is the angle to rotate to; note that this may be a fractional number.
let servo = new Servo({pin: 14});
let angle = 0;
Timer.repeat(() => {
    angle += 2.5;
    if (angle > 180)
        angle -= 180;
}, 250);

Listing 6-9.

It takes time for the servo to rotate to a new position; the amount of time depends on the servo you’re using. Depending on the servo, using a shorter interval may not make the servo rotate faster but instead may result in a confused behavior as the servo does its best to keep up with the changes, which are coming in faster than it can operate.

The Servo class also has a writeMicroseconds method , which allows for greater precision by letting you provide the number of microseconds (instead of degrees) for the signal pulse. The range of acceptable values varies from servo to servo; setting the pulse length to a value that’s too low or too high can break the servo, so be sure to check your servo’s datasheet.

Getting the Temperature

Measuring temperature is such a common task for IoT products that sensor manufacturers have created many different temperature sensors. These sensors use a variety of hardware protocols to communicate with the microcontroller. This section explains two that are easy to use and widely available:
  • The TMP36 (Figure 6-12) uses an analog value to communicate the temperature. The simpler of the two sensors, it has only a single output—an analog output that connects to the analog input of a microcontroller—and has no configuration options. It’s available from SparkFun (product ID SEN-10988) and Adafruit (product ID 165).

Figure 6-12

TMP36 sensor

  • The TMP102 (Figure 6-13) uses the I2C bus to communicate the temperature. It connects using the I2C hardware protocol, which is considerably more complex to work with than an analog input but enables the sensor to offer additional functionality and configuration options. It’s available from SparkFun (product ID SEN-13314).

Figure 6-13

TMP102 sensor

This section also explains how to use a sensor’s datasheet to understand the data provided by the sensor and convert it to a human-readable format.


The $EXAMPLES/ch6-hardware/tmp36 example reads the temperature from a TMP36 sensor and traces the value in degrees Celsius to the debug console. Before you run the example, follow the wiring instructions given here to connect the TMP36 to your ESP32 or ESP8266.

ESP32 Wiring Instructions

Table 6-7 and Figure 6-14 show how to connect the TMP36 to the ESP32.
Table 6-7

Wiring to connect the TMP36 to ESP32






ADC0 (VP) on NodeMCU board

ADC7 (GP35) on Moddable Two



Figure 6-14

Wiring diagram for connecting the TMP36 to ESP32

ESP8266 Wiring Instructions

Table 6-8 and Figure 6-15 show how to connect the TMP36 to the ESP8266.
Table 6-8

Wiring to connect the TMP36 to ESP8266






ADC0 (A0)



Figure 6-15

Wiring diagram for connecting the TMP36 to ESP8266

Understanding the tmp36 Code

The analog pin on the TMP36 outputs a voltage proportional to the temperature. The Analog class provides access to the analog inputs on your device:
import Analog from "pins/analog";

Unlike other hardware protocol classes, the Analog class is never instantiated. It provides only one static method: a read method that samples the value of the specified pin, returning a value from 0 to 1023. The tmp36 example calls the read method and converts the returned voltage to the temperature.

The excellent Adafruit tutorial for the TMP36 (learn.adafruit.com/tmp36-temperature-sensor/overview) provides the following formula to convert the voltage to the temperature:

Temp in °C = [(Vout in mV) – 500] / 10

The tmp36 example is based on this formula, as you can see here:
let value = (Analog.read(0) / 1023) * 330 - 50;
trace(`Celsius temperature: ${value} `);

If you’re running on Moddable Two, you’ll need to change the pin number from 0 to 7 due to the difference in wiring.

The TMP36 is designed to accurately measure temperatures between –40°C and +125°C. For temperatures outside this range, it returns readings but with less accuracy. The analog input has 10 bits of resolution, allowing for readings with an accuracy of about 0.25°C. This accuracy is sufficient for many purposes, but not all; as described next, the TMP102 temperature sensor provides greater resolution for temperature measurements.


The $EXAMPLES/ch6-hardware/tmp102 example reads the temperature from a TMP102 sensor and traces the value in degrees Celsius to the debug console. Before you run the example, follow the wiring instructions given here to connect the TMP102 to your ESP32 or ESP8266.

This section refers to the TMP102 schematic and the TMP102 datasheet, both of which can be found on the TMP102 product page on SparkFun’s website: sparkfun.com/products/13314.

