About the Authors

image Steffen Itterheim has been a game development enthusiast since the early 1990s. His work in the Doom and Duke Nukem 3D communities landed him his first freelance job as a beta tester for 3D Realms. He has been a professional game developer for more than a decade, having worked most of his career as a game play and tools programmer for Electronic Arts Phenomic. His first contact with cocos2d was in 2009, when he cofounded an aspiring iOS games start-up company called Fun Armada. He loves to teach and enable other game developers so that they can work smarter, not harder. Occasionally you’ll find him strolling around in the lush vineyards near his domicile at daytime, and the desert of Nevada at night, collecting bottle caps.

image Andreas Löw has been a computer freak since he got is first Commodore C16 at the age of 10. Teaching himself how to write games, he released his first computer game, Gamma Zone, for the Commodore Amiga in 1994, written in pure assembly language. After earning his diploma in electrical engineering, he worked for Harman International in the department for navigation and infotainment systems with a focus on speech recognition. He invented his own programming language and compiler system, which are used in many cars with speech recognition technology around the world.

With the iPhone, he found his way back to his roots and began developing a game called TurtleTrigger. He realized there is a lack of good tools in the cocos2d community. He founded CodeAndWeb, and now dedicates his full time to this new challenge. With his knowledge in both game and tool development, his products TexturePacker and PhysicsEditor quickly became essential development tools for any cocos2d user.

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