
  • (backslash), expressions, 169
  • ( ) (parentheses), expressions, 170
  • / (slash) character, 152
  • * (asterisk) in expressions, 169
  • # (hash mark) prompt, 5
  • $ (dollar sign) prompt, 5
  • | (bar) strings, 169


  • accounts, 252
    • comment field, 253
    • creating
      • GUI tools, 278–280
      • passwords, 275–277
      • o itfrom shell, 280–282
    • default shell, 254
    • deleting
      • file preservation and, 289
      • GID reuse, 289
      • GUI tools, 290
      • from shell, 291
      • UID reuse, 289
      • userdel command, 291
    • GID (group ID), 253
    • home directories, 253–254
    • id command, 260
    • identifying, 256–258
    • locked, 282
    • login date/time, 261
    • modifying
      • causes, 283
      • GUI tools, 284–286
      • logged-in users, 283–284
      • from shell, 286–288
      • w command, 294
      • who utility, 283
    • network account databases, 258
    • passwords, 253, 275–277
      • salted hash, 254
    • remote host, 261
    • root, 252, 263
      • acquiring privileges, 264–266
      • administrative tasks, 263
      • super user, 263
    • system accounts, 252
    • terminal identifier, 261
    • tools, 259
    • types, 252
    • UIDs (user identification), 253
    • user accounts, 252
    • User and Groups account tool (Mint), 256–257
    • user types, 263–264
    • useradd command, 280–282
    • usernames, 253, 261
  • AD (Active Domains) domains, 258
  • administrative tasks, root account, 263
  • administrator scripts, 245
  • Adobe Reader, 48
  • alpha software, 18
  • Apache, 37, 52
  • Apache HTTPD, 76
  • Apache OpenOffice, 69
  • APM (Apple Partition Map), 128
  • appliances, embedded computers and, 51
  • apropos utility, 100
  • APT (Advanced Package Tool), 200
  • apt-get package tool, 82
  • Aqua, 11
  • Arch, 15
  • archives, 157, 183–184
    • review question answers, 351–352
    • tar program, 183–184
      • commands, 184
      • qualifiers, 184–185
  • arguments, 93, 237
  • ARM (Advanced RISC Machine) processor, 122
  • ASCII (American Code for Information Interchange), 216–217
  • assembly language, 79
  • AT&T, 46
  • Audacity, 69
  • automotive computers, 51
  • AWS (Amazon Web Services), 14, 71
  • Azure (Microsoft), 71


  • background, running programs, 96–97
  • Base (Apache OpenOffice), 69
  • Base (LibreOffice), 69
  • base 8 numbers, 306
  • Bash (Bourne Again Shell), 88
    • editing, 98–99
    • history, 98–99
  • batch files, 234
  • beta software, 18
  • /bin, 149
  • binary code, 11
  • binary digits (bits), 121
  • binary packages, 197
  • BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain), 52
  • bits, 121
  • Blender, 69
  • block devices, 305
  • bounties, 39
  • bracket expressions, 169
  • browsers
    • Chrome, 67
    • Firefox, 67
    • Konqueror, 67
    • Lynx, 67
    • Microsoft, 67–68
    • Opera, 67
    • Web, 67
  • BSD (Berkeley Source Definition), 37
  • buffers, kernel ring buffer, 211
  • build directories, documentation and, 109
  • bzip2, 187


