Using command-line tools

Wireshark has several command-line tools that complement Wireshark's basic functionality and will allow you to do several tasks, such as edit, split, and manipulate packet captures. The following table lists some of the tools available. All the CLI tools are baked into Wireshark; however, they are also available to use as lightweight tools to work with packet captures:

Tool Function
dumpcap A program used to capture network traffic
editcap Can edit and subset capture files
capinfos Provides basic statistics on the capture file
mergecap Can merge multiple capture files into one
text2pcap Converts a hexdump of ASCII (short for American Standard Code for Information Interchange) packets into a capture file
tshark A lightweight command-line equivalent of Wireshark


As you can see, there are many command-line tools to capture network traffic. Let's take a look at tshark, which is a great alternative to use when you need to conserve resources.

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