Using other JBoss project technologies

We've discussed several times in this book how JBoss ESB enables you to re-use existing code by creating services that "plug" into the ESB instead of having to reinvent the wheel in your applications. JBoss ESB's integrations with other JBoss technologies serve a similar role in that they enable your services to take advantage of the unique capabilities provided by these technologies, without your having to recreate those capabilities in your own code.

JBoss Drools and rules-based services

What do we mean when we talk about "rules-based" programming?

Rules-based programming involves defining decision points that are controlled by rules. This is similar to other types of programming, but what makes rules-based programming different is that you separate the rules-related decision points from other programming logic. This may sound like a hair-splitting difference, but it's a big deal because:

  • By separating these rules from your application's business logic code, you can enable your programmers to concentrate on the code and your business process people, who are probably not programmers, to concentrate on the business process rules. This separation makes the development, and equally importantly, the maintenance over time of the whole application easier.
  • Additionally, while it is possible for you to hand code all the rules-handling code yourself (are you getting a mental picture of lots of very big nested if-then-else statements yet?), a dedicated rules engine that can process rules-based programs is going to be able execute rules more efficiently. This means that your rules-based application will not only be easier to maintain, it will also run faster.

All of which leads s to JBoss Drools. (

Drools is sometimes thought of as a rules-based programming language and runtime engine, but it's really more than that. Drools is a unified and fully integrated solution for Business Rules, Business Processes Management, Task Planning, and Event Processing . The JBoss Drools project is organized into sub-projects, each of which handles one technology. The Drools "Expert" sub-project covers the rules-based programming that you can use in the JBoss ESB-Drools integration. The Expert sub-project includes the Rules API, the Rules engine, and Eclipse-based editing and debugging tools.

Now, don't panic! Just because the sub-project's name is "Expert" doesn't mean that you have to be an expert to learn how to program in Drools. What does a Drools rule look like? Let' take a look at a rule.

Rules are written in the Drools Rule Language. The file extension for a Drools rule file is .drl This language is generic in nature, so that it can handle rules for a large variety of applications. This rules language can also be extended to handle specific types of rules applications such as accounting, medical, and so on. These extensions are referred to as Domain Specific Languages (DSL).

Now, every rule follows a basic form. There's a left-hand side (LHS) and a right-hand side (RHS). The left side defines the when clause, in other words the condition that causes the rule to execute. And, the right side defines the then, in other words, the consequences of the rule being executed. Here's a simple example of a rule:

            rule "a simple rule" 
                when (LHS)
                     you need a rules-based app
                then (RHS)
                    build it with JBossDrools!

Just like any other programming language, in order for a rule to do something useful, it needs access to information to process. How does a rule access information? Through Drools' working memory. The way it works is that information in the form of Java beans is loaded into working memory. Drools refers to these beans as "facts"—since in the real world your memory is full of facts too. Facts are typically packaged and distributed in Java jar files. By using Java beans as facts, Drools is able to access the data elements in facts through the beans' getter and setter methods.

When and if a rule is executed depends on the state of things in working memory. Changes in working memory resulting from facts being inserted into working memory, changing or being updated in working memory, or being removed from working memory, can cause the rules' when conditions to become true and the result in one or more rules being executed.

The determination as to when a rule is executed is a major difference between rules-based programming in Drools and procedural programming. How does Drools decide which rule to run first when conditions in working memory satisfy multiple rules' LHS conditions? The Drools rules runtime engine does not decide which rules to run based on a hard-coded sequence of rules. What the rules engine does instead is it adds each rule with a matching condition rule to its "agenda" of rules to run. If the agenda includes more than one rule, then the rules engine has to perform conflict resolution on the rules to decide on the sequence in which the rules should be run. The rules engine performs this conflict resolution based on a combation of factors including:

  • How often the rule has fired in the past. If the rule has been run many times in the past, then it is likely that it should be run often in the future too.
  • The rule's complexity. If a rule is more complex, then the rule engine is more likely to consider applying it to the current condition.
  • The order in which the rules were loaded into working memory.
  • The salience of the rule. You define a Rule's salience (importance) as a property and assign it a numeric value when you write a rule.
  • Invoking rules from a JBoss ESB service in the SOA platform, more recent rules are given precedence.

