Managing Hardware


  • images  4.2 Understanding Computer Hardware

imagesAlthough Linux is software, it relies on hardware to operate. The capabilities and limitations of your hardware will influence the capabilities and limitations of Linux running on that hardware. Therefore, you should know these features for any computer you use extensively or that you plan to buy.

In this chapter, you’ll learn about and perform basic management tasks with your hardware. We begin with low-level issues, such as the nature of your central processing unit (CPU) and motherboard. Often overlooked, the power supply can cause problems if it’s undersized or misbehaves, so we cover that as well. Next, the chapter explores the various types of hard disks commonly found in both workstations and servers and discusses the special care needed in their setup. After that, the chapter focuses on monitors and display drivers, a common sticking point in Linux. Today, most external devices attach via the Universal Serial Bus (USB), so this chapter explores those types of devices. Finally, this chapter covers the common issue of drivers, which are software components that control hardware devices.

Learning About Your CPU

images Your CPU (sometimes called the processor) is the “brain” of your computer—it does most of the computer’s actual computing. We’ve mentioned CPUs in earlier chapters in reference to distribution availability—to run on a given CPU, most software must be recompiled for that CPU. Thus, it’s important that you know enough about the different CPU families to know their strengths and weaknesses and to identify what type of CPU your computer uses.

images Many devices have more specialized computing circuitry. Most notably, video cards include graphics processing units (GPUs) to do specialized graphics computations.

Understanding CPU Families

CPU manufacturers tend to create product lines by making regular improvements to their products. Improvements range from minor (such as running the CPU at a faster clock rate, which is like running an engine at a faster speed) to moderate redesigns to improve speed (which is like shifting gears to get better speed) to radical redesigns (which are like using a bigger or more efficient engine, but one based on the original design). All these types of changes remain within a single CPU family, so they can run the same code as their predecessors. Still more radical differences exist across CPU families; two CPUs from different families can typically not run each other’s binary programs, although there are exceptions to this rule, including one very important one that I describe shortly.

On desktop computers, two CPU families are common:

x86  This CPU type originated with Intel’s 8086 CPU, but the first model capable of running Linux was the 80386 (also known as the 386). Development continued with the 80486 (also known as the 486), the Pentium, and related Intel CPUs, such as the Celeron. AMD, Cyrix, VIA, and others have all released CPUs that are compatible with Intel’s designs.

x86-64  Other names for this architecture include AMD64, x64, and EM64T. AMD created the x86-64 architecture as a 64-bit extension to the x86 architecture. Unusually, x86-64 CPUs can run the earlier 32-bit x86 code, but when run in 64-bit mode, such CPUs have access to additional features that improve speed. Intel has created its own x86-64 CPUs. Both Intel and AMD have used the same product line names for their x86-64 CPUs as for their x86 CPUs. This fact can make it hard to tell whether you’ve got a 32-bit x86 CPU or a 64-bit x86-64 CPU, at least based on the CPU’s marketing name.

For most desktop and laptop computers, you’ll commonly run into one of the Intel Core line of processors:

  • i3: The cheapest CPU, offers low-end speed and processing performance.
  • i5: The mid-range CPU, offers medium speed and processing performance as well as a medium-level price.
  • i7: The high-end CPU, offers advanced speeds and processing performance but at a higher price.

CPU Bit Depth

CPUs process data in binary (base 2), meaning that numbers are represented using only two digits—0 and 1. CPUs have limits to the sizes of the numbers they can process, though, and those limits are described in terms of the number of binary digits, or bits, the CPU can handle. A 32-bit CPU, for instance, can process numbers that contain up to 32 binary digits. Expressed as positive integers, this means that numbers can range in size from 0 to 232 – 1 (4,294,967,295 in the base 10 that people generally use). When dealing with larger numbers, the CPU must combine two or more numbers, which requires extra code.

CPUs with larger bit depths have an advantage when dealing with lots of memory, since memory addresses must fit into the CPU’s basic unit size. In particular, a 32-bit CPU has a 4-gibibit (GiB) limit on memory—although some architectures, including x86, provide tricks to work around this limit. Greater bit depth does not improve speed except when dealing with very large numbers; however, the 64-bit x86-64 CPU architecture is faster than its 32-bit x86 predecessor for unrelated reasons.

In addition to x86 and x86-64 CPUs, several other model lines are available. Most of these CPUs are used in embedded applications or in very high-end servers. Here are a few that you might encounter:

ARM  The Advanced RISC Machine (ARM) processor was introduced in 1985 but 
has just recently taken off as the main processor in small devices, such as tablets and embedded computer systems. The RISC acronym in the name stands for Reduced Instruction Set Computing, which means it supports fewer instructions, which means less transistors are needed in the system, which in turn means less power consumption by 
the CPU chip. This feature is what makes ARM processors ideal for small devices that 
run Linux.

PowerPC  This CPU, created as a cooperative effort of Apple, IBM, and Motorola, was Apple’s CPU of choice between 1994 and 2006, and so is found in Mac computers of that vintage. Today, it’s used in some game consoles, embedded devices, and servers. Both 32- and 64-bit versions of this architecture are available. PPC is a common abbreviation for this architecture.

Itanium  Intel created the Itanium, or IA-64, architecture as a 64-bit replacement for the x86 line; however, it gained little market penetration except in the server field.

