Extracting a backup over ADB

The format of the adb backup command is shown in the following command:

adb backup [-f <file>] [-apk|-noapk] [-obb|-noobb] [-shared|-noshared] [-all] [-system|-nosystem] [<packages...>]

The flags are as follows:

  • -f: Name the path for the output file. If not specified, defaults to backup.ab in the present working directory.
  • [-apk|noapk]: Choose whether or not to back up the .apk file. Defaults to –noapk.
  • [-obb|-noobb]: Choose whether or not to back up .obb (APK expansion) files. Defaults to –noobb.
  • [-shared|-noshared]: Choose whether or not to back up data from shared storage and the SD card. Defaults to –noshared.
  • [-all]: Include all applications for which backups are enabled.
  • [-system|-nosystem]: Choose whether or not to include system applications. Defaults to –system.
  • [<packages>]: Explicitly name application packages to be backed up. Not needed if using –all or –shared.

An example adb backup command to capture all possible application data would be the following:

adb backup –f C:/Users/0136/Test/backup.ab –shared –all

Alternatively, an example adb backup command to capture a specific application's data would be the following:

adb backup –f C:/Users/0136/Test/facebook.ab com.facebook.katana

You should see something like the following:

When performing a backup, the user must approve the backup on the device; this means that backups can't be performed without bypassing screen locks:

Depending on the number of applications installed, the backup process may take a significant amount of time.

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