  • C, 79
  • C++, 80
  • Calc (Apache OpenOffice), 69
  • Calc (LibreOffice), 69
  • Calligra office suite, 68–69
  • case, file management, 160–161
  • case statement, 242–243
  • Castero, 69
  • cat command, 93–94, 177–178
  • CC (Creative Commons), 28
  • CentOS, 15
  • character devices, 305
  • chgrp command, 303
  • child programs, 202
  • chipset, 123
  • chmod command, 235, 309–310
  • chown command, 302–303
  • Chrome, 67
  • Cinnamon, 7, 10, 59
    • terminal, launching, 89
  • clients, 75
  • clock rate, 120
  • cloud computing, 19
    • distributed computing and, 20
    • hybrid, 20
    • methods, 20
    • private, 20, 71
    • providers, 71
    • public, 20, 70–71
  • cloud services
    • IaaS (infrastructure as a service), 21–22
    • PaaS (platform as a service), 22
    • SaaS (software as a service), 22–23
  • Cocoa, 11
  • code
    • availability, 35
    • binary code, 11
    • open source software and, 49
    • source code, 11
  • command completion, 97–98
  • command history, 98–99
  • command line. See also shell
    • generating, 182–183
    • review question answers, 347–348
    • starting, 88
  • command substitution, 183
  • command-line tools
  • commands
  • comment field, 253
  • compiled languages, 78
  • compilers, 11
  • compressing files, 187–188
  • computers, embedded, 50–51
  • conditional expressions, 241–242
    • case statement, 242–243
    • if keyword, 241–242
    • loops, 243–244
    • text keyword, 242
  • configuration directories, 148–149
  • context menus, 61
  • cooperative multitasking, 45
  • copying files, 155–157
  • copyleft, 32
  • copyright laws, 28–30
  • cp command, 155
  • CPUs, 120
    • ARM (Advanced RISC Machine), 122
    • bits, 121
    • clock rate, 120
    • Intel Core, 121
    • Itanium, 122
    • MIPS (Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipelined Stages), 122
    • multicore, 122
    • PowerPC, 122
    • SPARC (Scalable Processor Architecture), 122
    • x86, 121
    • x86-64, 121
  • Creative Commons, 36
  • CUPS (Common Unix Printing System), 52
  • cut command, 175, 236


  • daemons, 76
    • system log, 210
  • databases
    • MySQL, 52
    • network account databases, 258
  • Debian, 15
    • package management, 200–202
  • default router, 320
  • default shell, 254
  • defined path, 95
  • deleting, files, 159
  • deriving works, 35
  • desktop computers, 51–52
  • desktop environments, 3, 7, 10, 58
    • build your own, 59
    • Cinnamon, 7, 10, 59
    • context menus, 61
    • desktops, multiple, 8
    • file managers, 8
    • GNOME, 59
    • GNOME (GNU Object Model Environment), 7
    • icons, 61
    • KDE Plasma, 7, 58
    • logout options, 8
    • LXDE, 59
    • menus, 61
    • panels, 61
    • program launchers, 8
    • review question answers, 346–347
    • searches, 61
    • terminals, 61
    • window controls, 8
    • Xfce, 7, 59
  • desktops
    • menus, 66
    • multiple, 8
  • devices, USB, 137–138
  • DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), 322, 328–329
    • servers, 52
  • dig command, 332
  • directories
    • /bin, 149
    • configuration, 148–149
    • creating, 161–162
    • deleting, 162–163
    • /etc, 148–149
    • executable, 149
    • FHS, 147–149
    • home, 64, 253–254
    • library directories, 149
    • managing, 163–164
    • path, 95
    • /sbin, 149
    • starting point directory, 172
    • /usr, 149
    • /usr/bin, 149
    • /usr/local/bin, 149
    • /usr/local/sbin, 149
    • /usr/sbin, 149
    • /var/log, 209–210
    • viewing, 315
  • disks, 125–126
    • interfaces, 126
    • NVMe (Non-volatile Memory Express), 126
    • optical, 133–134
    • partitioning, 127
      • APM (Apple Partition Map), 128
      • extended partitions, 127
      • fdisk family, 129
      • filesystem issues, 130–133
      • GPT, 128
      • libparted-based tools, 129
      • logical partitions, 127
      • primary partitions, 127
    • PATA (parallel ATA), 126
    • removable, 133–134
    • SAS (Serial Attached SCSI), 126
    • SATA (Serial ATA), 126
    • SCSI (Small Computer System Interface), 126
    • sectors, 127
  • display
    • aspect ratio, 136
    • hardware, 136–137
    • X Window System, 134–135
  • distributed computing, 20
  • distributions, 14
    • administrator skill requirements, 16
    • Arch, 15
    • CentOS, 15
    • Debian, 15
    • Fedora, 15
    • Gentoo, 15
    • Mint, 15
    • new, 47
    • openSUSE, 15
    • packages, 16
    • platforms, 17
    • Red Hat Enterprise, 15
    • release cycle, 16, 17–18
    • selecting, 17
    • setup, 364
    • Slackware, 15
    • SUSE Enterprise, 15
    • types, 17
    • Ubuntu, 15
  • DNS (Domain Name System)
    • configuration, manual, 322–323
    • servers, 52
  • documentation
    • authors, 112
    • build directories, 109
    • consultants, 113
    • file formats, 111–112
    • forums, 113
    • IRC (Internet Relay Chat), 113
    • loading, 109–112
    • mailing lists, 113
    • online sources, 112
    • web searches, 113
  • dollar sign ($) prompt, 5
  • DOS, 45
  • DoS (denial-of-service) attack, 77
  • dot files, 314
  • dpkg command, 201
  • dpkg package tool, 81
  • Draw (Apache OpenOffice), 69
  • Draw (LibreOffice), 69
  • drivers
    • fglrx, 136
    • installation, 139–140
    • kernel and, 138–139
    • locating, 139–140
    • nvidia, 136
  • DVR (digital video recorder), 19
  • DVRs (digital video recorders), 50


