
AD. See Aggregate demand

AE. See Aggregate expenditure

Aggregate demand, 19, 55, 57–58

Aggregate demand (AD), 54–55

Aggregate expenditure (AE), 43–55

Aggregate market model, 66–68

business cycle, 70–72

fiscal policy multipliers revisited, 68–69

long-run aggregate supply, 59–63

short-run aggregate supply, 63–66

simulated aggregate demand, 57–58

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, 76

Austrian economics, 89, 90, 91

The Austrian School, 89–91

Balanced-budget multiplier, 54

The Black Obelisk (Maria, Erich), 118

Business cycle, 70–72

Capital Based Macroeconomics (CBM), 123–125

CBM. See Capital Based Macroeconomics

Central planning, 10–14

The Chicago school, 88–89

Classical economics versus Keynesian economics, 73

The classical school, 109

COL. See Cost of living

COLA. See Cost of living adjustment

Consumer expenditure, 44–48

Consumer Price Index (CPI), 22

Consumption function, 44, 45, 46

Cost of living (COL), 24, 25

Cost of living adjustment (COLA), 25

Cost-push inflation, 21

The Count of Monte Cristo (Dantès, Edmond), 1

CPI. See Consumer Price Index

Crowding-out, 83

Deflator Price Index (DPI), 24

Demand and supply, 8, 19

Demand-pull inflation, 21

Derived demand effect, 126

Discount rate, 93, 104, 107, 109

Donne, John, 40

DPI. See Deflator Price Index

Economic growth, 31–36

Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act (EGTRRA), 75

EGTRRA. See Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act

The Encyclopedia of Money (Allen, Larry), 118

Equilibrium, 7

ERR. See Excess reserves ratio

Excess reserves ratio (ERR), 102

The federal funds market, 104–108

Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), 104

Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, 86

Fiscal policy

Austrian School, 89–91

Chicago School, 88–89

discretionary fiscal policy, 78–80

and economic performance, 91–92

fiscal budget balance, 74–77

shortcomings of, 80–85

supply-side school, 85–88

Treasury bond auctions, 77–78

Fiscal policy lags, 82, 91

Fiscal policy multipliers, 52–54, 52–55

FOMC. See Federal Open Market Committee

Fractional reserve banking, 100

Free market capitalism, 10–14

Free trade, 16–17

Friedman, Milton, 21, 120

Garrison, Roger, 2, 123

GDP. See Gross domestic product

Greenspan, Alan, 119

Gross domestic product (GDP), 14, 21

Hayek, F.A., 43

Inflation, 21–28

Interest on reserves, 113

Interest rates, 28–31

JGTRRA. See Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act

Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act (JGTRRA), 76

Keynesian economics versus classical economics, 73

The Keynesian school, 78, 80, 111

Laffer curve, 86

Law of supply and demand, 7–10

Long-run aggregate supply (LRAS), 57, 59–63

LRAS. See Long-run aggregate supply

Macroeconomic indicators

economic growth, 31–36

inflation, 21–28

interest rates, 28–31

synthesis, 40–41

unemployment, 36–40


demand and supply, 19

of free trade, 16–17

government budget deficits, 18–19

government provided healthcare, 14–16

Marginal cost, 7

Marginal revenue product of labor (MRPL), 10


demand, 3–5

supply, 5–7

Monetary policy, 109–114

banking, 98–101

federal funds market, 104–108

federal reserve system, 103–104

market for money, 95–98

money, 93–95

multiple deposit creation, 101–103

in practice, 114–118

Money demand, 95

Money velocity, 96

MRPL. See Marginal revenue product of labor

Net foreigner expenditure, 48–49

Nominal interest rate, 28, 29

Okun’s law, 41

Open market operations, 111, 112

PCEPI. See Personal Consumption Expenditure Price Index

Personal Consumption Expenditure Price Index (PCEPI), 24

Phillips curve, 41

PL. See Price level

PPF. See Production Possibilities Frontier

Price ceiling or price floor, 11, 12

Price elasticity of supply, 7

Price level (PL), 22

Principles of Economics (Menger, Carl), 89

Production Possibilities Frontier (PPF), 14

Rational expectations, 88

Regression analysis, 6

Required reserves ratio, 101

Required reserves ratio (rrr), 101

The Road to Serfdom, (Hayek), 120

Robinson, Joan, 1

rrr. See Required reserves ratio

The Shawshank Redemption (movie), 94

Short-run aggregate supply (SRAS), 63–66

SPF. See Survey of Professional Forecasters

SRAS. See Short-run aggregate supply

Stein, Ben, 86

Supply-side economics, 59, 85, 86

Survey of Professional Forecasters (SPF), 30

TARP. See Troubled Asset Relief Program

Tax-cut multiplier, 53

TIPS. See Treasury Inflation Protected Securities

Trade balance, 49

Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS), 30

Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), 76

Unemployment, 36–40

WAP. See Working age population

The Way the World Works, 85

Working age population (WAP), 36, 37

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