7.5. Review

7.5.1. Increment and Decrement Operators

% cat datafile
						northwest   NW    Joel Craig       3.0     .98     3      4
						western     WE    Sharon Kelly     5.3     .97     5     23
						southwest   SW    Chris Foster     2.7     .8      2     18
						southern    SO    May Chin         5.1     .95     4     15
						southeast   SE    Derek Johnson    4.0     .7      4     17
						eastern     EA    Susan Beal       4.4     .84     5     20
						northeast   NE    TJ Nichols       5.1     .94     3     13
						north       NO    Val Shultz       4.5     .89     5      9
						central     CT    Sheri Watson     5.7     .94     5     13

Example 7.19.
%  awk '/^north/{count += 1; print count}' datafile

% cat datafile
						northwest    NW    Joel Craig       3.0     .98     3      4
						western      WE    Sharon Kelly     5.3     .97     5     23
						southwest    SW    Chris Foster     2.7     .8      2     18
						southern     SO    May Chin         5.1     .95     4     15
						southeast    SE    Derek Johnson    4.0     .7      4     17
						eastern      EA    Susan Beal       4.4     .84     5     20
						northeast    NE    TJ Nichols       5.1     .94     3     13
						north        NO    Val Shultz       4.5     .89     5      9
						central      CT    Sheri Watson     5.7     .94     5     13


If the record begins with the regular expression north, a user-defined variable, count, is created; count is incremented by 1 and its value is printed.

Example 7.20.
% awk '/^north/{count++; print count}' datafile


The auto-increment operator increments the user-defined variable count by 1. The value of count is printed.

Example 7.21.
% awk ' {x = $7--; print "x = "x ", $7 = "$7}'datafile
						x = 3,  $7 = 2
						x = 5,  $7 = 4
						x = 2,  $7 = 1
						x = 4,  $7 = 3
						x = 4,  $7 = 3
						x = 5,  $7 = 4
						x = 3,  $7 = 2
						x = 5,  $7 = 4
						x = 5,  $7 = 4


After the value of the seventh field ($7) is assigned to the user-defined variable x, the auto-decrement operator decrements the seventh field by one. The value of x and the seventh field are printed.

7.5.2. Built-In Variables

Example 7.22.
%  awk '/^north/{print "The record number is " NR}' datafile
						The record number is 1
						The record number is 7
						The record number is 8


If the record begins with the regular expression north, the string " The record is " and the value of NR (record number) are printed.

Example 7.23.
% awk ' {print NR, $0}'datafile
						1 northwest     NW     Joel Craig       3.0     .98     3      4
						2 western       WE     Sharon Kelly     5.3     .97     5     23
						3 southwest     SW     Chris Foster     2.7     .8      2     18
						4 southern      SO     May Chin         5.1     .95     4     15
						5 southeast     SE     Derek Johnson    4.0     .7      4     17
						6 eastern       EA     Susan Beal       4.4     .84     5     20
						7 northeast     NE     TJ Nichols       5.1     .94     3     13
						8 north         NO     Val Shultz       4.5     .89     5      9
						9 central       CT     Sheri Watson     5.7     .94     5     13


The value of NR, the number of the current record, and the value of $0, the entire record, are printed.

Example 7.24.
% awk 'NR==2,NR==5{print NR, $0}' datafile
						2 western       WE      Sharon Kelly    5.3     97      5    23
						3 southwest     SW      Chris Foster    2.7      8      2    18
						4 southern      SO      May Chin        5.1     95      4    15
						5 southeast     SE      Derek Johnson   4.0      7      4    17


If the value of NR is in the range between 2 and 5 (record numbers 2–5), the number of the record (NR) and the record ($0) are printed.

% cat datafile
						northwest     NW     Joel Craig       3.0     .98     3      4
						western       WE     Sharon Kelly     5.3     .97     5     23
						southwest     SW     Chris Foster     2.7     .8      2     18
						southern      SO     May Chin         5.1     .95     4     15
						southeast     SE     Derek Johnson    4.0     .7      4     17
						eastern       EA     Susan Beal       4.4     .84     5     20
						northeast     NE     TJ Nichols       5.1     .94     3     13
						north         NO     Val Shultz       4.5     .89     5      9
						central       CT     Sheri Watson     5.7     .94     5     13

Example 7.25.
% awk '/^north/{print NR, $1, $2, $NF, RS}'datafile
						1 northwest NW 4
						7 northeast NE 13
						8 north NO 9


If the record begins with the regular expression north, the number of the record (NR), followed by the first field, the second field, the value of the last record (NF preceded by a dollar sign), and the value of RS (a newline) are printed. Because the print function generates a newline by default, RS will generate another newline, resulting in double spacing between records.