  • e-book readers, 50
  • echo command, 237
  • editors
  • emacs text editor, 218, 219
  • email
    • Evolution, 68
    • KMail, 68
    • Mutt, 68
    • Thunderbird, 68
  • embedded computers, 50–51
  • embedded systems, 18
    • Android and, 18
    • IoT devices and, 19
    • network appliances and, 18–19
    • TiVo and, 19
  • encrypted versus hashed, 255
  • environment setup, 364
  • environment variables, 240–241
  • environments, nonrepudiation environment, 265
  • escapes, expressions, 169
  • /etc, 148–149
  • /etc/shadow, 254–256
  • ethtool, 324–325
  • EULAs (end-user license agreements), 30
  • Evolution, 68
  • executable directories, 149
  • execute permissions, 313
  • exit status, variables, 241
  • exit value, scripts, 245–246
  • expressions
    • conditional, 241–242
      • case statement, 242–243
    • conditional expressions, loops, 243–244
    • regular expressions, 168–170
      • bracket expressions, 169
      • escapes, 169
      • parentheses, 170
      • range expressions, 169
      • repetition, 169
      • repetition operators, 169
      • single characters, 169
      • start/end of line, 169
      • strings, 168
      • multiple, 169
      • text lines, 169
  • extended partitions, 127
  • extended regular expressions, 168


  • fair use, copyright and, 29
  • FDL (Free Documentation License), 33
  • Fedora, 15
  • fglrx driver, 136
  • FHS (Filesystem Hierarchy Standard), 146–147, 236
    • directories, 147–149
  • file management
    • FHS (Filesystem Hierarchy Standard), 146–147
    • review question answers, 349–351
    • system files, 144–146
    • user files, 144–146
  • file managers, 8, 63–64
    • GNOME Files, 64
      • Home, 64
      • properties, 65
      • Starred, 64
    • ownership, setting, 301
    • permissions, setting, 308–309
  • file servers, 52, 75
  • file type codes, 305
  • files
    • absolute references, 152–154
    • archive files, 183–184
    • batch files, 234
    • case sensitivity, 160–161
    • changing, 151–152
    • compression, 187–188
    • copying, 155–157
    • creating, 154–155
    • deleting, 159
    • formats, documentation, 111–112
    • hiding, 314
    • ISO files, 364
    • links
      • hard, 157–158
      • symbolic, 158
    • listing, 149–151
    • log files, 208
    • moving, 157
    • relative references, 152–154
    • renaming, 157
    • shareable, 146
    • static, 146
    • text files, 216
      • editor selection, 218–219
      • extracting, 175
      • review question answers, 353–354
      • role of, 216–218
      • sorting text, 176
      • Unicode, 216
    • unshareable, 146
    • variable, 146
    • wildcards, 160
    • word count, wc command, 174
  • filesystems
    • btrfs, 131
    • ext2fs, 130
    • ext3fs, 130
    • ext4fs, 131
    • FAT (File Allocation Table), 131
    • HFS (Hierarchical File System), 132
    • ISO-9660, 132
    • JFS (Journaled File System), 131
    • NTFS (New Technology File System), 132
    • reiserfs, 131
    • root, 152
    • UDF (Universal Disk Format), 132
    • XFS, 131
  • find command, 110, 172–173, 236
  • Firefox, 67
  • FLOSS (free/libre open source software), 34
  • Flow (Calligra), 69
  • for loop, 243
  • foreground, 96
  • FOSS (free and open source software), 34
  • free software, 31
    • versus freeware, 48
  • freeware, 31, 48
    • versus free software, 48
  • FSF (Free Software Foundation), 10, 28, 31
    • FLOSS (free/libre open source software), 34
    • FOSS (free and open source software), 34
    • free software, 31
    • info pages, 107
  • function keyword, 244
  • functions, 244


