mail—mail, rmail—reads mail or send mail to users

Sending mail
   mail [ –tw ] [ –m message_type ] recipient…
   rmail [ –tw ] [ –m message_type ] recipient…
Reading mail
   mail [ –ehpPqr ] [ –f filename ]
Forwarding mail
   mail –F recipient…
   mail [ –x debug_level ] [ other_mail_options ] recipient…
   mail [ –T mailsurr_file ] recipient…

A recipient is usually a username recognized by login(1). When recipients are named, mail assumes a message is being sent. It reads from the standard input up to an end-of-file (Ctrl-D), or if reading from a terminal, until it reads a line consisting of just a period. When either of those indicators is received, mail adds the letter to the mailfile for each recipient.

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