
Timing out requests after a certain amount of time can improve the user experience in our app:

  1. Let's add a timeout to our request:
.get<IPost[]>("https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts", {
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
timeout: 1

So, adding a timeout to an axios request is super simple. We just add a timeout property to the options object with an appropriate number of milliseconds. We have specified just 1 millisecond, so that we can hopefully see the request timing out.

  1. Let's handle a timeout now in the catch method:
.catch(ex => {
const error =
ex.code === "ECONNABORTED"
? "A timeout has occurred"
: ex.response.status === 404
? "Resource not found"
: "An unexpected error has occurred";
this.setState({ error });

So, we check the code property in the caught error object in order to determine whether a timeout has occurred.

If we look at the running app, we should get confirmation that a timeout has occurred with A timeout has occurred displayed in red.

  1. Let's now change the timeout to something more sensible so that we can move on to looking at how we can allow users to cancel requests in the next section:
.get<IPost[]>("https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts", {
timeout: 5000
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