Assessment Test

  1. What elements does a Linux distribution bundle that make it unique? Choose all that apply.

    1. Kernel
    2. Applications
    3. User and group accounts
    4. GNU utilities
    5. Package management utility

  2. What graphical interfaces does Linux support? (Choose all that apply.)

    1. macOS
    2. GNOME
    3. KDE Plasma
    4. Metro
    5. Cinnamon

  3. True or false: The Free Software Foundation (FSF) advocates free software, which means they believe you should not have to pay money for software.

  4. Which of the following are open source software licenses? (Choose all that apply.)

    1. MIT
    2. GPL
    3. BSD
    4. Creative Commons
    5. Apache

  5. What are the three common categories for Linux systems?

    1. Embedded
    2. Graphical
    3. Desktop
    4. Industrial
    5. Server

  6. What are some of the recent changes seen in Linux? (Choose all that apply.)

    1. Improvements in the kernel
    2. Improvements in support tools
    3. Creation of new support tools
    4. Creation of new distributions
    5. Payment is now required to install Linux.

  7. Which of the following are software suites that allow you to set up a private cloud using Linux? (Choose all that apply.)

    1. Nextcloud
    2. Zoho
    3. ownCloud
    4. Castero
    5. Kdenlive

  8. True or false: The dpkg and rpm package management utilities are both low-level tools.

  9. True or false: When working in a terminal, the shell prompt often ends in either a dollar sign or a greater-than symbol for ordinary users.

  10. Which of the following commands allow you to search the man pages for the keyword copy? (Choose all that apply.)

    1. apropos copy
    2. man -k copy
    3. whereis copy
    4. whatis copy
    5. locate copy

  11. Which is the current version of the original ext filesystem?

    1. extfs
    2. ext2fs
    3. ext3fs
    4. ext4fs
    5. btrfs

  12. What command(s) display(s) information about the CPU that your Linux system is running on? (Choose all that apply.)

    1. uname -a
    2. lsusb
    3. lspci
    4. lscpu
    5. man cpu

  13. What type of files are typically stored in the /usr folder?

    1. User data files
    2. Configuration files
    3. Critical system files
    4. Noncritical system program and data files
    5. Program library files

  14. Which wildcard character matches any character or set of characters?

    1. *
    2. ?
    3. []
    4. _
    5. -

  15. Which of the following are considered characters that can be used for regular expression matching rules? (Choose all that apply.)

    1. *
    2. []
    3. >
    4. ?
    5. .

  16. Which tar option is used to compress the archive into a tarball using xz compression?

    1. -X
    2. -j
    3. -z
    4. -v
    5. -J

  17. What commands could you use to see if the MySQL database server is currently running on your system? (Choose all that apply.)

    1. ls
    2. ps
    3. top
    4. free
    5. yum

  18. What command-line command displays the overall memory usage on your Linux system?

    1. ps
    2. top
    3. free
    4. ls
    5. yum

  19. Which of the following are text editors you can use at the command line on a text-based tty terminal? (Choose all that apply.)

    1. vi
    2. nano
    3. gedit
    4. Kate
    5. emacs

  20. The first line of a shell script is #!/bin/bash. What does that mean?

    1. The script won’t run on most Linux systems.
    2. The script requires the Bash shell to run.
    3. The script requires the C shell to run.
    4. The script will run on Unix systems.
    5. The script can be run without specifying the full pathname to the script file.

  21. What variable can you use to view the exit status of a script after it completes?

    1. $?
    2. $0
    3. $1
    4. $PATH
    5. $exit

  22. Which of the following typically holds user account passwords on a modern Linux 

    1. /etc/passwd
    2. /bin/bash
    3. /etc/shadow
    4. /etc/group
    5. /sbin/nologin

  23. A(n) _____ account is one that most common users have as their account type.

    1. home
    2. system
    3. administrative
    4. standard
    5. root

  24. When you create a new account with the useradd utility, if you did not set a password with an option the account will be locked. What command should you use with super user privileges to unlock it?

    1. usermod -u username
    2. password username
    3. passwd username
    4. useradd -p password username
    5. unlock username

  25. True or false: When a user account is created, it is automatically assigned a primary group.

  26. Which commands can you use to change the group a file is assigned to? (Choose all that apply.)

    1. chmod
    2. chgrp
    3. chage
    4. chown
    5. groupadd

  27. What command would you use to make the file myfile.txt a hidden file?

    1. chmod 755 myfile.txt
    2. mv myfile.txt ~myfile.txt
    3. cp myfile.txt ./myfile.txt
    4. mv .myfile.txt myfile.txt
    5. mv myfile.txt .myfile.txt

  28. If your Linux server doesn’t have a graphical desktop installed, what two tools could you use to configure network settings from the command line?

    1. nmcli
    2. iwconfig
    3. ip
    4. netstat
    5. ping

  29. What tool allows you to send ICMP messages to a remote host to test network connectivity?

    1. netstat
    2. ifconfig
    3. ping
    4. iwconfig
    5. ss

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