Enemy name: ______________________________

Enemy image: (insert concept or inspirational image here)

Description: (write a short description of the enemy; what is the enemy's personality and motivation?)

Animation list:

  • Stand

  • Idle

  • Taunts

  • Attacks (melee)

  • Attacks (projectile)

  • Hit reactions

  • Death animations

  • Victory animations

Movement patterns: (add as many as necessary)

  • Move 1: (image and description of enemy's movement)

  • Move 2: (image and description of enemy's movement)

Attack descriptions: (add as many as necessary)

  • Attack 1: (melee, projectile, special)

  • Attack 2: (melee, projectile, special)

Enemy is defeated by: (how will the player defeat the enemy?)

Damage description: (how is damage communicated to the player? Do they require any special visual effects?)

Particle effects: (what visual effects are required for attacks, movement or damage states?)

Projectiles: (if used, list what projectiles will be needed for attacks)

HUD elements: (are there any additional HUD elements required for the enemy fight, such as icons for QTEs?)

Sound effects list: (match the sound effects list with the animation list)

Voice effects list: (match the voice effects list with the animation list)

Special requirements for player character: (does the player need any special animations, effects, and so on to go with the enemy's attack? List them here)

Player reward: (what does the player get, if anything, for defeating the enemy?)

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