  • gateways, 320
  • GCC (GNU Compiler Collection), 79
  • gcc program, 79
  • Geany editor, 219
  • gedit text editor, 219
  • Gentoo, 15
  • getent passwd command, 257–258, 267
  • GiB (gigabit), 121
  • GID (group ID), 253, 300
    • cross installation, 303
  • GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program), 70
  • GNOME (GNU Object Model Environment), 3, 7, 10, 59
    • terminal, launching, 90
  • GNOME Files, 64
    • Home, 64
    • nautilus, 301
    • properties, 65
    • Starred, 64
  • GNU (GNU's Not Unix), 10, 46
    • FDL (Free Documentation License), 33
  • GNU Project, 10
  • Google Cloud, 71
  • Google Play, 72
  • GPL (General Public License), 30, 32–33, 37
    • LGPL (Lesser GPL), 33
  • GPS (global positioning system), 51
  • GPU (graphics processing unit), 120
  • graphical tools, networks, 321–323
  • grep command, 170–172, 236
  • groups, 258–259, 300
    • fields
    • managing
      • GUI tools and, 291–293
      • from the shell, 294–295
    • project groups, 274
    • review question answers, 357–358
    • user groups, 274
  • GRUB (Grand Unified Bootloader), 97
  • GUIs (graphical user interfaces), 3, 4
    • desktop environments, 7
    • programs, running, 95
    • tools, account creation, 278–280
  • gzip, 187


  • hard links, 157–158
  • hardware, 12
    • CPU, 120–122
    • disks, 125–126
      • filesystems, 130–133
      • interfaces, 126
      • optical, 133–134
      • partitioning, 127–130
      • removable, 133–134
    • display, 136–137
    • motherboard, 123–125
    • power supply, 125
    • review question answers, 348–349
  • hash mark (#) prompt, 5
  • hashbang, 234
  • hashed, versus encrypted, 255
  • hashpling, 234
  • header files, C, 79
  • hidden bits, 314
  • history command, 99
  • home directory, 64, 253–254
  • host address, 320
  • host command, 331
  • host information, 331–333
  • hybrid cloud computing, 20
  • hyperlinks, man pages, 106–107


  • i3 CPUs, 121
  • i5 CPUs, 121
  • i7 CPUs, 121
  • IaaS (infrastructure as a service), 21–22, 71
  • ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol), 330–331
  • icons, 61
  • id command, 260
  • IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), 128
  • if keyword, 241–242
  • ifconfig, 324
  • ImageMagick, 70
  • Impress (Apache OpenOffice), 69
  • Impress (LibreOffice), 69
  • info pages, 106
    • FSF (Free Software Foundation), 107
    • nodes, 107
    • purpose, 106–107
    • reading, 107–109
  • install command, 200
  • installation
    • drivers, 139–140
    • servers, 76–77
  • installers, 14
  • Intel Core CPUs, 121
  • interpreted languages, 78–79
  • interpreters, 11
  • IoT (Internet of Things)
    • devices, 19
    • monitors, 50
  • ip, 324, 325–327
  • $ip, 239
  • IP addresses, schemes, 321
  • IPv6, 330
  • ISC (Internet Software Consortium), 52
  • ISO files, 364
  • Itanium processor, 122
  • iwconfig, 324


  • Java, 80
  • JavaScript, 80


  • Kate editor, 219
  • KDE (K Desktop Environment), 3
  • KDE Plasma, 7, 10
  • Kdenlive, 70
  • Kerberos realms, 258
  • kernel ring buffer, 211
  • kernels, 2
    • drivers, 138–139
    • improvements, 47
    • interchangeability, 3
    • Linux, 3, 14
    • microkernel, 46
    • monolithic, 46
    • patches, 14
    • process hierarchy, 202–203
    • review question answers, 346
  • Kexi (Calligra), 69
  • keywords
  • KMail, 68
  • Konqueror, 67
  • ksh shell, 88
  • KVM switches, 136
  • KWrite editor, 219