Linux can run on ARM, PowerPC, and Itanium, as well as on other CPU families, such as the Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipelined Stages (MIPS) and the Scalable Processor Architecture (SPARC); however, your choice of distribution is likely to be limited. Because software has to be recompiled and tested on new architectures, it takes effort to prepare a distribution for each architecture, and many distribution maintainers are unwilling or unable to expend this effort for more than x86 and x86-64.

images The Debian Linux distribution is available on many architectures, so if you need to support Linux on a wide range of CPUs, using Debian can make sense.

Many CPUs today are multicore models. These CPUs package the circuitry for two or more CPUs into one unit. When plugged into a motherboard, such a CPU looks like multiple CPUs to the OS. The advantage is that Linux can run as many CPU-intensive programs as you have cores and they won’t slow each other down significantly by competing for CPU resources.

images Some high-end motherboards also support multiple CPUs, so you can use, say, two 4-core CPUs to get the performance of a single 8-core CPU system.

Identifying Your CPU

If you’ve got a working Linux system, you can learn a great deal about your CPU by using three text-mode commands at the shell command prompt:

uname -a  Typing uname -a displays basic information on the kernel and the CPU. For instance, one of my systems returns x86_64 AMD Phenom (tm) II X3 700e Processor, among other things, indicating the manufacturer and model number of the CPU.

lscpu  The lscpu command returns additional information on about 20 lines of output. Much of this information is highly technical, such as the sizes of caches the CPU supports. Some of it’s less technical, such as the architecture and the number of CPUs or cores it supports.

cat /proc/cpuinfo  The cat /proc/cpuinfo command returns still more information compared to lscpu. Chances are you won’t need this information yourself, but a developer or technician might want some of this information to help debug a problem.

One thing to keep in mind is that modern x86-64 CPUs can run software compiled for the older x86 architecture. So, you might be running a 32-bit Linux distribution on a 64-bit CPU. The output of these commands can be confusing in such cases. For instance, here’s part of what lscpu shows on one such system:

Architecture:          i686
CPU op-mode(s):        64-bit

The Architecture line suggests an x86 CPU (i686 being a specific variant of that architecture), but the CPU op-mode(s) line indicates that the CPU supports 64-bit operation. If you have trouble interpreting this output, you may be able to find something by looking up the CPU’s model on the manufacturer’s website. However, manufacturers tend to bury such information in hard-to-read specification sheets, so be prepared to read carefully.

Identifying Motherboard Capabilities

images If the CPU is the computer’s brain, the motherboard is the rest of the computer’s central nervous system. The motherboard is a large circuit board inside the computer. It’s dominated by a chipset, which is one or more chips that provide key functionality for the 
computer—they help the CPU interface with the hard disk interfaces, the USB interfaces, the network devices, and so on. Some chipsets include video circuitry for video cards, although this functionality is sometimes separate, and sometimes it’s built into the CPU.

images Motherboards are sometimes referred to as mainboards.

In addition to the chipset, motherboards include plug-in interfaces for key components:

  • One or more slots for the computer’s CPU(s)
  • Slots for random access memory (RAM)
  • Slots for plug-in Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) or other cards
  • Connectors for internal hard disks, such as the Serial Advanced Technology Attachment (SATA) interface
  • Back-panel connectors that provide external interfaces for USB devices, keyboards, monitors, and so on
  • Connectors for additional external devices, such as front-panel USB plugs; such devices are attached via short internal cables

Some motherboards—typically used in larger desktop and server computers—have many connectors for many purposes. Such motherboards are highly expandable, but they’re physically large enough that they require bulky cases. Other motherboards are much smaller and can be used in compact computers, but such computers aren’t as expandable. Laptop computers also have motherboards, which are necessarily of the small variety, with little opportunity for internal expansion.

Most of the connectors on a motherboard are managed by its primary chipset. Some high-end boards provide connectors for features beyond those of its primary chipset. Such features require a secondary chipset, such as an extra Ethernet chipset for a second network port or an extra SATA chipset for more or faster hard disk interfaces.

Whether the feature is provided by the main or by a secondary chipset, you can learn about most of the motherboard’s features with the lspci command, which shows information on PCI devices. The output looks something like this shortened example:

$ lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] RS780 Host Bridge
00:11.0 SATA controller: ATI Technologies Inc SB700/SB800 SATAm
 Controller [IDE mode]
00:12.0 USB Controller: ATI Technologies Inc SB700/SB800 USB OHCI0m
00:14.1 IDE interface: ATI Technologies Inc SB700/SB800 IDE Controller
00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA)
01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon HD 3200m
01:05.1 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc RS780 Azalia controller
02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.m
 RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 02)
03:06.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82559 InBusiness 10/100m
 (rev 08)

You may not understand everything in this output, but you should be able to glean some information from it. For instance, the computer has a number of ATI devices—a SATA controller, a USB controller, a graphics adapter, and so on. Two Ethernet devices are present—one made by Realtek and the other by Intel. Although it’s not obvious from this output, the Realtek network adapter is built into the motherboard, whereas the Intel device resides on a plug-in card.

Sizing Your Power Supply

images A computer’s power supply takes the alternating current (AC) power from a wall outlet and converts it to the direct current (DC) that your motherboard and everything you plug into it uses. Laptop computers and some small desktop units use power adapter “bricks” that you can put on the floor. Larger desktop computers have internal power supply units. These internal units are larger, both physically and in terms of the amount of power they can deliver.