The JBoss ESB-Drools integration enables you to access rules from your service's actions. There are two JBoss ESB classes that support this:

  • org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.BusinessRulesProcessor
  • org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.DroolsRuleService

The BusinessRuleProcessor (this is sometimes referred to as "BRP") class uses rules loaded from rules files. This works well for relatively simple rules services. But, loading lots of rules from lots of files can be hard to maintain and makes for inefficient processing.

This service uses the RuleAgent class (org.drools.agent.RuleAgent) to either access packages of rules from files, or, to handle a more complex environment, where you want to use large numbers of complex rules services, and hundreds or even thousands of rules, DroolsRuleService is the better choice. In a large scale implementation such as this, you would not keep the rules in a correspondingly large number of standalone files. Instead, you would use a Business Rules Management System (BRMS) such as Drools Guvnor (

Guvnor makes it easier to handle a production environment and a large number of rules (and large numbers of people writing rules) by implementing a central repository (backed by a database) for rules, with a web-based rules authoring interface that provides import/export/archiving functions, audit trails for changes made to rules, an error log to help debug problems, automated test development and execution, rule status tracking, and version control. Guvnor makes it easier for business rules expert non-programmers to create rules and for administrators to maintain large numbers of rules and manage multiple users.

Here's what Guvnor looks like:

JBoss Drools and rules-based services

JBoss ESB supports rules services that are either stateless or stateful. In the stateless model, messages sent to the services contain all the facts to be inserted into the rules engine's working memory, before the rules are executed. In the stateful model, where the execution of the rules may take place in a session over an extended time period, several messages may be sent to a rule service, and the rules may fire and update either the message or the facts until a final message causes the service to end the session.

To see the JBoss ESB-Drools integration in action, take a look at any of the quickstarts whose names begin with "business_ruleservice" or review the JBoss ESB-Drools integration in the JBoss ESB Programmers' guide:

In the business_rules_service JBoss ESB quickstart, a business order placement system is simulated. Part of this system assigns a sales discount percentage to incoming customer orders, customer status (gold, platinum, and so on) and order priority.

The action that invokes the rules processor looks like this:

<action class="org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.BusinessRulesProcessor"
  <property name="ruleSet" value="MyBusinessRules.drl" />
  <property name="ruleReload" value="true" />
  <property name="object-paths">
    <object-path esb="body.orderHeader" />
    <object-path esb="body.customer" />

Here's a fragment of the rules file (MyBusinessRules.drl) that is referenced in the action. Note that the salience value of the logging rule is lower than that of the customer order processing rules (as order processing is more time critical than logging). Also note how using Drools enables you to move the business process rules definitions out of your application programs and into a separate rules file.

The syntax of the rules follow the when/then model we discussed previously. The net result of the execution of these rules is to define the appropriate customer discount based on the customer status and order priority included in the messages processed by the ESB services.

rule "Logging"
salience 10
   order: OrderHeader()
   customer: Customer()
   System.out.println("Customer Status: " + customer.getStatus());
   System.out.println("Order Total: " + order.getTotalAmount());

rule "Customer Platinum Status"
salience 20
    customer: Customer(status > 50)
    order: OrderHeader(orderPriority == 3)
    System.out.println("Platinum Customer - High Priority -Higher discount");

rule "Customer Gold Status"
salience 20
    customer: Customer(status > 10, status <= 50)
    order: OrderHeader(orderPriority == 2)
    System.out.println("Gold Customer - Medium Priority - discount ");

JBoss Riftsaw and BPEL services

JBoss ESB's support for web services is described in detail in Chapter 8. This support is augmented by the JBoss ESB integration with the JBoss' open source BPEL engine, RiftSaw ( RiftSaw enables you to integrate BPEL processes (which are exposed as web services).

