Chapter 5: Advanced Types

  1. We have an interface that represents a course result as follows:
interface ICourseMark {
courseName: string;
grade: string;

We can use this interface as follows:

const geography: ICourseMark = {
courseName: "Geography",
grade: "B"

The grades can only be A, B, C, or D. How can we create a stronger typed version of the grade property in this interface?

 We can use a union type:

interface ICourseMark {
courseName: string;
grade: "A" | "B" | "C" | "D";
  1. We have the following functions, which validate that numbers and strings are populated with a value:
function isNumberPopulated(field: number): boolean {
return field !== null && field !== undefined;

function isStringPopulated(field: string): boolean {
return field !== null && field !== undefined && field !== "";

How can we combine these into a single function called isPopulated with signature overloads?

We can use overload signatures and then a union type for field in the main function. We can then use the typeof type guard in the function to deal with the different branches of logic:

function isPopulated(field: number): boolean 
function isPopulated(field: string): boolean
function isPopulated(field: number | string): boolean {
if (typeof field === "number") {
return field !== null && field !== undefined;
} else {
return field !== null && field !== undefined && field !== "";
  1. How can we implement a more flexible version of the isPopulated function with generics?

 We can use a generic function with a typeof type guard for the special branch of code for strings:

function isPopulated<T>(field: T): boolean {
if (typeof field === "string") {
return field !== null && field !== undefined && field !== "";
} else {
return field !== null && field !== undefined;
  1. We have the follow type alias of stages: 
type Stages = {
pending: 'Pending',
started: 'Started',
completed: 'Completed',

How can we programmatically turn this into the union type 'Pending' | 'Started' | 'Completed'?

We can use the keyof keyword:

type StageUnion = keyof Stages
  1. We have the following union type:
type Grade = 'gold' | 'silver' | 'bronze';

How can we programmatically create the following type?

type GradeMap = {
gold: string;
silver: string;
bronze: string

We can map the type as follows:

type GradeMap = { [P in Grade]: string }
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