• Moving platforms: horizontal, vertical, diagonal

  • Sinking/shrinking/collapsing platforms

  • Ladders

  • Swingable vine/trapeze

  • Zip line

  • Conveyer belt

  • Slippery ice

  • Spring/trampoline/jump pad/air gust

  • Accelerator

  • Pendulum/swinging object timing puzzle

  • Rotating platform

  • Spinning hazard

  • Hazard that smashes down or up

  • Blasting flame/wind/cannon timing puzzle

  • Exploding object

  • Breakable object

  • Climbable wall surface

  • Deadly surface/sticky floor/poison gas that slows player movement

  • Object that grabs the player, requiring another move to break free

  • Teleportal

  • Opening/closing door/drawbridge

  • Locked door requiring a key or some other method to open

  • Treasure chest

  • Health/ammo dispenser

  • Spotlight that player must avoid (stealth)

  • Push block

  • Floor switch/pressure plate

  • Lever

  • Crank/pump

  • Balance beam

  • Carryable/throwable object

  • Shootable target

  • Catapult that launches player or object

  • Two-stage openable or breakable object

  • Lighting fixture to control light/darkness effect

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