Every power supply has limits on the amount of DC power it can deliver. This is important because every device you plug into the computer consumes a certain amount of power. If your computer manufacturer cuts corners, the power supply may be barely adequate for the computer as delivered. If you add a hard disk or a power-hungry plug-in card, you could exceed the amount of power that the power supply can deliver. The result can be unreliable operation—the computer can crash or behave erratically, perhaps corrupting data or files. Such problems can be hard to distinguish from other problems, such as bad RAM or a failing hard disk.

If you need to replace your power supply, pay attention to its output in watts. You should be able to find the output of your current power supply on a sticker—but you’ll need to open your computer first, at least for most desktop systems. Be sure to get a power supply that’s rated for at least as many watts as the one you’re replacing. Also, be sure it will fit—sizes are standardized, but a few variants are available. In the case of a laptop or a small desktop computer with an external power supply, you must ensure that a replacement provides the right type of connector to the computer. Buying a replacement from the computer’s manufacturer is usually the best course of action in this case.

Understanding Disk Issues

Disks are a critical part of most Linux installations, so it’s important to know how they operate and how Linux interacts with them. This section describes three basic disk issues: disk hardware interfaces, disk partitioning, and filesystems. In addition, it describes some of the issues surrounding removable disks, including optical (CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, and Blu-ray) discs.

imagesYou can install Linux in a diskless configuration, in which a Linux computer boots using files stored on a network server.

Disk Interfaces

images Today, three disk interfaces are common:

PATA  This interface was very common in the past, but it’s fading in popularity. It features wide 40- or 80-pin cables that transfer several bits of data simultaneously—hence the word parallel in the name Parallel ATA (PATA). A PATA cable can have up to three connectors—one for the motherboard or disk controller card and two more for up to two hard disks. Alternative names for PATA (or specific variants of it) include Integrated Device Electronics (IDE) or Enhanced IDE (EIDE). The ATA Packet Interface (ATAPI) standard defines a software interface that helps ATA manage devices other than hard disks. Although in some cases the differences between the technologies described by these variant terms are important, today they’re often used synonymously.

SATA  In 2003, a serial version of the ATA protocol was created, hence Serial ATA (SATA). SATA is more or less software compatible with PATA, but it uses thinner cables that can handle just one hard disk per cable. In 2012, SATA became the dominant disk technology on new computers. An external variant, eSATA, provides high-speed connections to external hard disks.

NVMe  The Non-volatile Memory Express (NVMe) interface was designed specifically to support the solid-state drive (SSD) storage standard. SSD devices don’t use physical platters and magnetic heads to read or write data; instead, data is stored electronically just like in memory, but using flash memory chips that retain the data after power is removed from the system. Because data is read and written electronically instead of magnetically, access speeds are significantly faster, and SSD drives are not susceptible to the same failures as PATA and SATA hard drives. SSD drives started out small and pricey but recently have gotten larger and cheaper, making them a realistic alternative to physical hard drives in many environments.

In addition to these technologies, others exist. The Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) is a parallel interface that was once common on servers and high-end interfaces but is less common today. The Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) is a serial variant that’s quite similar to SATA. Both of these technologies are important because ATAPI is modeled after SCSI. The Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface is often used for connecting external disks.

images Most modern Linux distributions treat SATA, SAS, and USB disks as if they were SCSI disks from a software perspective and create a device file in the /dev directory that begins with sd x, where x is the drive letter, starting at a. However, for systems that utilize the new NVMe interface, Linux creates those device files as nvme x.

Partitioning a Disk

imagesYou can think of a hard disk as a set of sectors, each of which holds a small amount of data—normally 512 bytes, although some disks have larger sectors. The disk hardware itself does little to help organize data on the disk, aside from providing a means to read and write specific sectors. On-disk data management is left up to the OS. Disk partitions and filesystems are two levels of organization imposed on disks to help manage the data they store.

Partitions are a lot like the drawers in a filing cabinet. Think of a single disk as the main filing cabinet, which is then split up into multiple partitions, much like drawers. This analogy is good as far as it goes, but it has its limits. Unlike filing cabinet drawers, disk partitions can be created in whatever size and quantity are convenient, within the limits of the disk’s size. A typical disk has between one and a dozen partitions, although you can create more.

Disk partitions exist to help subdivide the disk into pieces with broadly different purposes, such as partitions for different OSs or for different types of data within an OS. For instance, it’s common to create separate partitions for swap space (which is used much like RAM in case you run out of RAM), for user data files, and for the OS itself.

Hard disks and their partitions are frequently represented in diagrams similar to Figure 6.1. This diagram displays partitions as subdivisions of the disk, with partition sizes in the diagram more or less proportional to their true sizes on the disk. Thus, in Figure 6.1 you can see that 
/root is larger compared to the memory swap space allocated. As in the figure, partitions are uninterrupted sections of a disk—that is, one partition cannot be inside another partition.

The diagram shows the hard disks and their partitions.

Figure 6.1   Disk partitions are often visualized as boxes within a hard disk.

images Some partitioning tools represent their partitions in a vertical stack rather than a horizontal chain. The principle is the same either way.

The most common partitioning scheme for x86 and x86-64 computers has gone by various names over the years, including master boot record (MBR), MS-DOS, and BIOS partitioning. It supports three types of partitions:

Primary  This is the simplest type of partition. A disk can have zero to four primary partitions, one of which may be an extended partition.

Extended  This is a special type of primary partition that serves as a placeholder for logical partitions. A disk may have at most one extended partition.

Logical  These partitions are contained within an extended partition. In theory, a disk can have billions of logical partitions, thus overcoming the limit of four primary partitions, but in practice you’re unlikely to see more than about a dozen of them.

