Setting a time reference

In your analysis, you may have a group of packets where you want to see exactly how long the delay was within those packets. In Wireshark, you can set a time reference on the packet where you think the trouble began and watch the time values to see gaps in the transmission. Wireshark provides a variety of ways to set a time reference and then offers ways to navigate through the time references:

  • Set/Unset Time Reference: This is a selection that allows you to set/unset a time reference.
  • Unset All Time References: This will unset all time references.
  • Next Time Reference: Once a reference is set, this allows you to navigate to the next time reference.
  • Previous Time Reference: Once a reference is set, this allows you to navigate to the previous time reference.
  • Time Shift: This is an option you can use when you need to adjust the time reference. For example, if you are examining two captures that each used a different file format—that is, one file used NTP (short for Network Time Protocol) and the other file used PTP (short for Precision Timing Protocol)—you may want to do a time shift. If you select this option, it will launch a dialog box where you can set your values, as shown here:

The Time Shift option

The last option shows where you can undo all shifts if you get unexpected results.

Now that we understand how we can reference or shift time in Wireshark, let's take a look at ways to personalize your work area.

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