ESP32 Wiring Instructions

Table 6-9 and Figure 6-16 show how to connect the TMP102 to the ESP32.
Table 6-9

Wiring to connect the TMP102 to ESP32








GPIO21 (D21)


GPIO22 (D22)

Figure 6-16

Wiring diagram for connecting the TMP102 to ESP32

ESP8266 Wiring Instructions

Table 6-10 and Figure 6-17 show how to connect the TMP102 to the ESP8266.
Table 6-10

Wiring to connect the TMP102 to ESP8266








GPIO5 (D1)


GPIO4 (D2)

Figure 6-17

Wiring diagram for connecting the TMP102 to ESP8266

Understanding the tmp102 Code

The tmp102 example retrieves temperature data from the TMP102 and converts it to degrees Celsius for output to the debug console. This particular example is worth a careful look because it introduces the I2C hardware protocol, which is used in a vast number of sensors. I2C is a serial protocol for connecting multiple devices to a single two-wire bus.

Once you learn the fundamentals of working with I2C in JavaScript, you can often quickly write the code to communicate with a new sensor based on a review of the hardware datasheet or a sample implementation, such as an Arduino sketch. An alternative method, using the SMBus subset of I2C, is discussed in the next section. Understanding how to use I2C and SMBus will enable you to explore the many options of a huge array of available sensors.

Note that this chapter introduces many, but not all, of the capabilities of the TMP102. The datasheet is the best way to learn about the capabilities of any sensor. Further reading on the TMP102 shows that it includes features designed for use in thermostats, for example.

One of the features that make I2C popular is that, because it’s a bus, it allows several different sensors to be connected to the same two microcontroller pins. Each sensor has a unique address, enabling them to be accessed independently. Using a bus for this hardware protocol reduces the total number of pins needed to connect multiple sensors, which is valuable because often the number of available pins is limited.

The I2C class provides access to the I2C bus connected to a pair of pins:
import I2C from "pins/i2c";
The tmp102 example creates an instance of the I2C class. The dictionary passed to the constructor contains the I2C address of the target device. You can include pin numbers in the dictionary by specifying sda and scl properties; this example uses the default pins for the target device and therefore does not specify pin numbers in the dictionary. The default pin numbers for the ESP32 or ESP8266 match the wiring in the preceding diagrams. The address of the board, 0x48, is specified in the TMP102 schematic.
let sensor = new I2C({address: 0x48});
This instance of the I2C class can now access the sensor on the I2C bus at address 0x48. The TMP102 maintains four 16-bit registers, which are accessed over I2C using reads and writes. The registers are shown in Table 6-11. (See also Tables 1 and 2 of the TMP102 datasheet.)
Table 6-11

TMP102 registers

Register #

Register Name




Read the most recent temperature



Read or set options for temperature conversion rate, power management, and so on



Read or set the low temperature when using the built-in comparator



Read or set the high temperature when using the built-in comparator

To read or write to a register, you first write the target register number to the device. Once that’s complete, you read or write the register value. The example reads the temperature (register 0), so it first writes the value 0 to the sensor and then reads two bytes.
let value = sensor.read(2);

The read method returns the bytes in a Uint8Array instance named value. It can read up to 40 bytes from the target device, although most I2C reads are just a few bytes.

Of the two bytes read, the first is the most significant byte. The second byte, the least significant, has the low 4 bits set to 0, giving a resolution of 12 bits. The following line of the code combines the two bytes in the value array into a 12-bit integer value:
value = (value[0] << 4) | (value[1] >> 4);
This value is in the format described in Table 5 of the TMP102 datasheet. Negative values are represented in two’s complement format. If the first bit of value is 1, the temperature is below 0°C, requiring additional calculations (Listing 6-10) to generate the correct negative value.
if (value & 0x800) {
    value -= 1;
    value = ~value & 0xFFF;
    value = -value;

Listing 6-10.

The final step is to convert the value to degrees Celsius and trace it to the debug console. Because there are 12 bits of total resolution and 4 of those bits are used for the fractional part of the value, the TMP102 provides temperature values accurate to within 0.0625°C. The accurate range of temperature readings is from –55°C to +128°C.
value /= 16;
trace(`Celsius temperature: ${value} `);

Using SMBus

The System Management Bus, or SMBus , protocol is built on top of I2C. It uses a subset of the methods defined by I2C to formalize a convention used by many register-based I2C devices, including the TMP102. As mentioned previously, the TMP102 uses four registers to read and write values between the sensor and the microcontroller. To read from or write to a register, you first send the register number, then send the read or write command.