MBR’s use of three partition types is awkward and limiting, but inertia has kept it in place for three decades. MBR partitions have a hard limit, though: they can’t support disks larger than 2 TiB (tebibytes), assuming 512-byte sectors, which are nearly universal today.

The Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) Partition Table (GPT) is the successor to MBR. GPT supports disks of up to 8 ZiB (zebibytes), which is about 4 billion times as large as MBR’s limit. GPT also supports up to 128 partitions by default, with no distinction between primary, extended, and logical partitions. In these respects, GPT is a superior partitioning system to MBR; however, its support varies between OSs. Linux supports both systems quite well. Windows can boot only from MBR when the computer uses the Basic Input/Output System (BIOS), and it can boot only from GPT when the computer is based on the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI). Thus, if you dual-boot with Windows, you may need to select your partitioning system with care.

Multibyte Units

It’s common to use prefixes from the International System of Units (SI units)—kilo (k), mega (M), giga (G), tera (T), and so on—in conjunction with byte (B) to refer to large quantities of storage space, as in kB, MB, and so on. Technically, these units are defined as base-10 values—kilo means 1,000, mega means 1,000,000, and so on. In computers, though, base-2 values, such as 210 (1024) and 220 (1,048,576), are often more natural, so the SI units have often (but not always) been used to mean these base-2 values. This practice has led to confusion, since it’s not always clear whether base-10 or base-2 units are being used.

To resolve this conflict, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) defined a new set of prefixes as IEEE-1541. Under this system, new units and prefixes describe base-2 values. The first few of these are as follows:

  • A kibibyte (KiB) is 210 (1024) bytes.
  • A mebibyte (MiB) is 220 (1,048,576) bytes.
  • A gibibyte (GiB) is 230 (1,073,741,824) bytes.
  • A tebibyte (TiB) is 240 (1,099,511,627,776) bytes.

In this book, we use IEEE-1541 units when describing features that are best expressed in this system, such as partition table size limits. Most Linux disk utilities use SI and IEEE-1541 units correctly, but which is used depends on the whim of the programs’ authors. Be alert to this difference, particularly when dealing with large numbers—note that a tebibyte is almost 10 percent larger than a terabyte.

Several other partitioning systems exist, but you’re unlikely to encounter most of them. One possible exception is the Apple Partition Map (APM), which Apple used on its Mac computers prior to its switch to Intel CPUs.

When it comes to partitioning a disk, Linux supports three families of tools:

fdisk Family  The fdisk, cfdisk, and sfdisk tools are simple text-based partitioning utilities for MBR disks and some more exotic partition table types. These tools work well and provide the means to recover from some disk errors, but their text-based nature can be intimidating to those who are unfamiliar with disk partitioning.

libparted-Based Tools  Tools based on the libparted library can handle MBR, GPT, and several other partition table types. Some of these tools, such as GNU Parted, are text-based, but others, such as GParted, are GUI, and so are likely to be easier for new users to use. Figure 6.2 shows GParted in action. Note how its display mirrors the structure shown in Figure 6.1. Many Linux installers include libparted-based partitioning tools that run during system installation.

The figure shows a screenshot illustrating how GParted, like other GUI disk partitioning tools, provides a graphical representation of your partitions.

Figure 6.2   GParted, like other GUI disk partitioning tools, provides a graphical representation of your partitions.

GPT fdisk Family  The gdisk, cgdisk, and sgdisk tools are modeled after the fdisk family but work with GPT disks. They provide more options for handling GPT than do libparted-based tools but at the cost of friendliness for new users.

images While historically the fdisk utility focused on MBR disks and the gdisk utility focused on GPT disks, recently developers for both utilities have been experimenting with supporting both types of disks. Your Linux distribution may include a version of just one utility that supports both MBR and GPT disks.

If you’re working with a preinstalled Linux system, you may not need to partition your disk; however, if you ever replace or install a new hard disk, you’ll have to partition it before you can use it. You may also need to partition removable disks, although they generally come from the factory pre-partitioned with one big partition.

To partition a disk, you must know the disk’s device filename. In Linux, these filenames are normally /dev/sda, /dev/sdb, and so on, with each disk taking on a new letter. Partitions are numbered starting with 1, so you might refer to /dev/sda2, /dev/sdb6, and so on. When using MBR, partitions 1 through 4 are reserved for primary or extended partitions, whereas logical partitions take numbers 5 and up.

Understanding Filesystem Issues

Most disk partitions contain filesystems, which are data structures that help the computer organize your directories and files. In Windows, each filesystem receives its own device letter. In the old days when floppy disks were commonly used, drive letters A: and B: were reserved for floppy disk drives, and that standard continues to stick around today. The C: drive letter is used for the first hard disk partition (normally the boot partition), D: for external USB disks, and so on. In Linux, by contrast, all filesystems are part of a single directory tree. The main filesystem is referred to as the root (/) filesystem. If a disk has multiple filesystem partitions, each is mounted at a mount point in the root (/) filesystem—that is, the contents of the additional filesystems are made available at specific directories, such as at /home (which holds users’ data files) or /boot (which holds boot files). Several Linux filesystems exist, each with its own unique features:

images The word filesystem is sometimes applied to the directory structure as a whole, even if it contains multiple low-level filesystems. Which meaning is intended is usually clear from the context.

