

  1. About Us page, 168
  2. account types, 19, 255–258
  3. achievements
    1. in Experience section, 133
    2. highlighting top, 152–153
  4. Activities section, 182
  5. Additional Information section
    1. about, 191–192
    2. adding interests, 192–195
    3. Advice for Contacting section, 198–199
    4. blocking profile views, 200–201
    5. in checklist, 254
    6. providing details, 195–198
  6. Additional Notes field, 166
  7. address book, importing your, 288–290
  8. Adler, Lou (CEO), 237
  9. Adobe Spark (website), 310
  10. Advice for Contacting section, 198–199
  11. age discrimination, 126
  12. All–Star profiles, 181–187
  13. American Society of Media Photographers (website), 282, 309
  14. appearance, for profile pictures, 283–284
  15. apps, 310


  1. background, for profile pictures, 91–92, 282–283
  2. background image
    1. about, 205
    2. adding, 209
    3. choosing, 205–207
    4. creating with online graphic tools, 207–209
    5. libraries for, 309
  3. Barn Images (website), 207, 309
  4. BCC (Blind Carbon Copy), 248
  5. Becher, Jonathan (CDO), 237
  6. benchmarking success, 260–262
  7. benefit sentences, 151–152
  8. benefit statement headline, 107–109
  9. benefits, explaining your, 151–152
  10. Berger, Jonah (professor), 237
  11. Bersin, Josh (Principal and Founder), 237
  12. Birthday field, 195–197
  13. Blind Carbon Copy (BCC), 248
  14. blocking profile views, 200–201
  15. blogs
    1. creating, 241–246
    2. marketing posts, 247–248
    3. using Publishing Platform, 272
  16. Bock, Laszlo (SVP), 237
  17. boilerplate description, for company summaries, 129–131
  18. Bookmarklet icon, 270–272
  19. Boolean search strings, 18
  20. branding, 11
  21. broadcast update, 262–263
  22. Burrus, Daniel (CEO), 237
  23. business cards, LinkedIn URL on, 267
  24. business intelligence, gathering, 299–300
  25. Business Plus account, 255, 258


  1. call to action
    1. in Experience section, 133–134
    2. in Summary section, 153–155
  2. Canva (website), 208, 310
  3. Causes section, 254
  4. Certifications section
    1. about, 176–179
    2. in checklist, 254
    3. foreign languages, 178–179
  5. character limits
    1. for Experience section, 132
    2. for job titles, 140
    3. for Summary section, 153
  6. Cheat Sheet (website), 4
  7. checklist, 253–254
  8. commercial use limit, 255
  9. companies
    1. in checklist, 254
    2. choosing which to follow, 233–234
    3. following, 234
    4. linking to company page, 128–129
    5. unfollowing, 234–235
  10. company logo, using in Experience section, 126–127, 129
  11. Comstock, Beth (Vice Chair), 237
  12. confidentiality, 68
  13. connecting/connections
    1. alerting about updated profile, 262–266
    2. in checklist, 254
    3. compared with following, 235
    4. endorsing, 41–42
    5. importance of always, 297–298
    6. as a process, 292
    7. ways to make, 298–299
  14. Connections page, 298–299
  15. Contact Information section
    1. about, 73–74
    2. adding email addresses, 74–76
    3. adding IM addresses, 77–78
    4. adding phone numbers, 76–77
    5. adding Twitter account, 79–80
    6. adding websites, 81–83
    7. adding WeChat, 80–81
    8. adding work address, 78–79
    9. in checklist, 254
    10. including, 278–279
  16. contact list, importing a, 290
  17. Copy and Paste Emoji (website), 102
  18. cost, of LinkedIn, 19, 255–260
  19. Courses section
    1. adding to Certifications section, 178–179
    2. in checklist, 254
  20. credibility, 301
  21. cropping profile pictures, 94–95, 285
  22. current position, in profile, 58–59
  23. customized public profile URL, 53–56, 254


