
additional services 75, 945, 100 post-novation 1668 redesign work 95, 107

adjudication 85, 147, 217, 25569

adjustments to fees 75

adjustments to payments 76, 211, 217

adjustments to the contract sum 211, 213, 217

‘all reasonable endeavours’ 102

‘all reasonable skill and care’ 102

alternative dispute resolution (ADR) 2534

appeals, legal 9

appointments see professional appointments

approvals and consents see consents and approvals

ARB see Architects Registration Board (ARB)

arbitration 26972


as contract administrators 72, 177, 195, 2036

cost planning 1823

designer’s role 1767, 1889

duties during the tender pro cess 1957

duty to the client 1889

ensuring compliance with statutory requirements 1838

insolvency 131, 132, 142, 224

inspection role 1979, 214

procurement advice 1801, 182

professional standards 556, 223

relationship with client 1725 1889, 2023

relationship with contractors 2023

scope of services 567, 1757

architect’s appointment see professional appointments

architects’ lien 141

Architects Registration Board (ARB)

Architects Code: Standards of Conduct and Practice 56, 84, 134, 175, 223, 248

disciplinary process 24852

asbestos 135, 2334

assignment 745, 1367, 1578

‘assumption of responsibility’ 36, 402

‘back to back’ contracts 23941

bespoke forms of appointment 66, 87, 91149

‘best endeavours’ 1023

bills of quantities 192

breach of copyright 789, 1201, 123

breach of duty 378

British and Irish Legal Information Institute (BAILII) 7

building contracts 20120

forms of contract 1915 letters of intent 2632 procurement advice 182 tender process 1812, 1957

building control approval 18991

building information modelling (BIM) 967

Building Law Reports 2, 7

Building Regulations 18990 foreign work 50

CDM Regulations 1835

Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR) 276

certificate of making good 213, 217

certificate of non-completion 209

certificate of practical completion 21112

certification for payment 214, 21618

changes in requirements 956

CIC/ConsWa 154

civil court system 8

Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) 2523

claim reporting 2412

client briefs 956, 17980


approval of key personnel 10910

commissioning guidance 174

communication with 2445

insolvency 40, 140, 219

issuing instructions to project team 72

keeping client informed 109

relationship with architect 1725, 2023

requirements 956, 17980

responsibilities 70, 723

codes of professional conduct 556, 223

collateral warranties 745, 11015, 15170

dispute resolution 255

insurance cover for 801, 232

limitations on 11015

net contribution in 823

‘penalties’ for failure to provide 11314

post-novation 167

powers of attorney 114

sub-consultants 115, 137

versus third party rights (TPRs 1623

commercial law 1213

common law 46

companies, execution by 62

complaints procedure 245

confidentiality 1356

confirmation letters (completion of works) 1479

consents and approvals

building control approval 18991

planning permission 73, 1856

Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (‘CDM Regulations’) 1835

Construction Acts 1996/2009 14, 76, 1245, 12833, 2557, 2678

Construction Industry Council, CIC/ConsWa 154

construction management contracts 1945

construction management procurement route 197

consultants appointed by client 72 (see also sub-consultants)

consumer clients 25, 67–8

commissioning guidance 174

dispute resolution 85, 147, 2556

forms of appointment 85, 867

payment provisions 756, 78, 125

right to cancel appointment 84

Consumer Rights Act 2015 25, 67 85, 86

contamination 2334

continuous professional development (CPD) 2434

contract administrator’s role 177, 195, 2036

contract date 623

contract law 1314, 2132

doctrine of consideration 212

exclusion clauses 256

interpretation of contract 236

‘offer’ and ‘acceptance’ 23


claims against the architect 2045

insolvency 82, 131, 132

notice of delay 208

relationship with architect 2023

responsibility 72

termination of appointment 21820

contractor’s design 1078, 1934

contracts see building contracts; professional appointments

copyright 7880, 11824

assignment to client 1223

licenses 789, 96, 11920 1212, 158

third party 96

Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 118

cost estimates 1823

Court of Appeal 9

‘damage’ 38

date recognition 2334

decennial liability 49

deeds, execution as 59

default notices 218

Defective Premises Act 1972 423

defective work

defects rectification 21213

identifying 198, 199

latent defects 41, 478, 80, 145

defects rectification period 212

delay notices 208

delay of project

extensions of time 2078

liquidated damages 144

deleterious materials see prohibited materials

‘delivered’ (deeds) 59

design and build contracts 164, 1934, 2023

design assumptions 188

design changes 956, 107 (see also variations)

