tput—initializes a terminal or queries the terminfo database

tput [ –Ttype ] capname [ parms…]
tput [ –Ttype ] init
tput [ –Ttype ] reset
tput [ –Ttype ] longname
tput –S <<

tput uses the terminfo database to make the values of terminal-dependent capabilities and information available to the shell, to initialize or reset the terminal, or return the long name of the requested terminal type.

Example A.64.
1  tput longname
2  bold=`tput smso`
					unbold=`tput rmso`
					echo "${bold}Enter your id: ${offbold}c"


  1. Displays a long name for the terminal from the terminfo database.

  2. Sets the shell variable bold to turn on the highlighting of displayed text. Then sets the shell variable, unbold, to return to normal text display. The line Enter your id: is highlighted in black with white letters. Further text is displayed normally.

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