There are a couple of set-up tasks that you have to perform before you can use Riftsaw with JBoss ESB, they are:

  • Install RiftSaw and deploy it to your JBoss AS Server
  • Install the BPEL Process Editor into JBDS

Let's install RiftSaw first. To do this, follow these steps: the entire set-up process is documented in the RiftSaw Getting Started Guide (—we're covering the steps that will work for the JBoss AS server and JBoss ESB installation used throughout the book.

  1. Create a directory where you can build RiftSaw, and set it as the current working directory:
    cd /opt/local; mkdir riftsaw ; cd riftsaw
  2. Download the RiftSaw 2.3.0 source from:

  3. Unzip the source file:
  4. Change your current working directory to the RiftSaw installation directory:
    cd /opt/local/riftsaw-2.0-SNAPSHOT/install
  5. Build RiftSaw:
    mvn clean install -P docs
  6. Edit the RiftSaw file and set org.jboss.esb.server.home=/opt/local/jboss-5.1.0.GA and org.jboss.esb.home=/opt/local/jbossesb-4.10.
  7. Stop the AS server.
  8. Deploy RiftSaw:
    ant deploy
  9. Restart the AS server.
  10. Finally, you should see the RiftSaw quickstarts were installed into /jboss/local/riftsaw/riftsaw-2.3.0.Final/samples/

Next, you shold install the BPEL Process Editor into JBDS.

Strictly speaking, installing the BPEL editor is an optional step, but it's a tool that will make your life a lot easier (Easier than trying to create and maintain BPEL process definitions by editing raw XML, that is). The tool is a visual editor for BPEL processes. It's not installed into the default JBDS download, but it's easy (and of course, it's also free) to install it. The installation steps are as follows:

  1. Open up JBDS and select Help | Install New Software, then select Available Sites and then JBoss Developer Studio 4.0 Extras -
    JBoss Riftsaw and BPEL services
  2. Then select the BPEL editor:
    JBoss Riftsaw and BPEL services

    The editor displays and nables you to edit BPEL process files graphically:

    JBoss Riftsaw and BPEL services

Note that the JBoss ESB-RiftSaw integration is similar to the JBoss ESB-JBPM integration (explained in a different section of this appendix), with one important difference. When we're dealing with BPEL, which means dealing with web services, all communication is synchronous and follows a request-response pattern. This makes the RiftSaw-JBoss ESB integration simpler than the corresponding JBPM-JBoss ESB integration in that just one message exchange pattern (MEP) is supported. The JBoss ESB-RiftSaw integration supports two types of operations:

  • Orchestrating ESB services from BPEL in Riftsaw to the ESB: "Orchestration"? What's orchestration? Sorry, it's another term that's become a buzzword. Orchestration got its name as it is similar to the way that an orchestra conductor leads and directs the members of the orchestra. In contrast, "choreography" refers to programs or processes operating as equal partners, just like a well-rehearsed dance team. In the context of JBoss ESB and RiftSaw, "orchestration" refers to an integration of multiple computer programs or software processes, where the programs do not operate as co-equal peers, but rather one of them directs the operation of the other. Orchestration enables a BPEL process to combine with JBoss ESB services, but maintain control over the combination of services and the process.

    Orchestration with RiftSaw is actually very simple as from the ESB's point of view, the BPEL process is just another web service. This means that the ESB is able to receive messages from a RiftSaw BPEL process just as it would from any other web service.

  • Making calls from the ESB to a RiftSaw BPEL process definition: There are two ways to do this, as follows:
    • First, as we just mentioned, as far as JBoss ESB is concerned, a RiftSaw BPEL process is a web service. Accordingly, a JBoss ESB service can just invoke a RiftSaw BPEL process just like any other web service that exposes a WSDL definition.
    • Second, JBoss ESB includes an OOTB action that is used to directly invoke a RiftSaw BPEL process. The org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.bpel.BPELInvoke OOTB action can be used if RiftSaw is running in the same Java VM as the JBoss ESB and if the BPEL process to be invoked is also deployed to the local RiftSaw instance. In addition, the BPELInvoke action lets you specify not just the RiftSaw process to be invoked, but also the specific operation that you want to execute within that process.