design review 1078, 189

designer’s role 1767, 1889

‘diligence’ 103

disbursements 124

disciplinary proceedings 24852

dispute resolution 85, 147, 25278

adjudication 25569

alternative dispute resolution (ADR) 2534

arbitration 26972

consumer clients 85, 147, 2556

foreign work 50

mediation 2758

documents (see also copyright)

accuracy 186

definition 96

format 79

retention of 48

domestic clients see consumer clients

‘due diligence’ 103

duty of care 201, 347, 734, 1016

test for 36

in tort 3740, 43

economic loss 97, 116

liability for 3843, 44, 147

‘effective date’ (of contract) 63, 99

‘ensures’ 1045

‘entire agreement’ 989

‘equity’ 7

escrow accounts 51, 11415

EU law 1112

European Convention on Human Rights 12

European Court of Human Rights 12

European Court of Justice (ECJ) 12

exclusion clauses in contracts 256

‘exclusionary rule’ 24

execution of documents 5765

expenses 756, 124

extensions of time 2078

extra work see additional services

‘factual matrix’ 24

‘fair and reasonable’ 26

feasibility stage 180

Fédération Internationale des Ingénieurs-Conseils (FIDIC)

Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement, Fifth Edition 2017 8990

fees 567, 758, 124 (see also payment of fees)

final certificate 21718

Fire Safety Risk Assessment 191

‘fitness for habitation’ 42

fitness for purpose 1434, 233

force majeure 845

foreign work 4851

‘foreseeability’ 334, 378

forms of appointment 556, 656, 6990, 91149


collateral warranties 112, 154, 160

conditional payments 132

step in rights 1589

glossary 2857

‘good faith’ obligation 1034

‘guarantees’ 1045

health and safety regulations 1835

Her Majesty’s Courts & Tribunals Service (HMCTS) 8

High Court divisions 8

Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996 255

implied terms 13, 14, 25

indemnities 11518

‘independently, honestly, fairly and impartially’ 2056

‘informal’ contracts 2632

initial project brief 179

injunctions 33, 79


architect’s 131, 132, 140, 142, 224

client’s 40, 140, 219

contractor’s 82, 131, 132

third party 132, 133

inspections of the works 1979, 214


clients’ 100

contract administrator’s role 21011

insurance brokers 224

insurance manager role 237, 2412

intellectual property rights 118

interest, on late payments 76

interim certificates 213, 214, 21718

interim payments 21718

interpretation of contract 236

JCT Standard Building Contract Without Quantities 2016 (SBC/XQ) 202, 207, 20910, 211, 212

JCT’s DB 2016 2023

joint and several liability 82

jointly insured losses 1456

LADs (liquidated and ascertained damages) 144, 207, 20910

land law 33

language and law 1518

late payment 1415, 76

Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 76

Latent Damage Act 1986 44, 48

latent defects 41, 478, 80, 145

law of contract see contract law

law of tort 201, 3244

lead consultant role 176

lead designer role 1767

legal advice 2456, 254

legal cases 27981

legal knowledge 34

legal precedent 910

legal systems 5

legislation 1011, 106, 283

letters of appointment 26

letters of intent 2632


for economic loss 3840, 147

and insurance 801

limitations on 256, 73, 801, 14 47, 1601

licenses see copyright

Limitation Act 1980 44, 48

limitation period for actions 80, 145

in contract 457

contractual 58

indemnity provisions 46, 117

in tort 41, 42, 478

variation and exclusion 456

limited liability partnerships (LLP) 612

liquidated and ascertained damages (LADs) 144, 207, 20910

‘listed items’ 214

litigation 2725

losses, client’s see economic loss

making good defects 21213

management 243

management contracting 1945

materials, off-site 214

mediation 2758

misstatements 402

moral rights 1234

NEC4, Professional Services Contract (PSC) 889

negligence see professional negligence actions

negotiation 934, 124

‘neighbour principle’ 35

net contribution 26, 72, 813, 1456

non-completion certificates 209

Northern Ireland law 5

notice of delay 208

‘notified sum’ 778

novation 745, 1389, 16470, 194

office procedures 2412, 244

off-site materials 214

operation and maintenance (O&M) 199

outline planning permission 186

overseas work 4851

parliamentary bills 11

partnerships 602

party wall issues 1878

party wall surveyor 1878

pay less notices 778, 1301, 21415, 258

‘pay when paid’ 132

payment guarantee bonds 51

payment notices 768, 128, 21415

payment of fees 758, 12433

adjustments 75

avoiding disputes 567

conditional 132

consumer clients 76, 78, 125

in event of suspension or termination 76, 1412

foreign work 501

ins talment s 1267

late 1415, 76

link to copyright license 79, 123

‘set-off’ 76

timing 767, 127

withholding 778, 1302

payments to contractor

adjustments 211, 217

certification for 21314, 21618

final 213, 214

non-payment to contractor 217

timing 21314, 21718

percentage fees 124

performance-specified work 194

permissions and approvals see consents and approvals

permitted development 185

PII see professional indemnity insurance (PII)