Ext2fs  The Second Extended Filesystem (ext2fs) was popular in the 1990s but is rarely used today because it lacks a journal, which is a filesystem feature that speeds filesystem checks after power outages or system crashes. A journal consumes disk space, though, so ext2fs is still useful on small disks. You might want to use it for a separate /boot partition, for instance, since such partitions are rather small. Its Linux filesystem type code is ext2.

images The original Extended Filesystem (extfs) was used in the early 1990s but was quickly eclipsed by ext2fs. Extfs is no longer supported.

Ext3fs  The Third Extended Filesystem (ext3fs) is essentially ext2fs with a journal. Until around 2010, it was a very popular filesystem, but ext4fs has taken its place. It supports files of up to 2 TiB and filesystems of up to 16 TiB (ext2fs imposes the same limits). Its Linux type code is ext3.

Ext4fs  The Fourth Extended Filesystem (ext4fs) is a further development of the ext filesystem line. It adds speed improvements and the ability to handle larger files and disks—files may be up to 16 TiB in size, and filesystems may be up to 1 EiB (260 bytes). Linux utilities refer to it as ext4.

ReiserFS  This filesystem, referred to as reiserfs by Linux tools, is similar to ext3fs in features, with an 8 TiB file-size limit and 16 TiB filesystem-size limit. Its best feature is its capacity to make efficient use of disk space with small files—those with sizes measured in the low kibibyte range. ReiserFS development has slowed, but it remains usable.

JFS  IBM developed its Journaled File System (JFS) for its AIX OS, and its code eventually worked its way into Linux. JFS supports maximum file and filesystem sizes of 4 PiB and 32 PiB, respectively (1 PiB is 1024 TiB). JFS is not as popular as many other Linux filesystems. Linux tools use jfs as its type code.

XFS  Silicon Graphics developed the Extents File System (XFS; Linux type code xfs) for its IRIX OS and later donated its code to Linux. XFS supports files of up to 8 EiB and filesystems of up to 16 EiB, making it the choice for very big disk arrays. XFS works well with large multimedia and backup files.

Btrfs  This new filesystem (pronounced “butter-eff-ess” or “better-eff-ess”) is intended as the next-generation Linux filesystem. It supports files of up to 16 EiB and filesystems of the same size. It also provides a host of advanced features, such as the ability to combine multiple physical disks into a single filesystem. As of this writing, Btrfs is still experimental, but it may provide the best overall feature mix once it’s finished. Its Linux type code is btrfs.

If you’re planning a new Linux installation, you should consider ext4fs, Btrfs, or XFS as your filesystems. Currently, ext4fs provides the best overall features and performance, and Btrfs and XFS are worth considering for volumes that will hold particularly small and large files, respectively. Ext4fs is a good choice for volumes that hold large files, though, so you could use ext4fs for everything and not go far wrong, particularly on a general-purpose computer.

images It’s possible to use several filesystems in a single Linux installation to take advantage of the benefits of each filesystem for different sets of files.

In addition to Linux’s native filesystems, the OS supports several other filesystems, some of which are important in certain situations:

FAT  The File Allocation Table (FAT) filesystem was the standard with DOS and Windows through Windows Me. Just about all OSs support it. Its compatibility also makes it a good choice for exchanging data between two OSs that dual-boot on a single computer. Unlike most filesystems, FAT has two Linux type codes: msdos and vfat. Using msdos causes Linux to use the filesystem as DOS did, with short filenames with at most 8 characters plus a 3-character extension (8.3 filenames); when you use vfat, Linux supports long filenames on FAT.

imagesFAT’s simplicity and widespread support make it a popular filesystem on USB flash drives, cell phones, e-book readers, digital camera media, and so on.

NTFS  Microsoft developed the New Technology File System (NTFS) for Windows NT, and it is the default filesystem for recent versions of Windows. In the earlier days Linux provided only a limited read NTFS driver, but now a full read/write driver is available in the NTFS-3g software ( You’re most likely to encounter it on a Windows boot partition in a dual-boot configuration or on larger removable or external hard disks. Under Linux, the old kernel driver is known as ntfs, whereas the NTFS-3g driver is called ntfs-3g.

images Linux’s ntfs driver is based in the kernel, which makes it fast. The ntfs-3g driver, unlike most filesystem drivers, is not kernel-based, so it’s not as fast and requires additional processing power.

HFS  Apple used its Hierarchical File System (HFS) in Mac OS through version 9.x and still supports it in macOS. You might encounter HFS on some removable media and particularly on older disks created under pre-X versions of Mac OS. Linux provides full read/write HFS support using its hfs driver.

HFS+  Apple’s HFS+, also known as Mac OS Extended, is the current filesystem for macOS; you’re likely to encounter it on dual-boot Mac computers and on some removable media created for use with Mac computers. Linux provides read/write HFS+ support with its hfsplus driver; however, write support is disabled by default on versions of the filesystem that include a journal.

images Mac users often use FAT on removable media for compatibility reasons.

ISO-9660  The ISO-9660 filesystem is used on optical media, and particularly on CD-ROMs and CD-Rs. It comes in several levels with differing capabilities. Two extensions, Joliet and Rock Ridge, provide support for long filenames using Windows and Unix standards, respectively. Linux supports all these variants. You should use the iso9660 type code to mount an ISO-9660 disc.

UDF  The Universal Disk Format (UDF) is a filesystem that’s intended to replace ISO-9660. It’s most commonly found on DVD and Blu-ray media, although it’s sometimes used on CD-Rs as well. Its Linux type code is, naturally, udf.