  • laptops, 51–52
  • LaTeX, 69
  • launching programs, 61–63
  • LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol), 258
  • Lessig, Lawrence, 36
  • LGPL (Lesser GPL), 33, 37
  • libraries, 4
    • directories, 149
    • packages, 196
  • LibreOffice, 69
  • licensing
    • copyleft, 32
    • copyright terms and, 30
    • dual licensing, 38
    • EULAs, 30
    • FDL (Free Documentation License), 33
    • GPL, 30
    • GPL (General Public License), 32–33
    • LGPL (Lesser GPL), 33
    • open source licenses, 36–37
    • permissive, 34
    • reciprocal licensing, 32
    • review question answers, 343–344
    • site license, 30
    • Windows, 12
  • links, files
    • hard links, 157–158
    • symbolic, 158
  • Linux
    • history, 44–46
    • kernel, 3, 14
    • OSs, 14–15
    • Red Hat, 47
    • software integration, 49–50
    • Unix comparison, 9–11
    • Windows comparison, 12–13
  • Linux Kernel, 10
  • Linx, macOS comparison, 11–12
  • load average, 206
  • local loopback interface, 327
  • locate command, 110
  • log files, 208
    • creating, 210
    • entries, verbose, 210–211
    • kernel ring buffer, 211
    • locating, 209–210
    • rotating, 209
    • system log daemon, 210
  • log ins, text-mode interfaces, 5
  • logical partitions, 127
  • logout options, 8
  • loops
  • lossless compression, 188
  • lossy compression, 188
  • ls command, 6, 149–150, 304
  • LXDE (Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment), 59
  • Lynx, 67
  • LyX, 69


  • macOS, Linux comparison, 11–12
  • mail command, 237
  • man pages, 99–100
  • Math (Apache OpenOffice), 69
  • Math (LibreOffice), 69
  • memory
    • leaks, 207–208
    • processes, 207–208
    • swap space, 208
  • menus, 61
  • Metro, 13
  • microkernel, 46
  • Microsoft, 67–68
  • Minix OS, 46
  • Mint, 15
    • Users and Groups account tool, 256–257
  • MIPS (Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipelined Stages), 122
  • MIT (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology), 37
  • mkdir command, 161–162
  • mobile applications, 71–72
  • mobile phones, 50
  • monolithic kernel, 46
  • motherboard, 123–125
  • moving, files, 157
  • MS-DOS, 45
  • multicore processors, 122
  • multimedia applications
    • Audacity, 69
    • Blender, 69
    • Castero, 69
    • GIMP, 70
    • ImageMagick, 70
    • Kdenlive, 70
    • OBS (Open Broadcaster Software), 70
  • multitasking
    • cooperative multitasking, 45
    • preemptive multitasking, 45
  • Mutt, 68
  • mv command, 157
  • MySQL, 52
  • MythTV, 50


  • nano text editor, 218, 219–221
    • conventions, 221
    • creating entries, 222–223
    • key combinations, 221
    • Meta key, 221
    • metacharacters, 221
    • saving changes, 223–224
    • shortcut list, 221
    • status bar, 221
    • title bar, 221
  • nautilus, 301
  • netstat command, 334–336
  • network account databases, 258
  • Network Manager, 321–323
    • command-line tools
      • nmcli, 323–324
      • nmtui, 323–324
    • Network Connections dialog, 322
    • wireless connection, 321
  • network subnet address, 320
  • networks
    • command-line tools
    • DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), 328–329
    • DNS (Domain Name system), 321
    • gateways, 321
    • graphical tools, 321–323
    • host command, 331
    • host information, 331–333
    • IP addresses, 321
    • local loopback interface, 327
    • netstat command, 334–336
    • ping, 330
    • ping6, 330
    • review question answers, 359–362
    • routers, 321
    • sockets, 337
    • test packets, 330–331
    • wireless, 321
      • Wi-Fi drivers, 329
  • NFS (Network File System), 52
    • review question answers, 346
  • NGINX, 76
  • nmcli, 323–324
  • nmtui, 323–324
  • nodes, info pages, 107
  • nonrepudiation environment, 265
  • NTP (Network Time Protocol), 52
  • nvidia driver, 136