% cat datafile2
						Joel Craig:northwest:NW:3.0:.98:3:4
						Sharon Kelly:western:WE:5.3:.97:5:23
						Chris Foster:southwest:SW:2.7:.8:2:18
						May Chin:southern:SO:5.1:.95:4:15
						Derek Johnson:southeast:SE:4.0:.7:4:17
						Susan Beal:eastern:EA:4.4:.84:5:20
						TJ Nichols:northeast:NE:5.1:.94:3:13
						Val Shultz:north:NO:4.5:.89:5:9
						Sheri Watson:central:CT:5.7:.94:5:131.

Example 7.26.
% awk -F: 'NR == 5{print NF}' datafile2


The field separator is set to a colon at the command line with the -F option. If the number of the record (NR) is 5, the number of fields (NF) is printed.

Example 7.27.
% awk 'BEGIN{OFMT="%.2f";print 1.2456789,12E-2}' datafile2
						1.25 0.12


The OFMT, output format variable for the print function, is set so that floating point numbers will be printed with a decimal-point precision of two digits. The numbers 1.23456789 and 12E-2 are printed in the new format.

% cat datafile
						northwest    NW     Joel Craig       3.0     .98     3      4
						western      WE     Sharon Kelly     5.3     .97     5     23
						southwest    SW     Chris Foster     2.7     .8      2     18
						southern     SO     May Chin         5.1     .95     4     15
						southeast    SE     Derek Johnson    4.0     .7      4     17
						eastern      EA     Susan Beal       4.4     .84     5     20
						northeast    NE     TJ Nichols       5.1     .94     3     13
						north        NO     Val Shultz       4.5     .89     5      9
						central      CT     Sheri Watson     5.7     .94     5     13

Example 7.28.
% awk '{$9 = $6 * $7; print $9}' datafile


The result of multiplying the sixth field ($6) and the seventh field ($7) is stored in a new field, $9, and printed. There were eight fields; now there are nine.

Example 7.29.
% awk '{$10 = 100; print NF, $9, $0}' datafile
						10  northwest   NW     Joel Craig      3.0     .98     3      4     100
						10  western     WE     Sharon Kelly    5.3     .97     5     23     100
						10  southwest   SW     Chris Foster    2.7     .8      2     18     100
						10  southern    SO     May Chin        5.1     .95     4     15     100
						10  southeast   SE     Derek Johnson   4.0     .7      4     17     100
						10  eastern     EA     Susan Beal      4.4     .84     5     20     100
						10  northeast   NE     TJ Nichols      5.1     .94     3     13     100
						10  north       NO     Val Shultz      4.5     .89     5      9     100
						10  central     CT     Sheri Watson    5.7     .94     5     13     100


The tenth field ($10) is assigned 100 for each record. This is a new field. The ninth field ($9) does not exist, so it will be considered a null field. The number of fields is printed (NF), followed by the value of $9, the null field, and the entire record ($0). The value of the tenth field is 100.

Example 7.30.
% awk 'NR==1{print ENVIRON["USER"], ENVIRON["HOME"]}' datafile
ellie  /home/ellie


If NR is 1, i.e. the first record, awk prints the values of two of its environment variables, USER and HOME. The environment variables are passed into awk from the parent process, normally a shell, and are stored in a special associative array called ENVIRON.

7.5.3. BEGIN Patterns

Example 7.31.
% awk 'BEGIN{print "---------EMPLOYEES---------"}'


The BEGIN pattern is followed by an action block. The action is to print out the string "---------EMPLOYEES---------" before opening the input file. Note that an input file has not been provided and awk does not complain.