  1. dates, for experience, 125
  2. default text, for requesting recommendations, 214–215
  3. Description field, 168–169, 182
  4. domains, 307
  5. dress, for profile pictures, 283
  6. drip–feed marketing, 298, 300
  7. Dummies (website), 4


  1. Education section
    1. adding education, 183–185
    2. adding multimedia, 185–187
    3. certifications in, 176–177
    4. in checklist, 254
    5. graduation year, 182
    6. high school, 182–183
    7. reordering education, 185
  2. elevator pitch, 149–150
  3. email addresses
    1. adding to Contact Information section, 74–76
    2. tips for, 307
  4. emails
    1. LinkedIn URL on, 267
    2. turning off group communication, 230–231
  5. employment gaps, in Experience section, 119–120
  6. end dates, for experience, 125
  7. endorsements. See Skills and Endorsements section
  8. examples
    1. Experience section, 141–143
    2. Summary section, 156–160
  9. Experience section
    1. about, 113–114, 121
    2. adding experiences, 122–129
    3. in checklist, 254
    4. deleting experiences, 115–118
    5. disqualifying yourself, 129–134
    6. editing existing experiences, 134–135
    7. employment gaps, 119–120
    8. examples, 141–143
    9. merging experiences, 115–118
    10. optimizing job titles with keywords, 138–141
    11. reattaching recommendations, 137–138
    12. removing experiences, 136–137
    13. reordering concurrent experiences, 135
    14. resume, 114–115
    15. work histories for recent graduates, 118–119
  10. extracurricular hobbies, adding to headlines, 106
  11. eye level, for profile pictures, 284


  1. Facebook, 266
  2. first person, 14, 147
  3. first–degree connection, 41, 60
  4. Fivrr (website), 206
  5. focus, of Summary section, 153
  6. Following section
    1. about, 232–233
    2. choosing companies to follow, 232–233
    3. following companies, 234
    4. following compared with connecting, 236
    5. unfollowing companies, 234–235
  7. foreign languages, 179–180, 254
  8. formatting
    1. for headlines, 101
    2. Summary section, 156
  9. framing your shot, for profile pictures, 92–93
  10. free accounts, 19
  11. FreeImages (website), 207, 309


  1. Gatekeeper, 301
  2. generator app, for headlines, 110, 306
  3. Gmail (website), 307
  4. goals
    1. multimedia and, 201
    2. Summary section and, 148
  5. Google AdWords Keyword Planner, 28–29
  6. Google Apps (website), 307
  7. Google Voice (website), 77, 306
  8. Gottschalk, Marla (Director), 237
  9. graduation
    1. creating work histories for recent graduates, 118–119
    2. year of, 182
  10. grammar checker, 308
  11. Grammarly (website), 308
  12. GraphicRiver (website), 207, 309
  13. groups. See LinkedIn Groups


  1. Handley, Ann (CCO), 237
  2. ‘happy ending,’ adding to headlines, 107
  3. Harris, Carla (speaker), 305–306
  4. hashtags, creating, 246
  5. headline
    1. about, 99
    2. adding, 110
    3. benefit statement, 107–109
    4. in checklist, 253
    5. default, 278
    6. generator app, 110, 306
    7. importance of, 99–100
    8. keywords, 104–107
    9. overwriting, 124
    10. using symbols, 100–104
  6. hero image, 246
  7. high school, 182
  8. Honors & Awards section (profile), 166–170, 254
  9. “How Great Leaders Inspire Action” TED talk (Sinek), 305
  10. “How to Own Your Power” presentation (Harris), 305–306
  11. How You’re Connected section, 128
  12. Hurley, Peter (photographer), 285


  1. iCloud (website), 307
  2. icons, explained, 4
  3. identity theft, 83
  4. IM addresses, adding to Contact Information section, 77–78
  5. Industry section, 69–73, 253
  6. influencers
    1. about, 235–236
    2. in checklist, 254
    3. choosing which to highlight, 236–237
    4. finding, 236–238
    5. removing, 238–239
  7. InMail, 257, 265–266, 301
  8. Interests section
    1. adding to Additional Information section, 192–195
    2. tips for, 280
  9. internships, 118
  10. Invites Welcome (website), 294
  11. iStock (website), 207, 309