  • object-oriented programming language, 80
  • OBS (Open Broadcaster Software), 70
  • octal numbers, 306
    • sticky bits, 312
  • ODF (OpenDocument Format), 69
  • office packages
    • Apache OpenOffice, 69
    • Calligra, 68–69
    • LibreOffice, 69
  • open source code, 34
    • commercial software and, 47–48
    • overview, 47–49
  • open source code projects
    • desktop environments, 10
    • GNU Project, 10
    • Linux Kernel, 10
    • server programs, 10
    • user productivity programs, 10
    • Xorg-X11, 10
  • open source drivers, 39
  • open source licenses, 36–37
    • Apache, 37
    • BSD (Berkeley Source Definition), 37
    • GNU GPL, 37
    • LGPL, 37
    • MIT (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology), 37
  • open source software, 48
    • business models, 38–39
    • code and, 49
    • defining, 35–36
  • openSUSE, 15
  • OpenWrt, 19
  • Opera, 67
  • operators
    • redirection, 178–181
    • repetition, 169
  • optical disks, 133–134
  • OS (operating systems), 2
    • command-line shells, 3
    • GUIs (graphical user interfaces), 3
    • kernels, 2
    • libraries, 4
    • Linux-based, 14–15
    • productivity programs, 4
    • review question answers, 342–343
    • shells, 3
    • utility programs, 4
  • OSI (Open Source Initiative), 28, 33–34
    • permissive licenses, 34
  • output, redirecting, 178
    • operators, 178–181
    • pipes/pipelines, 181–182
  • ownership, 300
    • commands
    • permissions, 300
    • review question answers, 358–359
    • setting
      • file managers, 301
      • in a shell, 302–303


  • PaaS (platform as a service), 22
  • package database, 197
  • package management, 196–197
    • APT (Advanced Package Tool), 200
    • Debian systems, 200–202
    • package databases, 197
    • package systems, 197–198
    • Red Hat systems, 199–200
    • Synaptic, 201
  • package systems, 197–198
    • repositories, 198
  • packages, 16
    • binary, 197
    • library packages, 196
  • panels, 61
  • parameters, 237
  • parent programs, 202
  • partitioning disks, 127
    • APM (Apple Partition Map), 128
    • extended partitions, 127
    • fdisk family, 129
    • filesystem issues, 130–133
    • GPT (GUID partition table), 128
    • libparted-based tools, 129
    • logical partitions, 127
    • primary partitions, 127
  • passwords, 253, 275
    • salted hash, 254
    • selecting, 275–277
      • case, 276
      • haystack, growing, 276
      • numbers in, 276
      • punctuation in, 276
      • reverse order, 276
    • storage, 254
    • VTs (virtual terminals), 91
  • patches, 14
  • patents, 29
  • path, 95
    • directories, 95
  • PC-DOS, 45
  • PDF (Portable Document Format), 48
  • Perl, 80
  • permissions, 304
    • directory execute bits, 308
    • directory write permissions, 308
    • execute, special, 313
    • file type codes, 305
    • groups, 300
    • interpretations, 307
    • ls command, 304
    • octal code, 313
    • review question answers, 358–359
    • root, 308
    • -rwxr-xr-x, 306
    • setting
      • file managers, 308–309
      • in a shell, 309–310
    • SGID (set group ID), 313
    • sticky bits, 311–312
    • SUID (set user ID), 313
    • symbolic code, 313
    • symbolic links, 308
    • symbolic representation, 305
    • umask, 310
  • permissive licenses, 34
  • PHP, 80
  • ping, 330
  • ping6, 330
  • pipes/pipelines, output redirection, 181–182
  • PMS (package management system), 81
    • tools
  • ports, 72
  • POSIX time, 254
  • Postfix, 52
  • pound bang, 234
  • power supply, 125
  • PowerPC, 122
  • preemptive multitasking, 45
  • primary partitions, 127
  • print servers, 52
  • private cloud computing, 20, 71
  • processes
    • commands, top, 205–207
    • hierarchy, 202–203
    • identifying, 205–207
    • ps command, 203–205
    • review question answers, 352–353
    • running, 203–205
      • identifying, 205–207
      • memory use, 207–208
  • processor. See CPU
  • productivity programs, 4
    • locating, 66
  • program launchers, 8
  • programming languages
    • assembly language, 79
    • C, 79
    • C++, 80
    • compiled, 78
    • interpreted, 78–79
    • Java, 80
    • JavaScript, 80
    • object-oriented, 80
    • Perl, 80
    • PHP, 80
    • Python, 80
    • Shell scripting, 81
  • programs
    • running, 92
      • background, 96–97
      • GUI programs, 95
      • text-mode programs, 94–95
    • text-mode syntax, 93–94
  • project groups, 274
  • properties, GNOME Files, 65
  • protocols
    • ports, 72
    • RFCs (requests for comment), 72
  • ps command, 203–205
  • public cloud computing, 20, 70–71
  • Python, 80


