Chapter 14. Role-Based Access Control for Kubernetes

At this point, nearly every Kubernetes cluster you encounter has role-based access control (RBAC) enabled. So you likely have at least partially encountered RBAC before. Perhaps you initially couldn’t access your cluster until you used some magical incantation to add a RoleBinding to map a user to a role. However, even though you may have had some exposure to RBAC, you may not have had a great deal of experience understanding RBAC in Kubernetes, what it is for, and how to use it successfully. That is the subject of this chapter.

RBAC was introduced into Kubernetes with version 1.5 and became generally available in Kubernetes 1.8. Role-based access control provides a mechanism for restricting both access to and actions on Kubernetes APIs to ensure that only appropriate users have access to APIs in the cluster. RBAC is a critical component to both harden access to the Kubernetes cluster where you are deploying your application and (possibly more importantly) prevent unexpected accidents where one person in the wrong namespace mistakenly takes down production when they think they are destroying their test cluster.


Multitenant security in Kubernetes is a complex, multifaceted topic worthy of its own volume. While RBAC can be quite useful in limiting access to the Kubernetes API, it’s important to remember that anyone who can run arbitrary code inside the Kubernetes cluster can effectively obtain root privileges on the entire cluster. There are approaches that you can take to make such attacks harder and more expensive, and a correct RBAC setup is part of this defense. But if you are focused on hostile multitenant security, do not believe that RBAC by itself is sufficient to protect you. You must isolate the Pods running in your cluster to provide effective multi-tenant security. Generally this is done with a hypervisor isolated container, or some sort of container sandbox, or both.

Before we dive into the details of RBAC in Kubernetes, it’s valuable to have a high-level understanding of RBAC as a concept, as well as authentication and authorization more generally.

Every request to Kubernetes is first authenticated. Authentication provides the identity of the caller issuing the request. It could be as simple as saying that the request is unauthenticated, or it could integrate deeply with a pluggable authentication provider (e.g., Azure Active Directory) to establish an identity within that third-party system. Interestingly enough, Kubernetes does not have a built-in identity store, focusing instead on integrating other identity sources within itself.

Once users have been properly identified, the authorization phase determines whether they are authorized to perform the request. Authorization is a combination of the identity of the user, the resource (effectively the HTTP path), and the verb or action the user is attempting to perform. If the particular user is authorized for performing that action on that resource, then the request is allowed to proceed. Otherwise, an HTTP 403 error is returned. More details of this process are given in the following sections.

Role-Based Access Control

To properly manage access in Kubernetes, it’s critical to understand how identity, roles, and role bindings interact to control who can do what with what resources. At first, RBAC can seem like a challenge to understand, with a series of interconnected, abstract concepts; but once understood, managing cluster access is straightforward and safe.

Identity in Kubernetes

Every request that comes to Kubernetes is associated with some identity. Even a request with no identity is associated with the system:unauthenticated group. Kubernetes makes a distinction between user identities and service account identities. Service accounts are created and managed by Kubernetes itself and are generally associated with components running inside the cluster. User accounts are all other accounts associated with actual users of the cluster, and often include automation like continuous delivery as a service that runs outside of the cluster.

Kubernetes uses a generic interface for authentication providers. Each of the providers supplies a username and optionally the set of groups to which the user belongs.

Kubernetes supports a number of different authentication providers, including:

  • HTTP Basic Authentication (largely deprecated)

  • x509 client certificates

  • Static token files on the host

  • Cloud authentication providers like Azure Active Directory and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)

  • Authentication webhooks

While most managed Kubernetes installations configure authentication for you, if you are deploying your own authentication you will need to configure flags on the Kubernetes API server appropriately.

Understanding Roles and Role Bindings

Identity is just the beginning of authorization in Kubernetes. Once the system knows the identity of the request, it needs to determine if the request is authorized for that user. To achieve this, it uses the general concept of roles and role bindings.

A role is a set of abstract capabilities. For example, the appdev role might represent the ability to create Pods and services. A role binding is an assignment of a role to one or more identities. Thus, binding the appdev role to the user identity alice indicates that Alice has the ability to create Pods and services.

Roles and Role Bindings in Kubernetes

In Kubernetes there are two pairs of related resources that represent roles and role bindings. One pair applies to just a namespace (Role and RoleBinding) while the other pair applies across the cluster (ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding).

