B.1. tcsh versus csh

The TC shell (tcsh) is an enhanced version of the Berkeley C shell (csh). Listed here are some of the new features.

  • An enhanced history mechanism

  • A built-in command line editor (emacs or vi) for editing the command line

  • Formatting the prompts

  • A spelling correction facility and special prompts for spelling correction and looping

  • Enhanced and programmed word completion for completing commands, filenames, variables, usernames, etc.

  • Ability to create and modify key bindings

  • Automatic, periodic, and timed events (scheduled events, special aliases, automatic logout, terminal locking, etc.)

  • New built-in commands (hup, ls -F, newgrp, printenv, which, where, etc.

  • New built-in variables (gid, loginsh, oid, shlvl, tty, uid, version, HOST, REMOTEHOST, VENDOR, OSTYPE, MACHTYPE)

  • Read-only variables

  • Better bug reporting facility

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