  • RAM, swap space, 29
  • range expressions, 169
  • reciprocal licensing, 32
  • recursive acronyms, 10
  • Red Hat Enterprise, 15
  • Red Hat Linux, 47
  • Red Hat systems, package management, 199–200
  • redirection, 178
    • operators, 178–181
    • pipes/pipelines, 181–182
  • redistribution, 35
  • regular expressions, 168–170
    • bracket expressions, 169
    • escapes, 169
    • parentheses, 170
    • range expressions, 169
    • repetition, 169
    • repetition operators, 169
    • single characters, 169
    • start/end of line, 169
    • strings, 168
    • text lines, 169
  • release cycle, 17–18
    • distributions, 16
  • remote login servers, 52
  • removable disks, 133–134
  • renaming, files, 157
  • repetition operators, 169
  • repositories, 81
    • package systems and, 198
  • RFC (request for comment), 72
  • rm command, 159, 311
  • rmdir command, 162–163
  • root account, 252, 263
    • administrative tasks, 263
    • commands
    • hash mark prompt, 265
    • permissions, 308
    • privileges, acquiring, 264–266
    • security, 266–267
    • super user, 263
  • root filesystem, 152
  • root user, 5
  • route, 324, 328
  • router, default, 320
  • RPM (RPM Package Manager), 16
  • rpm command, 199–200
  • rpm package tool, 82
  • -rwxr-xr-x permission, 306


  • SaaS (software as a service), 22–23
  • salted hash, 254
  • Samba, 52
  • /sbin, 149
  • scripts, 81, 234
    • & (ampersand), 236
    • administrator scripts, 245
    • arguments, 237
    • commands, 235
    • exit value, 245–246
    • expressions, conditional, 241–242
    • functions, 244
    • hashbang, 234
    • hashpling, 234
    • parameters, 237
    • pound bang, 234
    • review question answers, 354–355
    • shebang, 234
    • starting, 234–235
    • startup scripts, 14
    • variables, 237, 238
      • assigning, 239–240
      • environment variables, 240–241
      • exit status, 241
      • $ip, 239
  • searches, 61
    • commands
    • productivity software, 66
    • review question answers, 351–352
  • security
    • DoS (denial-of-service) attack, 77
    • review question answers, 356
    • servers, 77–78
  • sed command, 237
  • sendmail, 52
  • server computers, 52–53, 75
  • server programs, 10
    • programs, 72–75
    • protocols, 72–75
  • servers
    • clients, 75
    • file servers, 75
    • installation, 76–77
    • launching, 76–77
    • security, 77–78
    • super servers, 77
    • web servers, 76
  • SGID (set group ID), 313
  • shareable files, 146
  • shareware, 48
  • shebang, 234
  • Sheets (Calligra), 68
  • shell, 3
    • Bash (Bourne Again Shell), 88
    • command completion, 97–98
    • command history, 98–99
    • default shell, 254
    • ksh, 88
    • permissions, setting, 309–310
    • scripts (See scripts)
    • starting, 88
    • tcsh, 88
    • zsh, 88
  • shell quoting, 172
  • SI units, 128
  • site license, 30
  • Slackware, 15
    • tarballs, 16
  • sockets, 305, 337
  • software, 12
    • alpha, 18
    • beta, 18
    • browsers
      • Chrome, 67
      • Firefox, 67
      • Konqueror, 67
      • Lynx, 67
      • Microsoft, 67–68
      • Opera, 67
      • Web, 67
    • copyright laws, 28–30
    • email
      • Evolution, 68
      • KMail, 68
      • Mutt, 68
      • Thunderbird, 68
    • freeware, 48
    • multimedia applications
      • Audacity, 69
      • Blender, 69
      • Castero, 69
      • GIMP, 70
      • ImageMagick, 70
      • Kdenlive, 70
      • OBS (Open Broadcaster Software), 70
    • office packages
      • Apache OpenOffice, 69
      • Calligra, 68–69
      • LibreOffice, 69
    • packages, 81
      • repositories, 81
    • productivity, 66
    • shareware, 48
  • sort command, 176–177
  • source code, 11
  • SPARC (Scalable Processor Architecture), 122
  • SSH (Secure Shell), 52
  • Stage (Calligra), 68
  • standard users, 263
  • starting point directory, 172
  • startup scripts, 14
  • static files, 146
  • sticky bits, permissions, 311–312
  • strings, 168
    • grep command, 170–172
  • SUID (set user ID), 313
  • super servers, 77
  • support tools, 47
  • SUSE Enterprise, 15
  • swap space, 29, 208
  • switches, 94
  • symbolic links, 158
    • sticky bits, 312
  • Synaptic, 201
  • syntax, commands, 93
  • system accounts, 252
  • system files, 144–146
  • system host name, 320
  • system log daemon, 210
  • system messaging, 210
  • system users, 263