Most non-Linux filesystems lack support for the Unix-style ownership and permissions that Linux uses. Thus, you may need to use special mount options to set ownership and permissions as you want them. Exceptions to this rule include HFS+ and ISO-9660 when Rock Ridge extensions are in use. Rock Ridge discs are generally created with ownership and permissions that enable normal use of the disc, but if you’re faced with an HFS+ disk, you may find that the user ID (UID) values don’t match those of your Linux users. Thus, you may need to copy data as root, create an account with a matching UID value, or change the ownership of files on the HFS+ disk. (This last option is likely to be undesirable if you plan to use the disk again under macOS.)

To access a filesystem, you must mount it with the mount command. For instance, to mount the filesystem on /dev/sda5 at /shared, type the following command:

# mount /dev/sda5 /shared

Alternatively, you can create an entry for the filesystem in the /etc/fstab file, 
which stores information such as the device file, filesystem type, and mount point. When you’re done using a filesystem, you can unmount it with the umount command, as in 
 umount /shared.

images The umount command’s name has just one n.

Using Removable and Optical Disks

images If you insert a removable disk into a computer that’s running most modern Linux distributions, the computer will probably detect that fact, mount the disk in a subdirectory of /media, and launch a file manager on the disk. This behavior makes the system work in a way that’s familiar to users of Windows or macOS.

When you’re done using the disk, you must unmount it before you can safely remove it. Most file managers enable you to do this by right-clicking the entry for the disk in the left-hand pane and selecting an option called Unmount, Eject, or Safely Remove, as shown in Figure 6.3. If you fail to do this, the filesystem may suffer damage.

The figure shows a screenshot illustrating how Linux file managers enable you to unmount removable media.

Figure 6.3   Linux file managers enable you to unmount removable media.

images Some devices, such as optical disc drives, can lock their eject mechanisms to prevent forced removal of the media.

Most removable disks are either unpartitioned or have a single partition. They frequently use FAT, which is a good choice for cross-platform compatibility. If you need to, you can partition USB flash drives and most other removable media.

Optical discs are unusual in that they require their own special filesystems (ISO-9660 or UDF). Although you can mount and unmount these discs just like other disks, you can only read them, not write to them. If you want to create an optical disc on blank media, you must use special software, such as the text-mode mkisofs, cdrecord, or growisofs, or the GUI K3B or X-CD-Roast. These tools create an ISO-9660 filesystem from the files you specify and then burn it to the blank disc. Thereafter, you can mount the disc in the usual way.

Managing Displays

imagesLinux provides two display modes: text-mode and GUI. A text-mode display is fairly straightforward and requires little or no management. GUI displays are more complex. In Linux, the X Window System (or X for short) manages the GUI display. This section describes what X is and how it interacts with common display hardware.

Understanding the Role of X

Most people don’t give much thought to the software behind their computers’ displays; it all just works. Of course, behind the scenes the task of managing the display is fairly complex. Some of the tasks the software must do, on any platform, include:

  • Initialize the video card, including set its resolution.
  • Allocate sections of the display to hold windows that belong to applications.
  • Manage windows that overlap so that only the “topmost” window’s contents are displayed.
  • Manage a pointer that the user controls via a mouse or similar device.
  • Direct user input from a keyboard to whatever application is active.
  • Display text and simple shapes within windows at the request of user programs.
  • Provide user interface elements to move and resize windows.
  • Manage the interiors of windows, such as displaying menus and scroll bars.

In Linux, the first six tasks are handled by X, but the seventh task is handled by a program called a window manager and the eighth one is handled by GUI libraries known as widget sets. The font display element of the sixth task can be handled by X, but in recent years many programs have begun using a library called Xft for this task. Thus, the overall job of handling the display is broken up across several programs, although X handles most of the low-level tasks.

images Desktop environments include window managers, but window managers without desktop environments are also available.

Modern Linux distributions use one of two popular X software packages:

  • Wayland

Both software packages provide a version of X that can automatically detect your hardware—including the video card, monitor, keyboard, and mouse—and configure itself automatically. The result is that the software normally works properly without any explicit configuration. Sometimes, though, this autoconfiguration fails. When this happens, you must manually edit the X configuration files. For the package, look in the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file; for Wayland, the configuration settings are stored for each individual user account in the ~/.config/weston.ini file. If the configuration file is missing, you can generate a sample file by typing the following command (with X not running) as root:

# Xorg -configure

imagesChapter 10, “Editing Files,” describes the nano and Vi text-mode text editors.

The result is normally a file called /root/ You can copy this file to /etc/X11/xorg.conf and begin editing it to suit your needs. This task is complex and beyond the scope of this book, but knowing the name of the file can help you get started—you can examine the file and locate additional documentation by searching on that name.

Using Common Display Hardware

images Much of the challenge in dealing with video devices is in managing drivers for the video chipsets involved. Most modern computers use one of a handful of video drivers:

  • nv, nouveau, and nvidia work with NVIDIA video hardware.
  • ati and fglrx work with AMD/ATI video hardware.
  • intel works with Intel video hardware.
  • The fbdev and vesa drivers are generic drivers that work with a wide variety of hardware, but they produce suboptimal performance.
  • Many older video cards use more obscure drivers.

The nvidia and fglrx drivers are proprietary drivers provided by their manufacturers. Check the manufacturers’ websites for details or look for packages that install these drivers. These proprietary drivers provide features that aren’t available in their open source counterparts, although the nouveau driver implements some of these features. In this context, video driver “features” translate into improved performance, particularly with respect to 3D graphics and real-time displays (as in playing back video files).

