
This book wouldn’t exist except for the work of several people. Thank you, Greg Doench at Pearson, for having the faith in me to publish this book (this is our sixth book together). I’m an experienced software developer, but I suck at making apps beautiful, so the only reason you have cool-looking sample apps to work with herein is due to the styling magic of my friend Scott Good.

Thank you, Simon MacDonald, for your kind words in the Foreword and for sharing the same love for doughnuts that I have. It’s so cool to know that when I speak at a developer conference somewhere, Simon will be there to lead me to another cool doughnut shop.

Thank you, Maxim Salnikov, for providing feedback on the first draft of the manuscript and connecting me to the PWA community.

Thanks to Jeff Burtoft, David Rousset, and Justin Willis from the PWABuilder team for bringing me up to speed on PWABuilder and helping me with the content for Chapter 8.

This book absolutely wouldn’t exist except for the hard work from the Pearson production team to bring it to print. Thanks to Julie Nahil, Carol Lallier, Vaishnavi Venkatesan, and others at Pearson working diligently behind the scenes to finish the manuscript and take it to print.

Finally, I would never be able to even write a sentence of this book without the full support of my wife Anna. I spend a lot of time in my office tinkering, writing apps, and learning new technologies for fun, profit, and career growth. Whenever I start a book project (this is my seventh, the eighth if you count the collection of magazine articles I wrote that ultimately became a book), I make sure she understands how the effort is going to consume a lot of my time. She always laughs and reminds me that a book project isn’t any different in her eyes, as it’s just a bunch of time I spend toiling away in my office while she hangs out with the kids and the dogs. I do get away without doing many dishes while working on a book, but I try to make up for that later.

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