  • tables of equivalents, 66
  • Tanenbaum, Andrew, 46
  • tar program, 183–184
    • commands, 184
    • qualifiers, 184–185
  • tarballs, 16, 183–184
  • tcsh shell, 88
  • terminal
    • launching, 88–91
    • tabs, 91
    • text-mode interfaces, 6
    • VTs (virtual terminals), 91
  • terminal program, shell, starting, 88
  • terminals, 61
  • test keyword, 242
  • test packets, networks, 330–331
  • text
    • extracting from files, 175
    • sorting, 176
  • text files, 216
  • text-mode user interfaces, 5
    • # (hash mark) prompt, 5
    • $ (dollar sign) prompt, 5
    • display size, 6
    • login, 91–92
    • ls command, 6
    • programs, running, 94–95
    • root user, 5
    • terminal, 6
  • Thunderbird, 68
  • time servers, 52
  • TiVo, 50
  • Tomato, 19
  • tools, package
  • top command, 205–207
  • Torvalds, Linux, 3, 45–46
  • trademarks, 30


  • Ubuntu, 15
  • UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface), 128
  • UID (user identification), 253, 300
    • cross installation, 303
  • umask, 310
  • Unicode, 216
  • Unix, 46
    • forks, 9
    • Linux comparison, 9–11
    • open source code projects
      • desktop environments, 10
      • GNU Project, 10
      • Linux Kernel, 10
      • server programs, 10
      • user productivity programs, 10
      • Xorg-X11, 10
    • tools, 14
  • Unix Epoch time, 254
  • unprivileged accounts, 263
  • unprivileged users, 263
  • unshareable files, 146
  • USB (Universal Serial Bus), 126
    • devices, 137–138
  • user accounts, 252
    • review question answers, 357–358
    • root, 263
    • standard users, 263
    • system users, 263
    • unprivileged accounts, 263
    • unprivileged users, 263
  • user files, 144–146
  • user groups, 274
  • user interfaces, 4
    • text-mode, 5–6
  • user productivity programs, 10
  • user types, 263–264
  • useradd command, 280–282
  • userdel command, 291
  • usernames, 253
  • Users and Groups account tool (Mint), 256–257
  • /usr, 149
  • /usr/bin, 149
  • /usr/local/bin, 149
  • /usr/local/sbin, 149
  • /usr/sbin, 149
  • UTF (Unicode Transformation Format), 217
  • utility programs, 4


  • variable files, 146
  • variables, 237, 238
    • assigning, 239–240
    • environment variables, 240–241
    • exit status, 241
    • $ip, 239
  • /var/log directory, log files, 209–210
  • VGA (Video Graphics Array), 136
  • vi text editor, 218
    • case, 228
    • modes, 224
    • open text, 228
    • saving changes, 229
    • searches, 228
    • text editing procedures, 226–229
    • undo, 228
  • vim text editor, 225–226
  • virtual networks, local loopback interface, 327
  • virtualized environment, 364
  • VMS (Virtual Memory System), 45
  • VNC (Virtual Network Computing), 52
  • VTs (virtual terminals), 91, 261


  • wc command, 174
  • Web, 67
  • web browser. See browsers
  • web servers, 76
    • Apache HTTPD, 76
    • NGINX, 76
  • whatis utility, 100
  • whereis command, 110
  • while loop, 244
  • who command, 261–263
  • who utility, modifying accounts, 283
  • whoami, 260, 267
  • widget sets, 59
  • Wi-Fi drivers, 329
  • wildcards, files, 160
  • window controls, 8
  • Windows, Linux comparison, 12–13
  • wireless networks, 321
    • Wi-Fi drivers, 329
  • Words (Calligra), 68
  • workstations, 51
  • Writer (Apache OpenOffice), 69
  • Writer (LibreOffice), 69


  • X Window System, 3, 10
  • x86 CPUs, 121
  • x86-64 CPUs, 121
  • xargs command, 182–183
  • Xfce, 7, 10, 59
  • Xorg-X11, 10
  • xz, 187
  • yum package tool, 82
  • zsh shell, 88
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