Appendix A. What’s on the Companion Web Site?

Congratulations on making it all the way to the end of this book. At this point you should have a solid understanding of how to use Lego Mindstorms NXT 2.0 to create and program all kinds of exciting robotic creations. With this foundation now in place, you are well positioned to continue the development of your robotic design and program development skills.

There is plenty left to learn, so don’t look at completing this book as the end of your education, but rather consider it to be the beginning. To join the ranks of advanced robotic developers, you need to keep learning everything you can about Lego Mindstorms NXT 2.0, and most importantly, you need to keep experimenting and building all kinds of new robotic creations. The only limit to what you can do is your own imagination.

As you continue to experiment and try your hand with different robotic creations, you will amass quite an inventory of creation and NXT-G source code. You can use the designs and source code that you create as the basis for even more complex and challenging creations. This way, you can borrow design ideas and source code and use them to model new creations based on existing ones. This will save you a lot of time, sweat, and tears because you won’t have to reinvent the wheel every time you begin a new development project.

Assuming that you have re-created all of the robotic creations that have been presented in this book, you should already have a lot of good experience designing and programming your creations. You should faithfully document and add to this collection every time you create a new project. You’ll come to appreciate the advantages and time savings from practicing this habit and will come to view these resources as indispensible.

Downloading the Book’s Source Code

This book is most effectively used when you take the time to re-create all of its development examples. The hands-on experience that you gain by doing this will greatly improve your working knowledge of robotic development. However, in the event you did not have the time to re-create every example that was presented, you can download the missing project source code for these projects from the book’s companion web page, located at Of course, to use them you’ll need to re-create their robotic counterparts or modify the source code to meet the needs of some new project.

Table A.1 provides a brief explanation of the development projects that you will find on the companion web site.

Table A.1. Source Code Available on the Companion Web Site


Program File

Chapter 9


Chapter 10


Chapter 11


Chapter 12


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