  1. job search process, using LinkedIn for, 10
  2. Job Seeker account, 19, 255, 258
  3. job titles
    1. adding to headlines, 105
    2. optimizing with keywords, 138–141
  4. JRX (website), 102


  1. keywords
    1. for headlines, 104–107
    2. importance of, 21–24
    3. online tools for, 25–29
    4. optimizing job titles with, 138–141
    5. for Skills and Endorsements section, 34–35
    6. stuffing, 279
  2. Krawchek, Sallie (CEO), 237


  1. languages, 179–181, 254
  2. letterhead, LinkedIn URL on, 267
  3. lighting, for profile pictures, 91, 282
  4. LinkedIn. See also specific topics
    1. cost of, 19, 255–260
    2. popularity of, 15
    3. tips for leveraging, 297–303
    4. using as a search engine, 15–18
  5. LinkedIn blog (website), 86
  6. LinkedIn Groups
    1. about, 164, 221
    2. in checklist, 254
    3. deleting, 229
    4. highlighting on profile, 231–232
    5. importance of, 222–232
    6. joining, 226–227, 272, 291–292
    7. participating in, 272
    8. searching for, 227–228
    9. starting, 292
    10. turning off group communication emails, 230–231
    11. turning off group notifications, 225–226
    12. types of, 223–225
    13. using, 301–302
  7. LinkedIn Jobs section (website), 10
  8. LinkedIn Network, 60, 222–223
  9. LinkedIn Open Networker (LION), 68, 293–294
  10. LinkedIn Pulse, 235, 239–241
  11. LinkedIn User Agreement (website), 97
  12. linking, to your profile, 292–293
  13. LION (LinkedIn Open Networker), 68, 293–294
  14. Location section (profile), 69–73, 253
  15. lock icon, 197
  16. Lynda, 27, 178


  1. Manage Recommendations section, 215–216
  2. Marital Status field, 195–198
  3. marketing
    1. adding profile to other social media sites, 266
    2. alerting connections of updated profile, 262–266
    3. blog posts, 247–248
    4. drip–feed, 298, 300
    5. getting views to your profile, 268–273
    6. public profile, 56
    7. your profile, 262–273
  4. Microsoft Word, 146
  5. month, using in Experience section, 125
  6. mug shots, 284
  7. multimedia
    1. adding, 185–187, 279
    2. highlighting with, 202–204
    3. resume, 204–205
    4. types of, 201–202
    5. video resumes, 204


  1. Name field (profile), 66–68, 253
  2. network, 60–63, 287–295, 303
  3. news
    1. in checklist, 254
    2. following, 235, 300
  4. 99Designs (website), 206
  5. notifications, group, 225–226


  1. O’Donnell, J.T. (CEO), 237
  2. online tools
    1. for creating background images, 207–209, 310
    2. for keywords, 25–29
  3. open networking sites/groups, 294–295
  4. Open Profile/Open Profile messages, 256
  5. OpenLink messages, 301
  6. Organizations section, 163–166
  7. outfit, for profile pictures, 93–94
  8. outsider, viewing your profile as an, 252–253