In the past, most video cards connected to monitors using a 15-pin Video Graphics Array (VGA) cable. Today, 19-pin High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) cables are quite common. HDMI has the advantage of being a digital interface, which can produce a cleaner display on modern light-emitting diode (LED) monitors.

Monitor resolutions are typically measured in terms of horizontal and vertical number of pixels. In the past, resolutions as low as 640×480 have been common, but today it’s rare to use a monitor that has an optimum resolution of lower than 1280×1024 or 1366×768, and resolutions of 1920×1080 or higher are commonplace. Consult your monitor’s manual to determine its optimum resolution. Typically, physically larger monitors have higher resolutions; however, this isn’t always true.

images These days, to accommodate viewing movies, most monitors use an aspect ratio of 16:9, referring to the ratio of the length to the height of the display. Older monitors used a 4:3 aspect ratio, which was the old TV standard before high-definition.

In the best of all possible worlds, Linux will autodetect your monitor’s optimum resolution and set itself to that value whenever you boot the computer. Unfortunately, this sometimes doesn’t work. Keyboard/video/mouse (KVM) switch boxes and extension cables can sometimes interfere with this autodetection, and older monitors might not support the necessary computer–monitor communication. You may need to crack open your monitor’s manual to learn what its optimum resolution is. Look for this information in the features or specifications section; it will probably be called optimum resolution, maximum resolution, or something similar. It may also include a refresh rate value, as in 1280×1024 @ 60 Hz.

In most cases, you can set the resolution using a GUI tool such as the Displays item in the GNOME System Settings panel, shown in Figure 6.4. In Figure 6.4, the Resolution drop-down enables you to set the resolution to any desired value. If you can’t find the optimum resolution in the drop-down, you may need to perform more advanced adjustments involving the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file—a topic that’s beyond the scope of this book. On rare occasions, you may need to upgrade your video card; some cards aren’t able to handle the optimum resolutions used by some monitors.

The figure shows a screenshot illustrating how most desktop environments provide GUI tools to help you set your display’s resolution.

Figure 6.4   Most desktop environments provide GUI tools to help you set your display’s resolution.

Handling USB Devices

images Most modern computers use USB as the primary interface for external peripherals. Keyboards, mice, cameras, flash storage, hard disks, network adapters, scanners, printers, and more can all connect via USB. For the most part, USB devices work in a plug-and-play manner—you plug them in and they work. Some specific caveats include the following:

Human Interface Devices  The X software usually manages any keyboards, mice, tablets, and similar devices when you plug them in. If you have problems, you may need to adjust your X configuration, but this is an advanced topic that’s beyond the scope of this book.

Disk Storage  We include USB flash drives, external hard disks, and other storage devices in this category. As described earlier, in “Using Removable and Optical Disks,” it’s critical that you unmount the disk before you unplug its USB cable. Failure to do so can result in data corruption.

Cell Phones, Cameras, e-Book Readers, and Music Players  You can often use these devices like disk devices to transfer photos, music, or other files. You may need to activate an option on the device to make it look like a disk device to the computer, though. When you’re done, unmount the device and deactivate its interface mode.

Scanners  Linux uses the Scanner Access Now Easy (SANE; software to handle most scanners. A few require obscure or proprietary software, though.

Printers  Most distributions automatically configure suitable printer queues when you plug in a USB printer. Most Linux distributions include the Common Unix Printer System (CUPS) to detect and configure printers. If you need to tweak the configuration, try entering http://localhost:631 in a web browser on the computer in question to access the main CUPS interface. Doing so opens a web-based printer configuration utility. Some distributions provide distribution-specific printer configuration tools as well.

Managing Drivers

images Most hardware devices require the presence of special software components to be useful. A piece of software that “talks” to hardware is known as a driver, so you should know how drivers work in Linux. This section first describes several broad classes of drivers that you may need to use in your Linux environment, and then explores how to locate and install drivers for your hardware.

Understanding Types of Drivers

Linux requires drivers because different hardware—even two devices that serve very similar purposes, such as two network adapters—can function in very different ways. That is, the methods required to initialize and use two network adapters may be entirely different. To provide generalized interfaces so that programs like the Firefox web browser can use any network adapter, the Linux kernel uses drivers as a bridge between the hardware-agnostic kernel interfaces and the hardware itself.

images In fact, several layers exist between the network hardware and a program like Firefox; the driver is just one of these layers.

Broadly speaking, drivers can exist in one of two locations:

  • The kernel
  • An external library or application

Most drivers are kernel-based, and in fact a large chunk of the Linux kernel consists of drivers. Kernel drivers handle most of the devices that are internal to the computer’s box, such as the hard disks, network interfaces, and USB interfaces. The kernel hosts most drivers because drivers typically require privileged access to hardware, and that’s the purpose of the kernel.

Some drivers reside in a library or application external to the kernel. Examples include:

  • SANE, which handles scanners
  • Ghostscript, which converts printed output into a form that particular printers can understand
  • X, which manages the display

X is unusual in that it’s a non-kernel element that communicates more or less directly with the video hardware. SANE and Ghostscript, by contrast, both communicate with external hardware devices via interfaces (such as a USB port) that are handled by the kernel. That is, you need at least two drivers to handle such devices. To print to a USB printer, for instance, you use the kernel’s USB driver and a Ghostscript printer driver. Ideally, most users will be unaware of this complexity, but you may need to be familiar with it in case problems arise.