Example 7.32.
% awk 'BEGIN{print "		---------EMPLOYEES-------
						{print $0}' datafile
northwest     NW     Joel Craig       3.0     .98     3      4
						western       WE     Sharon Kelly     5.3     .97     5     23
						southwest     SW     Chris Foster     2.7     .8      2     18
						southern      SO     May Chin         5.1     .95     4     15
						southeast     SE     Derek Johnson    4.0     .7      4     17
						eastern       EA     Susan Beal       4.4     .84     5     20
						northeast     NE     TJ Nichols       5.1     .94     3     13
						north         NO     Val Shultz       4.5     .89     5      9
						central       CT     Sheri Watson     5.7     .94     5     13


The BEGIN action block is executed first. The title "---------EMPLOYEES-------" is printed. The second action block prints each record in the input file. When breaking lines, the backslash is used to suppress the carriage return. Lines can be broken at a semicolon or a curly brace.

% cat datafile2
						Joel Craig:northwest:NW:3.0:.98:3:4
						Sharon Kelly:western:WE:5.3:.97:5:23
						Chris Foster:southwest:SW:2.7:.8:2:18
						May Chin:southern:SO:5.1:.95:4:15
						Derek Johnson:southeast:SE:4.0:.7:4:17
						Susan Beal:eastern:EA:4.4:.84:5:20
						TJ Nichols:northeast:NE:5.1:.94:3:13
						Val Shultz:north:NO:4.5:.89:5:9
						Sheri Watson:central:CT:5.7:.94:5:131.

Example 7.33.
% awk 'BEGIN{ FS=":";OFS="	"};/^Sharon/{print $1, $2, $7 }'
						Sharon Kelly      western     23


The BEGIN action block is used to initialize variables. The FS variable (field separator) is assigned a colon. The OFS variable (output field separator) is assigned a tab ( ). If a record begins with the regular expression Sharon, the first, second, and eighth fields ($1, $2, $8) are printed. Each field in the output is separated by a tab.

7.5.4. END Patterns

% cat datafile
						northwest     NW     Joel Craig       3.0     .98     3      4
						western       WE     Sharon Kelly     5.3     .97     5     23
						southwest     SW     Chris Foster     2.7     .8      2     18
						southern      SO     May Chin         5.1     .95     4     15
						southeast     SE     Derek Johnson    4.0     .7      4     17
						eastern       EA     Susan Beal       4.4     .84     5     20
						northeast     NE     TJ Nichols       5.1     .94     3     13
						north         NO     Val Shultz       4.5     .89     5      9
						central       CT     Sheri Watson     5.7     .94     5     13

Example 7.34.
% awk 'END{print "The total number of records is " NR}' datafile
						The total number of records is 9


After awk has finished processing the input file, the statements in the END block are executed. The string "The total number of records is" is printed, followed by the value of NR, the number of the last record.

Example 7.35.
% awk '/^north/{count++}END{print count}'datafile


If the record begins with the regular expression north, the user-defined variable count is incremented by one. When awk has finished processing the input file, the value stored in the variable count is printed.

7.5.5. awk Script with BEGIN and END

Example 7.36.
% cat awk.sc2
    # Second awk script-- awk.sc2
1   BEGIN{ FS=":"; OFS="	"
       print "  NAME		DISTRICT	QUANTITY"
       print "___________________________________________

2     {print $1"	  " $3"		" $7}

3   END{
       print "---------------------------------------------"
       print "The total quantity is " total
       print "The number of northern salespersons is " count "."


(The Output)
% awk -f awk.sc2 datafile2
  Joel Craig      NW         4
						Sharon Kelly    WE         23
						Chris Foster    SW         18
						May Chin        SO         15
						Derek Johnson   SE         17
						Susan Beal      EA         20
						TJ Nichols      NE         13
						Val Shultz      NO         9
						Sheri Watson    CT         13
  The total quantity is 132
						The number of northern salespersons is 3.


  1. The BEGIN block is executed first. The field separator (FS) and the output field separator (OFS) are set. Header output is printed.

  2. The body of the awk script contains statements that are executed for each line of input coming from data.file2.

  3. Statements in the END block are executed after the input file has been closed, i.e., before awk exits.

  4. At the command line, the awk program is executed. The -f option is followed by the script name, awk.sc2, and then by the input file, data.file2.

