Consuming the onSubmit form prop

In this section, we'll consume the onSubmit form prop in the ContactUs component. The ContactUs component won't manage the submission—it will simply delegate to the ContactUsPage component to handle the submission:

  1. Let's start by importing ISubmitResult and IValues, and creating a props interface in the ContactUs component for the onSubmit function:
import { Form, ISubmitResult, IValues, minLength, required } from "./Form";

interface IProps {
onSubmit: (values: IValues) => Promise<ISubmitResult>;

const ContactUs: React.SFC<IProps> = props => { ... }
  1. Create a handleSubmit function that will invoke the onSubmit prop:
const ContactUs: React.SFC<IProps> = props => {
const handleSubmit = async (values: IValues): Promise<ISubmitResult> => {
const result = await props.onSubmit(values);
return result;
return ( ... );

The onSubmit prop is asynchronous, so we need to prefix our function with async and prefix the onSubmit call with await.

  1. Bind this submit handler in the form onSubmit prop in the JSX:
return (
<Form ... onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
  1. Let's move on to the ContactUsPage component now. Let's start by creating the submit handler:
private handleSubmit = async (values: IValues): Promise<ISubmitResult> => {
await wait(1000); // simulate asynchronous web API call
return {
errors: {
email: ["Some is wrong with this"]
success: false

In practice, this will probably call a web API. In our example, we wait asynchronously for one second and return a validation error with the email field.

  1. Let's create the wait function we just referenced:
const wait = (ms: number): Promise<void> => {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
  1. Let's wire up the handleSubmit method to the ContactUs onSubmit prop now:
<ContactUs onSubmit={this.handleSubmit} />
  1. We have referenced IValues and ISubmitResult, so let's import these:
import { ISubmitResult, IValues } from "./Form";

If we go to the Contact Us page in the running app, fill out the form, and click the Submit button, we are informed that there is a problem with the email field, as we would expect:

  1. Let's change the submit handler in ContactUsPage to return a successful result:
private handleSubmit = async (values: IValues): Promise<ISubmitResult> => {
await wait(1000); // simulate asynchronous web API call
return {
success: true

Now, if we go to the Contact Us page in the running app again, fill out the form, and click the Submit button, the submission goes through fine and the Submit button is disabled:

So, that's our Contact Us page complete, together with our generic Form and Field components.

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