
Any book represents the work of a team, not just a single author.

I’d like to thank my husband Dave for his endless work reviewing each draft and helping rein in my prolixity—not to mention putting up with my angst and bellyaching when things didn’t work as expected.

The staff at Maker Media—Liz, Maureen, and especially my editor, Patrick—were ever helpful and patient, putting up with my constant stream of rewrites and trying to work through the various software problems we encountered.

And let’s not forget all the folks who share open source code and libraries. Without them, the Pi Zero W would never light a single LED.

The wiring diagrams in the book were made with Fritzing, a terrific free tool for sharing circuit information ( The images were edited with GIMP, the premiere open source image editing tool. The Fritzing .fzz and GIMP .xcf files are on the book’s GitHub repository,

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