
Now it's time to check your knowledge. Select the best response, and then check your answers, which can be found in the Assessment:

  1. To filter only on packets that you have marked in Wireshark, use _____ in the display filter.
    1. marked:all
    2. frame =black
    3. frame.marked==1
    4. marked: on
  2. ____ is used to increase the maximum WS that is allowed.
    1. NOP
    2. Window scale
    3. Timestamp
    4. SACK
  1. When using _____, the receiver will notify the sender if there are any missing packets.
    1. NOP
    2. Window scale
    3. Timestamp
    4. SACK
  2. TCP ends the session by exchanging packets indicating that each side should close their respective socket. TCP uses the _____ flag to indicate that this is the end of a conversation.
    1. END
    2. SYN
    3. FIN
    4. URG
  3. If, in the TCP header, the sequence number is 1 and the next sequence number is 937, the packet has _____ bytes of data.
    1. 32
    2. 380
    3. 936
    4. 33,304
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