In the esb_helloworld quickstart, the following action invokes the BPEL process: Remember, that as far as the ESB is concerned, the BPEL process is just another web service that is accessed through its WSDL.

<action name="action2"
  <property name="service" value="{}HelloService"/>
  <property name="operation" value="hello" />
  <property name="requestPartName" value="TestPart" />
  <property name="responsePartName" value="TestPart" />

And, here's the corresponding service definition in the WSDL:

<wsdl:service name="HelloService">
  <wsdl:port name="HelloPort" binding="tns:HelloSoapBinding">
    <soap:address location="http://localhost:8080/Quickstart_bpel_hello_worldWS"/>

JBoss jBPM and Business Process Management

Just as "middleware" can be a confusing term, "Business Process Management (BPM)" can also be an overused and misunderstood term. What it really comes down to is a systematic approach to defining, reviewing, and ultimately making business processes more effective. One of JBoss ESB's most powerful integrations is with JBoss jBPM. This integration enables you to connect your business processes to ESB services.

Before we describe this integration, how it works, and how you can use it, we have to be certain that we understand the definition of a "business process". In the context of Business Process Management, a process is not an active, executing program or application. We're talking about the process by which your business performs operations to fulfill a business requirement. For example, a business process can define the tasks that a business performs to execute a retail sale, request that a credit account be opened, restock a supply warehouse, or send bills to customers. The means that your business uses to perform these tasks can be manual, mechanical, involve software, or be a combination of all these approaches.

jBPM is the JBoss open source BPM framework. jBPM provides an Eclipse-based development environment, an administrative console, and a workflow management system. In jBPM, processes are defined in a Java-like Process Definition Language (jPDL). The jBPM development also includes a Graphical Process Design tool (GPD) that enables you to design your processes visually. Note that the process has a start and an end, references to multiple services, and transitions between states, based on the results of operations, including conditional operations.

JBoss jBPM and Business Process Management

Finally, since a business process can be "long-running", where humans and computers often have to wait for something to happen (such as waiting for a credit application to be approved), jBPM includes a process engine runtime (this must be deployed to an application server) that is able to maintain a process state (in a database) while it runs and wais.

The JBoss ESB-jBPM integration supports two types of operations:

  • Calling a jBPM process from an ESB service
  • Orchestrating ESB services from a jBPM process

Orchestration enables a jBPM process to combine with JBoss ESB services, but maintain control over the combination of services and the process.

To see the JBoss ESB-jBPM integration in action, take a look at any of the quickstarts whose names begin with "bpm" or review the JBoss ESB-jBPM integration in the JBoss ESB Programmers' guide:

Calling a jBPM process from a JBoss ESB service uses the action. Under the covers, this action uses the jBPM command API to execute three possible operations:

  • NewProcessInstanceCommand: This creates a new ProcessInstance using a process definition that has already been deployed to jBPM. The process instance is left in the start state so that tasks referenced by the start node are executed.
  • StartProcessInstanceCommand: This is the same as NewProcessInstanceCommand, except that the process instance that is created is moved from the start position to the first node in the process graph.
  • CancelProcessInstanceCommand: This cancels a process instance.

All of these operations require ESB action attributes such as a process ID to be defined. The action definitions that call the jBPM process can also specify additional information in action configuration properties. For example, the esbToBpmVars property defines the variables that are to be extracted from the message from the ESB and set in the jBPM context.

In the bpm_orchestration2 JBoss ESB quickstart, a jBPM process is used to simulate a sales order processing system. The following action is used to start a new jBPM process (after that process has been previously deployed), to pass the process variables, and to map these variables from information extracted from the messages the JBoss ESB service processes to the jBPM process variables:

<action name="start_a_new_process_instance" 
  <property name="command" value="StartProcessInstanceCommand" />
  <property name="process-definition-name"
  <property name="esbToBpmVars">
    <mapping esb="eVar1" bpm="counter"  value="45" />
    <mapping esb="BODY_CONTENT" bpm="theBody" />
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