planning conditions 186

planning permission 1856

pollution 2334

post-completion phase 199

post-occupation evaluation 199

powers of attorney 114

practical completion 148, 21112

practice management 243

pre-agreement stage 172, 179

precedent 910

pre-contract negotiations 24

pre-existing work 99100

primary legislation 1011

principal designer 184

‘privity of contract’ 21

procurement advice 1801, 182

procurement route 1801, 1915

professional appointments 5367

alignment with PII 234

amendments to contract or deed 645, 93

avoiding disputes 567

bespoke forms of appointment 66, 91149

execution of documents 5765

negotiation 67, 92

standard forms of appointment 556, 656, 6990

written terms 16, 545, 2678

professional indemnity insurance (PII) 834, 1335, 22146

alignment of terms of appointment with 57, 234

claim notification requirements 2347

and collateral warranties 114, 155

and contract liability limits 801, 1467

contract review service 92

coverage 2304

excess sum 230

exclusions 2324

foreign work 49

indemnity cover 11517

indemnity limits 22930

limitation period for actions 46

maintenance by the architect 157

obtaining cover 2248

performance warranties 46, 105, 155

premium 2223

reporting potential claims 2412

‘run-off’ cover 2278

specific provisions 22838

professional negligence actions 6, 8, 20, 334, 36 (see also duty of care)

tort 201, 3244

professional standards 556, 2234

prohibited materials 108, 1567

project brief 179

project lead role 1767

project risk assessment 1723

‘proximity’ 36, 43

quantity surveyor role 95, 181, 182, 214, 217

‘reasonable endeavours’ 1023

‘reasonable skill and care’ 6, 37, 734, 102, 188, 233

‘reasonableness’ 25

recruitment 2423

redesign work 95, 107 (see also variations)

regulations, compliance with 106, 108

repudiation 220

residential clients see consumer clients

retention money 21516

retirement, PII after 2278


Adjudication Scheme for Consumer Contracts. 256

A Client’s Guide to Engaging an Architect 174

Code of Professional Conduct 55, 834, 134, 175, 223, 248

disciplinary process 248

Domestic Professional Services Contract 2018 857

Good Practice Guide: Fee Management 124

A Guide to Letter Contracts for Very Small Projects, Surveys and Reports 30

Job Book 70, 177

Leading the Team 176

Plan of Work 2013 97, 176, 1779

Standard Professional Services Contract 2018 656, 7088

Work Stages 70, 178200

risk assessment 1723

risk management 23846

schedule of defects 212

schedule of services 70, 1756

Scheme for Construction Contracts 14, 1256, 127, 256

Scottish law 5

secondary legislation 1011

set-off 76, 1423

site visits 1979

Society of Construction Law 2

‘soft landing’ 199

sole traders 60

specialist advice 183, 1889

standard forms of appointment 556, 656, 6990


compliance with 106, 108

foreign work 50

statute law 1011, 25

statutory consents and approvals 1856, 18991

Statutory Instruments 11

statutory requirements, compliance with 1838

step in rights 1589

sub-consultants 137

appointments 23841

collateral warranties 115

copyright licences 122

sub-contracting 745, 137, 192, 194

‘suitability for purpose’ 42

‘supervision’ 197

Supreme Court 9

suspension of contracts 845, 133

by the client 139

payment for work carried out 76, 78

Technology and Construction Court (TCC) 8, 272

tenders 1812, 1917

architect’s advice 196

two-stage 192, 194

termination of appointment 845

by the architect 140

by the client 13942

payment for work carried out 76, 1412

termination of contractor’s employment 21820

terms of appointment see professional appointments

Third Parties (Rights against Insurers) Act 2010 224

third party agreements 978

third party claims 80, 81

third party copyright 96

third party insolvency 132, 133

third party rights (TPRs) 74, 11015, 1613, 224

time ‘at large’ 207

time limits see limitation period for actions

tort 201, 3244

traditional procurement 1913

training 2434

trespass 323

trust accounts 216

‘undertakes’ 1045

Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 25

valuation, off-site materials 214

value engineering 95, 107

variations 100

CA authority 21011

payment for 75

re-submission of planning applications 186

‘warrants’ 1045

withholding notices see pay less notices

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