You can use I2C to communicate with SMBus devices as you did earlier, but since SMBus devices are quite common the Moddable SDK includes an SMBus class for convenience:
import SMBus from "pins/smbus";
The SMBus class is a subclass of the I2C class, and its constructor accepts the same dictionary arguments. SMBus adds additional calls to I2C to read and write registers directly. In the tmp102 example, using I2C directly to read a register requires two calls: a write to set the register to read and then the actual read. SMBus combines these two calls into a single readWord call.
let sensor = new SMBus({address: 0x48});
let value = sensor.readWord(TEMPERATURE_REG, true) >> 4;

The readWord method takes two arguments: first the register to read and then true if the two bytes are in big-endian order or false if little-endian (the default). Because the first byte returned here is the most significant byte, the value is big-endian, so the second argument is true. Since the two bytes have already been combined into an integer, all that remains is to shift right by 4 bits to generate the 12-bit value.

The SMBus class provides readByte to read a single byte and readBlock to read a specified number of bytes. It also provides the corresponding write methods writeByte, writeWord, and writeBlock.

Configuring the TMP102

The TMP102 is able to support a variety of configuration options because it communicates over I2C, a flexible and extensible hardware protocol. This section discusses four such options.

Note that to simplify the code, the examples in this section use the SMBus subclass of I2C instead of I2C directly.

Reading Higher Temperatures with Extended Mode

The TMP102 can measure temperatures up to 150°C, but to do so requires increasing the resolution from the default of 12 bits to 13 bits, which is done by enabling extended mode. This mode, like most of the options of the TMP102, is controlled by the 16-bit configuration register, which is register 1. To enable extended mode, you set the EM bit in the configuration register to 1.

Because the configuration register controls many options, to avoid unintentionally changing an option the code (Listing 6-11) first reads the current value of the configuration register, then sets the EM bit, and finally writes the value back.
const EM_MASK = 0b0000_0000_0001_0000;
let configuration = sensor.readWord(CONFIGURATION_REG, true);
sensor.writeWord(CONFIGURATION_REG, configuration | EM_MASK,

Listing 6-11.

In your own IoT product, you may already know the value of the configuration register, without needing to read it. In that case, you can set it directly, without the initial read.

With extended mode enabled, the temperature register returns 13-bit values instead of 12-bit values, which requires a small adjustment in the calculations of the Celsius degrees. In the SMBus version, the right shift value changes from 4 to 3 and the calculations for negative numbers change. Listing 6-12 shows the modified code.
let sensor = new SMBus({address: 0x48});
let configuration = sensor.readWord(CONFIGURATION_REG, true);
sensor.writeWord(CONFIGURATION_REG, configuration | EM_MASK,
let value = sensor.readWord(TEMPERATURE_REG, true) >> 3;
if (value & 0x1000) {
    value -= 1;
    value = ~value & 0x1FFF;
    value = -value;
value /= 16;
trace(`Celsius temperature: ${value} `);

Listing 6-12.

Setting the Conversion Rate

The conversion rate is the number of times a second the TMP102 completes a temperature measurement and updates the value in the temperature register. The TMP102 takes about 26 milliseconds to complete a temperature measurement. By default, the conversion rate is four times per second. During the 224 milliseconds between when a reading has been taken and the next reading is begun, the TMP102 enters a low power mode, reducing energy consumption by about 94%, from 40 μA to 2.2 μA.

Knowing the conversion rate is important to your application. If you read the temperature from the sensor more frequently than it’s updated, you receive the same value, using limited CPU cycles unnecessarily. On the other hand, if the sensor is performing temperature readings more frequently than your application requires, it’s using more energy than needed, as it generates readings that go unused.

The conversion rate is controlled by 2 bits in the configuration register, so it has four possible values, as shown here (and in Table 8 of the datasheet):
  • 00 – once every 4 seconds (0.25 Hz)

  • 01 – once per second (1 Hz)

  • 10 – four times per second (4 Hz, the default)

  • 11 – eight times per second (8 Hz)

The code in Listing 6-13 sets the conversion rate to eight times per second.
const CONVERSION_RATE_MASK = 0b0000_0000_1100_0000;
let configuration = sensor.readWord(CONFIGURATION_REG, true);
configuration &= ~CONVERSION_RATE_MASK;
        configuration | (0b11 << CONVERSION_RATE_SHIFT), true);

Listing 6-13.

