About the authors

Oleg Skulkin is senior digital forensic analyst at Group-IB, one of the global leaders in preventing and investigating high-tech crimes and online fraud. He holds a number of certifications, including GCFA, MCFE, and ACE. Oleg is the co-author of Windows Forensics Cookbook and Practical Mobile Forensics, as well as the author of many blog posts and articles you can find online. Finally, he is one of the people behind Cyber Forensicator.

I would like to thank my mom and wife for their support and caring, the Packt team who worked on this book with me, my co-authors, Donnie Tindal and Rohit Tamma, Igor Mikhaylov for being technical reviewer, and the whole Group-IB Digital Forensics and Incident Response Team, especially Vitaliy Trifonov and Roman Rezvukhin.

Donnie Tindall is a principal incident response consultant with the Crypsis Group, where he handles incident response engagements encompassing the full lifecycle of cyber security events. His corporate and consulting background is primarily in conducting sensitive forensics examinations for federal government clients, particularly the U.S. military and the Intelligence Community. Before moving into Incident Response, Donnie had an extensive background in mobile forensics, application security research, and exploitation. He is also an IACIS Certified Forensic Computer Examiner and former Community Instructor of FOR585, the SANS Institute's smartphone forensics course.

First, I need to thank my wife, Amber, for putting up with me locking up myself in the office for hours at a time while writing this book. Also, thank you to my son, Dominic, for allowing me to use the computer long enough to get things done (without complaining — most of the time). And of course, thanks to my parents for helping me get where I am today.

Rohit Tamma is a security program manager currently working for Microsoft. With over 9 years of experience in the field of security, his background spans management and technical consulting roles in the areas of application and cloud security, mobile security, penetration testing, and security training. Rohit has also co-authored a couple of books, Practical Mobile Forensics and Learning Android Forensics, which explain a number of ways of performing forensics on mobile platforms. You can contact him on Twitter at @RohitTamma.

Writing this book has been a great experience because it has taught me several things that would not have been possible otherwise. I would like to dedicate this book to my parents for helping me in every possible way throughout my life.
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