Time for action – downloading and installing JBoss AS

Follow these steps to download and install JBoss AS release 5.1.0.GA:

  1. Go to the following page: http://www.jboss.org/jbossas/downloads. Go to Projects | Servers | Application Server. Click on Download, and you should reach the following page:
    Time for action – downloading and installing JBoss AS
  2. Scroll down and select 5.1.0.
    Time for action – downloading and installing JBoss AS
  3. When the download is finished, move the jboss-5.1.0.GA.zip file to the directory where you want to install and run the server. For the remainder of the book, we'll use the /opt directory.
  4. Unzip the jboss-5.1.0.GA-jdk6.zip file. Unzipping the file will create a directory named jboss-5.1.0.GA-jdk6. Under this directory, you'll see the following directories:
    • conf: Configuration files are stored here.
    • data*: Information used by the server, such as references to deployed service endpoints are stored here.
    • deploy: We've already seen this directory, this is where deployed archives are kept.
    • deployers: These are the deployer binaries that initialize the deployed archives and services.
    • deploy-hasingleton: You're probably already noticing files with a prefix of "ha". In this context, "ha" indicates "high availability". In other words, something to do with running your server and applications in a cluster. A clustered singleton service is deployed to servers in a cluster, but is only available on one of those servers. These "ha-singleton" services are deployed in this directory.
    • farm: The clustered services that are available on multiple servers in a cluster are deployed in this directory.
    • lib: The server's .jar files are kept here.
    • log*: The logs are kept here.
    • tmp* and work*: Temporary files used by the server are kept in these directories.
  5. In a terminal/shell window, go to that directory, and then the bin sub-directory, and execute run.sh. (Note that on Windows, you would execute a file named run.bat in the same directory.) The server will start up and write logging information to the screen. When you see a message that looks like this, then the server is up and running:
    19:52:22,708 INFO  [ServerImpl] JBoss (Microcontainer) [5.1.0.GA (build: SVNTag=JBoss_5_1_0_GA date=200905221634)] Started in 44s:251ms
  6. You can check that the server has started successfully by going to http://localhost:8080/. Here you'll see the top-level JBoss AS server page:
    Time for action – downloading and installing JBoss AS


    A complete description of JBoss AS and all its capabilities is beyond the scope of this book. Our primary interest in the server is as a platform where we can deploy JBoss ESB. For additional information on JBoss AS see http://www.jboss.org/jbossas/

  7. Stop the server by pressing Ctrl + C.

What just happened?

As we discussed earlier in this chapter, you don't really "run" a JBoss ESB server. You deploy it to an application server. Therefore, before we could do anything with JBoss ESB, we needed an application server. Based on its wide adoption and its integration with JBoss ESB, we choose JBoss AS as our application server. Now, it's time for us to select a JBoss ESB distribution, download, and install it.

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