Saving Energy with Shutdown Mode

Reducing the frequency of temperature conversions saves energy. However, the lowest frequency is still one conversion every 4 seconds, which may be more often than your IoT product requires. The TMP102 provides shutdown mode, which completely disables the temperature conversion hardware, reducing energy consumption to 0.5 μA. Your application can enter shutdown mode in the interval between readings and then reenable the conversion.

The code in Listing 6-14 enters shutdown mode by setting the shutdown mode bit in the configuration register.
const SHUTDOWN_MODE_MASK = 0b0000_0001_0000_0000;
let configuration = sensor.readWord(CONFIGURATION_REG, true);
                 configuration | SHUTDOWN_MODE_MASK, true);

Listing 6-14.

Exiting shutdown mode is similar to entering but clears the shutdown mode bit instead of setting it:
let configuration = sensor.readWord(CONFIGURATION_REG, true);
                 configuration & ~SHUTDOWN_MODE_MASK, true);
One important detail to keep in mind when exiting shutdown mode is that because conversions take about 26 milliseconds, reading the temperature register immediately after exiting shutdown mode returns a stale value. To wait for a fresh temperature reading to be completed without blocking execution, use a timer, as shown in Listing 6-15.
Timer.set(() => {
    let value = sensor.readWord(TEMPERATURE_REG);
    // Perform conversion to Celsius as before
}, 27);

Listing 6-15.

Taking One-Shot Temperature Readings
Up to this point, you’ve configured the TMP102 sensor to continuously take temperature readings at a regular interval. The TMP102 also supports one-shot mode, for taking just one reading (see Listing 6-16). The one-shot feature is available only when the device is in shutdown mode, and once the reading is complete the TMP102 returns to the shutdown state. This makes it the most energy-efficient way to take infrequent readings—for example, if your product takes readings once an hour or only in response to a button press by the user.
const ONESHOT_MODE_MASK = 0b1000_0000_0000_0000;
let configuration = sensor.readWord(CONFIGURATION_REG, true);
                 configuration | ONESHOT_MODE_MASK, true);

Listing 6-16.

After enabling one-shot mode, you need to wait for a reading to be ready—about 26 milliseconds. Rather than wait a fixed interval, however, you can use a special feature of one-shot mode that lets you know when a reading is ready. This is important because the actual time needed to take a reading varies depending on the current temperature. After you set the one-shot bit to 1 in the configuration register, you poll that same bit to know when a new reading is ready; the TMP102 returns 0 while the temperature reading is taking place and 1 when the reading is available. Listing 6-17 shows the code that waits for the reading to be ready.
while (true) {
    let configuration = sensor.readWord(CONFIGURATION_REG, true);
    if (configuration & ONESHOT_MODE_MASK)
// new temperature reading now available

Listing 6-17.

The preceding code blocks execution while waiting for the temperature reading. This is acceptable for some products but not for others. To perform non-blocking polling, use a timer (Listing 6-18).
Timer.repeat(id => {
    let configuration = sensor.readWord(CONFIGURATION_REG, true);
    if (!(configuration & ONESHOT_MODE_MASK))
    // new temperature reading now available
}, 1);

Listing 6-18.

One-shot mode has another interesting use. Since reading a temperature takes about 26 milliseconds, in theory about 38 readings may be taken per second. However, recall that the maximum conversion rate supported by the configuration register is eight times per second. Using continuous, back-to-back one-shot readings enables temperature readings to be taken as quickly as the hardware supports, which is valuable for situations where you want to precisely capture how the temperature changes over time.


Now that you understand the basics of some hardware protocols and know how to interact with some sensors and actuators, there’s a lot you can do to make the simple examples provided more interesting. For example, you could make actuators respond to the input from sensors, or take what you learned in Chapter 3 about communicating with cloud services and use it to stream data from your sensors to the cloud. In Chapters 8, 9, and 10, you’ll learn how to work with a touch screen, which is great for displaying sensor data and building user interfaces that work with hardware.

Countless other sensors and actuators are available online and in electronics stores. This chapter used some from SparkFun and Adafruit, both of which are excellent resources for beginners to electronics. In addition to offering many sensors and actuators and their datasheets, they also provide tutorials for many of their products, which are helpful starting points for writing your own JavaScript modules to interact with them.

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