Let’s examine Role and RoleBinding first. Role resources are namespaced, and represent capabilities within that single namespace. You cannot use namespaced roles for non-namespaced resources (e.g., CustomResourceDefinitions), and binding a RoleBinding to a role only provides authorization within the Kubernetes namespace that contains both the Role and the RoleDefinition.

As a concrete example, here is a simple role that gives an identity the ability to create and modify Pods and services:

kind: Role
  namespace: default
  name: pod-and-services
- apiGroups: [""]
  resources: ["pods", "services"]
  verbs: ["create", "delete", "get", "list", "patch", "update", "watch"]

To bind this Role to the user alice, we need to create a RoleBinding that looks as follows. This role binding also binds the group mydevs to the same role:

kind: RoleBinding
  namespace: default
  name: pods-and-services
- apiGroup:
  kind: User
  name: alice
- apiGroup:
  kind: Group
  name: mydevs
  kind: Role
  name: pod-and-services

Of course, sometimes you want to create a role that applies to the entire cluster, or you want to limit access to cluster-level resources. To achieve this, you use the ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding resources. They are largely identical to their namespaced peers, but with larger scope.

Verbs for Kubernetes roles

Roles are defined in terms of both a resource (e.g., “Pods”) and a verb that describes an action that can be performed on that resource. The verbs correspond roughly to HTTP methods. The commonly used verbs in Kubernetes RBAC are listed in Table 14-1.

Table 14-1. Common Kubernetes RBAC verbs
Verb HTTP method Description



Create a new resource.



Delete an existing resource.



Get a resource.



List a collection of resources.



Modify an existing resource via a partial change.



Modify an existing resource via a complete object.



Watch for streaming updates to a resource.



Connect to resource via a streaming WebSocket proxy.

Using built-in roles

Of course, designing your own roles can be complicated and time-consuming. Furthermore, Kubernetes has a large number of well-known system identities (e.g., a scheduler) that require a known set of capabilities. Consequently, Kubernetes has a large number of built-in cluster roles. You can view these by running:

$ kubectl get clusterroles

While most of these built-in roles are for system utilities, four are designed for generic end users:

  • The cluster-admin role provides complete access to the entire cluster.

  • The admin role provides complete access to a complete namespace.

  • The edit role allows an end user to modify things in a namespace.

  • The view role allows for read-only access to a namespace.

Most clusters already have numerous ClusterRole bindings set up, and you can view these bindings with kubectl get clusterrolebindings.

Auto-reconciliation of built-in roles

When the Kubernetes API server starts up, it automatically installs a number of default ClusterRoles that are defined in the code of the API server itself. This means that if you modify any built-in cluster role, those modifications are transient. Whenever the API server is restarted (e.g., for an upgrade) your changes will be overwritten.

To prevent this from happening, before you make any other modifications you need to add the annotation with a value of false to the built-in ClusterRole resource. If this annotation is set to false, the API server will not overwrite the modified ClusterRole resource.


By default, the Kubernetes API server installs a cluster role that allows system:unauthenticated users access to the API server’s API discovery endpoint. For any cluster exposed to a hostile environment (e.g., the public internet) this is a bad idea, and there has been at least one serious security vulnerability via this exposure. Consequently, if you are running a Kubernetes service on the public internet or an other hostile environment, you should ensure that the --anonymous-auth=false flag is set on your API server.

Techniques for Managing RBAC

Managing RBAC for a cluster can be complicated and frustrating. Possibly more concerning is that misconfigured RBAC can lead to security issues. Fortunately, there are several tools and techniques that make managing RBAC easier.

Testing Authorization with can-i

The first useful tool is the auth can-i command for kubectl. This tool is very useful for testing if a particular user can do a particular action. You can use can-i to validate configuration settings as you configure your cluster, or you can ask users to use the tool to validate their access when filing errors or bug reports.

In its simplest usage, the can-i command takes a verb and a resource.

For example, this command will indicate if the current kubectl user is authorized to create Pods:

$ kubectl auth can-i create pods

You can also test subresources like logs or port forwarding with the --subresource command-line flag:

$ kubectl auth can-i get pods --subresource=logs

Managing RBAC in Source Control

Like all resources in Kubernetes, RBAC resources are modeled using JSON or YAML. Given this text-based representation it makes sense to store these resources in version control. Indeed, the strong need for audit, accountability, and rollback for changes to RBAC policy means that version control for RBAC resources is essential.

Fortunately, the kubectl command-line tool comes with a reconcile command that operates somewhat like kubectl apply and will reconcile a text-based set of roles and role bindings with the current state of the cluster.