% cat datafile2
						Joel Craig:northwest:NW:3.0:.98:3:4
						Sharon Kelly:western:WE:5.3:.97:5:23
						Chris Foster:southwest:SW:2.7:.8:2:18
						May Chin:southern:SO:5.1:.95:4:15
						Derek Johnson:southeast:SE:4.0:.7:4:17
						Susan Beal:eastern:EA:4.4:.84:5:20
						TJ Nichols:northeast:NE:5.1:.94:3:13
						Val Shultz:north:NO:4.5:.89:5:9
						Sheri Watson:central:CT:5.7:.94:5:131.

7.5.6. The printf Function

Example 7.37.
% awk '{printf "$%6.2f
",$6 * 100}' datafile
						$  98.00
						$  97.00
						$  80.00
						$  95.00
						$  70.00
						$  84.00
						$  94.00
						$  89.00
						$  94.00


The printf function formats a floating point number to be right-justified (the default) with a total of 6 digits, one for the decimal point, and two for the decimal numbers to the right of the period. The number will be rounded up and printed.

Example 7.38.
% awk '{printf "|%-15s|
",$4}' datafile
						/Craig      /
						/Kelly      /
						/Foster     /
						/Chin       /
						/Johnson    /
						/Beal       /
						/Nichols    /
						/Shultz     /
						/Watson     /


A left-justified, 15-space string is printed. The fourth field ($4) is printed enclosed in vertical bars to illustrate the spacing.

% cat datafile
						northwest     NW     Joel Craig       3.0     .98     3      4
						western       WE     Sharon Kelly     5.3     .97     5     23
						southwest     SW     Chris Foster     2.7     .8      2     18
						southern      SO     May Chin         5.1     .95     4     15
						southeast     SE     Derek Johnson    4.0     .7      4     17
						eastern       EA     Susan Beal       4.4     .84     5     20
						northeast     NE     TJ Nichols       5.1     .94     3     13
						north         NO     Val Shultz       4.5     .89     5      9
						central       CT     Sheri Watson     5.7     .94     5     13

7.5.7. Redirection and Pipes

Example 7.39.
% awk '/north/{print $1, $3, $4 > "districts"}' datafile
% cat districts
						northwest Joel Craig
						northeast TJ Nichols
						north Val Shultz


If the record contains the regular expression north, the first, third, and fourth fields ($1, $3, $4) are printed to an output file called "districts." Once the file is opened, it remains opened until closed or the program terminates. The filename "districts" must be enclosed in double quotes.

Example 7.40.
%  awk '/south/{print $1, $2, $3 >> "districts"}' datafile
%  cat districts
						northwest Joel Craig
						northeast TJ Nichols
						north Val Shultz
						southwest SW Chris
						southern SO May
						southeast SE Derek


If the record contains the pattern south, the first, second, and third fields ($1, $2, $3) are appended to the output file "districts."

7.5.8. Opening and Closing a Pipe

Example 7.41.
%  cat awk.sc3
#  awk script using pipes -- awk.sc3
1    BEGIN{
2        printf "  %-22s%s
         print "--------------------------------------"

3    }
4    /west/{count++}
5    {printf "%s %s		%-15s
", $3, $4, $1| "sort +1"}

6    END{
7       close "sort +1"
        printf "The number of sales persons in the western "
                 printf "region is " count ".

(The Output)
   %awk -f awk.sc3 datafile
2  --------------------------------------------------
3  Susan Beal        eastern
						May Chin          southern
						Joel Craig        northwest
						Chris Foster      southwest
						Derek Johnson     southeast
						Sharon Kelly      western
						TJ Nichols        northeast
						Val Shultz        north
						Sheri Watson      central
						The number of sales persons in the western region is 3.


  1. The special BEGIN pattern is followed by an action block. The statements in this block are executed first, before awk processes the input file.

  2. The printf function displays the string NAME as a 22-character, left-justified string, followed by the string DISTRICT, which is right-justified.

  3. The BEGIN block ends.

  4. Now awk will process the input file, one line at a time. If the pattern west is found, the action block is executed, i.e., the user-defined variable count is incremented by one. The first time awk encounters the count variable, it will be created and given an initial value of zero.

  5. The print function formats and sends its output to a pipe. After all of the output has been collected, it will be sent to the sort command

  6. The END block is started.

  7. The pipe (sort +1) must be closed with exactly the same command that opened it; in this example "sort +1". Otherwise, the END statements will be sorted with the rest of the output.

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