Adding a Contact Us page

Before we start work on our form, we need a page to host the form in. The page will be a container component, and our form will be a presentational component. We also need to create a navigation option that takes us to our new page.

We'll write the following codes before starting to implement our form:

  1. If you haven't already, open the React shop project in Visual Studio Code. Create a new file called ContactUsPage.tsx in the src folder, containing the following code:
import * as React from "react";

class ContactUsPage extends React.Component {
public render() {
return (
<div className="page-container">
<h1>Contact Us</h1>
If you enter your details we'll get back to you as soon as
we can.

export default ContactUsPage;

This component will eventually contain state, so, we have created a class-based component. This simply renders a heading with some instructions at the moment. Eventually, it will reference our form.

  1. Let's now add this page to the available routes. Open Routes.tsx, and import our page:
import ContactUsPage from "./ContactUsPage";
  1. In the render method for the Routes component, we can now add a new route to our page just above the admin route:
<Redirect exact={true} from="/" to="/products" />
<Route path="/products/:id" component={ProductPage} />
<Route exact={true} path="/products" component={ProductsPage} />
<Route path="/contactus" component={ContactUsPage} />
<Route path="/admin">
<Route path="/login" component={LoginPage} />
<Route component={NotFoundPage} />
  1. Open Header.tsx now, which contains all the navigation options. Let's add a NavLink to our new page just above the admin link:
<NavLink to="/products" className="header-link" activeClassName="header-link-active">
<NavLink to="/contactus" className="header-link" activeClassName="header-link-active">
Contact Us
<NavLink to="/admin" className="header-link" activeClassName="header-link-active">
  1. Run the project in your development server, by entering the following in the terminal:
npm start

You should see a new navigation option that takes us to our new page:

Now that we have our new page, we are ready to implement our first controlled input in a form. We'll do this in the following section.

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