Locating and Installing Drivers

Most drivers come with the Linux kernel itself or with the library or application that handles the type of hardware. For instance, most X installations include a set of video drivers so that you can use most video cards. For this reason, it’s seldom necessary to track down and install additional drivers for common hardware. There are exceptions, such as the following:

New Hardware  If your hardware is very new (meaning the model is new, not just that you purchased it recently), it might need drivers that haven’t yet made their way into whatever distribution you’re using.

Unusual Hardware  If you’re using exotic hardware, such as a specialized scientific data-acquisition board, you may need to track down drivers for it.

Proprietary Drivers  Some manufacturers provide proprietary drivers for their hardware. For instance, the nvidia and fglrx video drivers (referred to earlier, in “Using Common Display Hardware”) can improve the performance of video displays based on NVIDIA or ATI/AMD chipsets, respectively. Some hardware requires proprietary drivers. This is particularly common for some exotic hardware.

Bug Fixes  Drivers, like other software, can be buggy. If you run into such a problem, you may want to track down a more recent driver to obtain a bug fix.

One way to obtain a new kernel-based driver is to upgrade the kernel. Note that a kernel upgrade can provide both bug fixes to existing drivers and entirely new drivers. Similarly, upgrading software such as SANE, Ghostscript, or X can upgrade or add new drivers for the devices that such packages handle.

If you’re using exotic hardware or need some other hard-to-find driver, your task can be more difficult. You can check with the manufacturer or perform a web search to try to find drivers.

If you obtain a driver that’s not part of the kernel (or software package to handle the device), you should read the instructions that come with the driver. Installation procedures vary quite a bit from one driver to another, so it’s impossible to provide a simple step-by-step installation procedure that works in all cases. Some drivers come with installation utilities, but others require you to follow a procedure that involves typing assorted commands. If you’re very unlucky, the driver will come in the form of a kernel patch. This is a way to add or change files in the main kernel source code package. You must then recompile the kernel—a task that’s well beyond the scope of this book.


Software and hardware interact in numerous ways to determine a computer’s capabilities. Your CPU is one determinant of your computer’s speed, and it also specifies what version of Linux you can run. CPUs are mounted on motherboards, which contain other critical circuitry for managing hard disks, displays, and other devices. Your hard disk must be partitioned and prepared with one or more filesystems before it’s useful. Video hardware—both the monitor and the video circuitry inside the computer—determine how your desktop environment looks and how fast the computer can move windows and display videos. USB manages most external devices, such as keyboards, mice, and external disks. Software known as drivers manages all these hardware devices.

Exam Essentials

Describe the major hardware components Linux must interact with on a desktop or server computer.  The main component of any computer system is the motherboard. The motherboard contains the CPU processor, memory, a power supply, and interfaces that connect with external devices. Desktop and server computers use the PCI connector to interface with hard drives, video cards, and network cards. The USB interface is used to connect with external devices such as the keyboard, mouse, and any external storage drives and optical drives.

Explain how Linux interacts with the various types of hardware devices.  Linux uses software drivers to communicate with each specific hardware device. Linux drivers can be included as part of the kernel, or added later as a kernel module. Linux drivers exist for various printers, monitors, network cards, and other types of storage devices such as external USB drives.

Explain how Linux stores data on disks.  Linux splits up storage devices into partitions for organizing the data stored on them. Linux provides several tools for partitioning storage devices, such as the fdisk and gdisk utilities. After creating the partitions, you must format each partition using a specific filesystem type. Different filesystem types have different features, such as dependability, speed of access, or file sizes, so you can choose the filesystem type that works best for your application for each partition. After creating a filesystem in the partition, you can mount it in the Linux virtual directory structure so that the Linux system can access it to read and write data.

Review Questions

You can find the answers in Appendix A.

  1. Which of the following commands provides the most information about your motherboard’s features?

    1. lscpu
    2. Xorg -configure
    3. fdisk -l /dev/sda
    4. lspci
    5. http://localhost:631

  2. Why might you want to partition a hard disk? (Choose all that apply.)

    1. To install more than one OS on the disk
    2. To use ext4fs rather than ReiserFS
    3. To turn a PATA disk into an SATA disk
    4. To separate filesystem data from swap space
    5. To separate the disk’s cache from its main data

  3. Which of the following devices is not commonly attached via USB?

    1. Video monitors
    2. Keyboards
    3. External hard disks
    4. Printers
    5. Scanners

  4. True or false: An EM64T CPU is capable of running a Linux distribution identified as being for the AMD64 CPU.

  5. True or false: UDF is a good filesystem to use for a Linux installation on a hard disk.

  6. True or false: The Linux kernel includes drivers for various disk controllers, network adapters, and USB interfaces, among other things.

  7. The x86 CPU uses a ____-bit architecture.

    1. 8
    2. 32
    3. 64
    4. 128
    5. 256

  8. A computer power supply converts electricity from alternating current to ________. (two words)

    1. direct current
    2. three-phase current
    3. magnetic current
    4. static current
    5. solar electricity

  9. The ________ standard is a modern digital video interface that’s commonly used on computer monitors.

    1. VGA
    2. LED
    3. SVGA
    4. HDMI
    5. SDI

  10. Two currently popular X software packages in Linux are ________ and ________ (Select two).

    1. xFree86
    3. Wayland
    4. GNOME
    5. KDE Plasma

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