I hope you found Level Up! The Guide to Great Video Game Design to be educational and inspirational. What I've learned is that books don't write themselves and writers can't write without support and inspiration from lots of great people. I couldn't have written Level Up! The Guide to Great Video Game Design without the love, help, and support of the following family and friends:

Brenda Lee Rogers, Evelyn Rogers, Jack Rogers, Noah Stein, Hardy LeBel, Dr. Brett Rogers, Jackie Kashian, Danny Bilson, Laddie Ervin, Tim Campbell, THQ games legal department, Jeremiah Slackza (for requesting the Platform Primer), mentors William Anderson and David Siller, Mark Rogers, Eric Williams, George Collins, Scott Frazier (my first test audience), Andy Ashcraft, Paul Guirao, Tommy Tallarico, Joey Kuras, Ian Sedensky, Evan Icenbice, Brian Kaiser, Jason Weezner, David O'Connor, Jaclyn Rogers, Dr. Christopher Rogers, Patricia Rogers, Anthony Rogers, The GDC selection committee of 2008, Disneyland's original imagineers, the Los Angeles customizing gang, the editors at John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Juliet Booker, Gareth Haman, Katherine Batchelor, Ellie Scott, and most importantly, Chris Webb for making that call. And special thanks to Cory Doctrow for the glowing GDC review that kicked all of this off. I owe you a drink, mate.

And a big thank you to YOU for buying this book. Now go and design some great games! I can't wait to play them!

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