  1. paid accounts, 19, 255–258
  2. Patents section, 174–176, 254
  3. People You May Know tool, 61–63, 290–291, 298–299
  4. Personal Details field, 195–198
  5. personalized URL, 53–56, 254
  6. phone numbers
    1. adding to Contact Information section, 76–77
    2. virtual, 306–307
  7. Photocrops (website), 207, 309
  8. photographers, professional, 89–90, 281–282, 309
  9. Photographers Index (website), 282, 309
  10. Photoshelter (website), 282, 309
  11. Photoshop, for profile pictures, 285
  12. PicMonkey (website), 310
  13. picture, profile. See profile picture
  14. Pixabay (website), 207, 309
  15. posts
    1. marketing, 247–248
    2. publishing, 247
    3. writing, 241
  16. prefixes, adding to name in profile, 67–68
  17. premium badge, 256
  18. Premium members
    1. about, 19, 258–260
    2. background images gallery for, 207
    3. search results for, 18
  19. Private mode, 268–269
  20. pro bono work, 189
  21. professional memberships, 163–166
  22. professional photographers, 281–282, 309
  23. Professional Photographers of America (website), 282, 309
  24. professional story, creating your, 150–155
  25. profile picture
    1. about, 85
    2. background for, 91–92, 282–283
    3. changing settings for, 97–98
    4. in checklist, 253
    5. choosing, 94–98
    6. determining need for, 90–94
    7. reason for having, 86
    8. taking your own, 90–94
    9. tips for, 277, 281–285
    10. uploading, 96–97
    11. using existing, 88–89
    12. using photographers, 89–90
  26. profile(s). See also specific sections; specific topics
    1. about, 65–67
    2. adding background images to, 209
    3. adding schools, 59
    4. allowing update alerts, 50
    5. All–Star, 181–187
    6. confidentiality of, 68
    7. creating, 51, 180–181
    8. creating personalized URL, 53–56
    9. current position in, 58–59
    10. highlighting groups on, 231–232
    11. improving strength of, 57–63
    12. managing changes to, 47–51
    13. manually removing updates, 49–50
    14. marketing your, 262–273
    15. rearranging sections of, 250–252
    16. “three P’s,” 170–176
    17. turning off update alerts, 48–49
    18. turning on public, 51–53
    19. viewing, 252–253
  27. progress, tracking, 260–262
  28. Project section, 170–172, 254
  29. prospecting, using LinkedIn for, 11–12
  30. public profile
    1. marketing, 56
    2. turning on, 51–53
  31. Publications section (profile), 173–174, 254
  32. Publishing Platform
    1. about, 239–241
    2. blogs, 272
    3. creating a blog, 241–246
    4. publishing posts, 247
    5. thought leaders, 241, 302–303
    6. using, 303


  1. ranking, 257
  2. Rapportive app, 295
  3. Raumrot (website), 207, 309
  4. rearranging profile sections, 250–252
  5. recommendations
    1. about, 209–210
    2. accepting, 215–216
    3. asking for, 211–214
    4. in checklist, 254
    5. default text for requesting, 214–215
    6. getting, 280
    7. identifying people to give, 210–211
    8. providing, 217–220, 273
    9. reattaching to experiences, 137–138
    10. removing, 216–217
    11. reordering, 216
    12. writing, 213
  6. Recruiter accounts, 19, 255, 259
  7. Remember icon, 4
  8. reputation management, using LinkedIn for, 11
  9. resolution, for profile pictures, 95–96
  10. resources, recommended, 305–310
  11. responsibilities, in Experience section, 132
  12. resumes
    1. in Experience section, 114–115
    2. uploading, 205
    3. video, 204
  13. roles, in Experience section, 132
  14. Ryan, Liz (CEO), 237