You can run:

$ kubectl auth reconcile -f some-rbac-config.yaml

and the data in the file will be reconciled with the cluster. If you want to see changes before they are made, you can add the --dry-run flag to the command to print but not submit the changes.

Advanced Topics

Once you orient to the basics of role-based access control it is relatively easy to manage access to a Kubernetes cluster, but when managing a large number of users or roles, there are additional advanced capabilities you can use to manage RBAC at scale.

Aggregating ClusterRoles

Sometimes you want to be able to define roles that are combinations of other roles. One option would be to simply clone all of the rules from one ClusterRole into another ClusterRole, but this is complicated and error-prone, since changes to one ClusterRole aren’t automatically reflected in the other. Instead, Kubernetes RBAC supports the usage of an aggregation rule to combine multiple roles together in a new role. This new role combines all of the capabilities of all of the aggregate roles together, and any changes to any of the constituent subroles will automatically be propogated back into the aggregate role.

Like with all other aggregations or groupings in Kubernetes, the ClusterRoles to be aggregated are specified using label selectors. In this particular case, the aggregationRule field in the ClusterRole resource contains a clusterRoleSelector field, which in turn is a label selector. All ClusterRole resources that match this selector are dynamically aggregated into the rules array in the aggregate ClusterRole resource.

A best practice for managing ClusterRole resources is to create a number of fine-grained cluster roles and then aggregate them together to form higher-level or broadly defined cluster roles. This is how the built-in cluster roles are defined. For example, you can see that the built-in edit role looks like this:

kind: ClusterRole
  name: edit
  - matchLabels: "true"

This means that the edit role is defined to be the aggregate of all ClusterRole objects that have a label of set to true.

Using Groups for Bindings

When managing a large number of people in different organizations with similar access to the cluster, it’s generally a best practice to use groups to manage the roles that define access to the cluster, rather than individually adding bindings to specific identities. When you bind a group to a ClusterRole or a namespace Role, anyone who is a member of that group gains access to the resources and verbs defined by that role. Thus, to enable any individual to gain access to the group’s role, that individual needs to be added to the group.

There are several reasons why using groups is a preferred strategy for managing access at scale. The first is that in any large organization, access to the cluster is defined in terms of the team that someone is part of, rather than their specific identity. For example, someone who is part of the frontend operations team will need access to both view and edit the resources associated with the frontends, while they may only need view/read access to resources associated with the backend. Granting privileges to a group makes the association between the specific team and its capabilities clear. When granting roles to individuals, it’s much harder to clearly understand the appropriate (i.e., minimal) privileges required for each team, especially when an individual may be part of multiple different teams.

Additional benefits of binding roles to groups instead of individuals are simplicity and consistency. When someone joins or leaves a team, it is straightforward to simply add or remove them to or from a group in a single operation. If you instead have to remove a number of different role bindings for their identity, you may either remove too few or too many bindings, resulting in unnecessary access or preventing them from being able to do necessary actions. Additionally, because there is only a single set of group role bindings to maintain, you don’t have to do lots of work to ensure that all team members have the same, consistent set of permissions.

Furthermore, many group systems enable “just in time” (JIT) access such that people are only temporarily added to a group in response to an event (say, a page in the middle of the night) rather than having standing access. This means that you can both audit who had access at any particular time and ensure that, in general, even a compromised identity can’t have access to your production infrastructure.

Finally, in many cases these same groups are used to manage access to other resources, from facilities to documents and machine logins. Thus, using the same groups for access control to Kubernetes dramatically simplifies management.

To bind a group to a ClusterRole you use a Group kind for the subject in the binding:

- apiGroup:
  kind: Group
  name: my-great-groups-name

In Kubernetes, groups are supplied by authentication providers. There is no strong notion of a group within Kubernetes, only that an identity can be part of one or more groups, and those groups can be associated with a Role or ClusterRole via a binding.


When you begin with a small cluster and a small team, it is sufficient to have every member of the team have equivalent access to the cluster. But as teams grow and products become more mission critical, limiting access to parts of the cluster is crucial. In a well-designed cluster, access is limited to the minimal set of people and capabilities needed to efficiently manage the applications in the cluster. Understanding how Kubernetes implements RBAC and how those capabilities can be used to control access to your cluster is important for both developers and cluster administrators. As with building out testing infrastructure, best practice is to set up proper RBAC earlier rather than later. It’s far easier to start with the right foundation than to try to retrofit it later on. Hopefully, the information in this chapter has provided the necessary grounding for adding RBAC to your cluster.

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