  1. sales, using LinkedIn for, 11–12
  2. Sales Navigator account, 255, 258–259
  3. schools, adding to profile, 59
  4. search alerts, 258
  5. search bar, 16
  6. search engine, using LinkedIn as a, 15–18
  7. search engine optimization (SEO)
    1. defined, 30
    2. keywords for headlines, 104–107
    3. off profile, 31–32
    4. profile, 30
  8. search filters, 16–18
  9. search results, 18–20, 302
  10. second–degree connection, 60
  11. sections, rearranging in profile, 250–252
  12. security
    1. confidentiality, 68
    2. identity theft, 83
  13. self–promoting recommendations, 218
  14. SEO. See search engine optimization (SEO)
  15. Serdula, Donna (author) (website), 308
  16. settings
    1. for profile pictures, 97–98
    2. visibility, 97–98, 197, 269
  17. ShutterStock (website), 207, 309
  18. Sinek, Simon (speaker), 305
  19. size, of profile pictures, 95
  20. Skills and Endorsements section
    1. about, 33
    2. adding skills, 35–37
    3. in checklist, 254
    4. endorsing connections, 41–42
    5. hiding endorsements, 39–40
    6. obtaining endorsements, 38–39
    7. opting out of endorsements, 40
    8. providing endorsements, 273
    9. rearranging skills, 37–38
    10. removing endorsements, 42–43
    11. showcasing skills, 34–38
    12. soliciting endorsements, 43–44
  21. Skype (website), 78, 307
  22. SlideShare (website), 27, 308–309
  23. smiling, for profile pictures, 285
  24. social media, adding your profile to other, 266
  25. social proof, 301
  26. Societies section, 182–183
  27. Solis, Brian (Principal Analyst), 237
  28. specialties, adding to headlines, 105–106
  29. spelling checker, 308
  30. start dates, for experience, 125
  31. status updates, 263–265, 269–272
  32. strategy
    1. about, 9
    2. creating a compelling tone, 14
    3. determining your goal, 10–12
    4. determining your target audience, 12–13
  33. success, benchmarking, 260–262
  34. Summary section
    1. about, 145
    2. avoiding ‘resume–speak,’ 147–148
    3. in checklist, 254
    4. creating professional story, 150–155
    5. editing, 146
    6. elevator pitch, 149–150
    7. examples, 156–160
    8. formatting, 156
    9. goals, 148–149
    10. target audience, 148–149
    11. writing in first person, 147
  35. summer jobs, 118
  36. symbols
    1. adding to headline, 100–104
    2. in job titles, 140–141
    3. in Summary section, 156
    4. using, 278
    5. variations in, 308


  1. Tagul (website), 25
  2. Tagxedo (website), 25
  3. target audience
    1. determining your, 12–13
    2. Experience section and, 117
    3. multimedia and, 201–202
    4. Summary section and, 149
  4. Technical Stuff icon, 4
  5. test scores, in checklist, 254
  6. third–degree connection, 60
  7. thought leaders, 241, 302–303
  8. “three P’s,” 170–176
  9. Tip icon, 4
  10. tone, creating a compelling, 14
  11. Topic pages, 27–28
  12. TopLinked (website), 294
  13. turning on/off
    1. group communication emails, 230–231
    2. group notifications, 225–226
    3. public profile, 51–53
    4. update alerts, 48–49, 278
  14. Twitter, 79–80, 266


  1. UHD Wallpapers (website), 207, 309
  2. Unicode Character Table (website), 102
  3. Unspash (website), 207, 309
  4. updates
    1. alerts for, 48–49, 278
    2. to Honors & Awards section, 170
    3. manually removing from profile, 49–50
    4. sharing, 241
  5. uploading profile pictures, 96–97
  6. URL, personalized, 53–56
  7. User Agreement (website), 97


  1. video resumes, 204
  2. views, of profile, 200–201, 268–273
  3. virtual phone numbers, 306–307
  4. visibility settings
    1. for Personal Details field, 197–198
    2. for profile pictures, 97–98
    3. for profiles, 268–269
  5. Volunteering Experience section (profile), 164, 187–189, 254


  1. Warning icon, 4
  2. websites, 81–83. See also specific websites
  3. WeChat, adding to Contact Information section, 80–81
  4. Whitman, Meg (CEO), 237
  5. Wikipedia Symbol Block List (website), 102
  6. Word (Microsoft), 146
  7. word cloud generator, 25
  8. Word It Out (website), 25
  9. (website), 25–27
  10. Wordsift (website), 25
  11. work address, adding to Contact Information section, 78–79
  12. work history, 118–119, 279


  1. year
    1. of graduation, 182
    2. using in Experience section, 125
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