
• A •

accommodation, gluten-free-friendly, 306

aeroplanes, eating in, 309–310

affordability of living gluten-free, 136–139

agar agar, substitute quantity, 149

ageing and nutrition, 107–109

alcoholic drinks, 79–80

Alfredo sauce, 253

allergies to food, 30

allergy testing, 44

alternative grains

cooking, 147–148

types of, 75–79, 120

amaranth, value of, 75–76

amaranth flour, substitute quantity, 152

anger reaction to diagnosis, 340

annoyance and offence by others, dealing with, 349

antibody tests for coeliac disease, 41–42

apps, phone, for gluten-free food information, 130

apricot dip, 286

apricot fruit loaf, 275


substitute quantity, 149

as thickener, 149

value of, 76

arrowroot flour

use of, 119

substitute quantity, 152

artichoke and spinach dip, 187

Asian pork lettuce wraps, 198

Asian salad dressing, 207

Asian-inspired baked chicken, 229

asparagus and artichoke pizza with pesto sauce, 247

attitudes, spreading, 350–351

The Australian Coeliac magazine, 21, 90

autism, dietary treatment of, 39

autoimmune diseases

associated with coeliac disease, 46

definition, 55

• B •


case study of diagnosis in, 24–25

exposure and introduction to gluten, 57

babysitters, trusting children with, 330


gluten-free, 150–155

gluten-free bread, 153–155, 262

baking mixes, gluten-free, 121–122, 129

balanced diet, components of, 102–103

balancing diet, 94–95

banana and choc chip muffins, 178

barbecued mushrooms with goat’s cheese, 217

beef and eggplant soup, 201

beef marinade, 232

beef tomato stir-fry, Titus Chan’s, 232

beer, substitutes for, 145

beginning dieters, do’s and don’ts, 365–368

berry muffins, 179

besan (chickpea) bread, 264

besan flour

mixture, 153

use of, 119

binders to substitute for gluten, 145

biopsies for coeliac disease diagnosis, 42–43

biopsy, definition, 43

Bircher muesli, 163


caramel cornflake, 280

chocolate chip, 282

recommendations, 122, 129

biscuits and slices, 279–282

blogs, food, 131

blood tests for coeliac disease, 41–42

blood-sugar levels

effect on health, 99

and glycaemic index, 96–99

blueberry amaranth porridge, 165

blueberry layers, 285

blueberry loaf, sweet sorghum, 276

body, effect of coeliac disease on, 53–58

boiled chocolate cake, 277

bok choy and mushroom stir-fry, 218

border crossing while travelling, 307

bowel, healing of, 59–60


baking gluten-free, 153–155

effect of gluten in, 38

recommendations, 122

bread machines, using, 262

bread rolls, recommendations, 122

breadcrumbs, substitutes for, 145

breadmaking, 258–264

breakfast, importance of, 160

breakfast recipes, 161–180

breakfast-on-the-go, preparation, 161

broccoli and avocado salad, 210

broccoli and ricotta penne, 257

brown rice flour, 119

brown sugar on baked brie spread, 190

buckwheat, value of, 76–77

buckwheat flour, substitute quantity, 152

buns, substitutes for, 145

butters for muffins, 180

• C •

Caesar salad

dressing, 209

recipe, 208


baking tips, 270

recipes for, 271–278

calcium in diet, 102, 108

car trips, eating on, 311

caramel cornflake biscuits, 280

carbohydrates, low- and high-GI, 97–98

catalogues, gluten-free shopping from, 134–135

cereals, recommendations, 122, 129

cheat sheet, online, 5

cheating on diets

by children, 322

by teenagers, 334–335

consequences of, 354

overcoming temptation, 354

reasons for, 352–353


Asian-inspired baked, 229

choosing, 226

spiced Moroccan with quinoa, 228

chicken and mayo wrap, 190

chicken nori rolls, 196

chicken quinotto with mushrooms, 227

chicken rolls, spicy, 194

chickpea (besan) bread, 264

chickpea curry in a hurry, 243

chickpea flour

substitute quantity, 152

use of, 119


associating gluten with not feeling well, 322

control of own diet by, 327–329

discussing gluten-free diet with, 318–325

eating at parties, 332

eating at school, 331–332

eating at school camps, 332–333

eating out with, 329–330

emotional reactions to diets, 314–317

encouraging liking of gluten-free food, 19

focusing on good aspects of diet, 317–318

handling reactions of, 323

helping them talk with others about diet, 323–324

leaving in care of others, 330–333

reaction to others eating gluten foods, 325

symptoms of coeliac disease in, 36

their perspective on coeliac disease, 316

choc cherry slice, 279

choc-fruit treats, 286

chocolate cake, boiled, 277

chocolate chip biscuits, 282

chocolate hazelnut spread fruit dip, 286

chocolate pistachio macaroons, 281

coatings, substitutes for, 145

Coeliac Australia (CA), 89–90

coeliac disease

biopsies for diagnosis, 42–43

blood tests for diagnosis, 41–42

a child’s perspective, 316

conditions associated with, 45–48

difficulty of predicting, 51–53

effect on depression, 40–41

effect on educational achievement, 40

effect on fertility, 39

effects on body, 53–58

future of treatment for, 59–61

genetic testing for, 44

identifying symptoms, 33–36

myths and misconceptions, 51

recovery after diagnosis, 56–58

symptoms, 13–14

symptoms in children, 36

Coeliac New Zealand (CNZ), 90

colonoscopy, definition, 43

commercial foods

recommendations for, 122–124

reducing intake of, 137–138

common genetic diseases, incidence in Australia, 50

conditions associated with coeliac disease, 45–48

contamination of gluten-free products, 84–85

cookbooks, 88–89

cool as a cucumber salad, 206

corn thins, recommendations, 123–124


from maize, 119

identifying source of, 72

cortisol, 100

crab cream cheese spread, 190

crackers, recommendations, 123, 129

‘cream of’ soups, substitutes for, 145

crispbreads, recommendations, 129

cross-contamination when cooking, avoiding, 114–118, 144

croutons, homemade, 145

crumbs, control of in the kitchen, 114–115

crunchy mix recipe, 161

• D •

date nut butter, 180

denial by others, dealing with, 345–346

denial by self, dealing with, 343–345


effect of gluten sensitivity and coeliac disease on, 40–41

reaction to diagnosis, 342–343

deprivation reaction to diagnosis, 341–342

dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) as form of coeliac disease, 58–59

desensitisation treatment, 61

despair at diagnosis, 340–341


from shops, 129

healthy, 283–286

tips for making, 266

diabetes (type 1) and coeliac disease, 46, 47

diagnoses, missed, 37–38

diagnosis of coeliac disease

case study of baby, 24–25

historical development of, 52

importance of correct, 34

misconceptions, 32

diagnostic tests for food allergies and coeliac disease, 41–44

dieter’s depression, 348

Dietitians Association of Australia (DAA), 22, 103

dining out, options and strategies for, 290–293

dinner recipes, 227–240


artichoke and spinach, 187

guacamole, 188

mango salsa, 189

recipes for, 186–189

doctor’s letter, taking while travelling, 308

do’s and don’ts for beginning dieters, 365–368

dressings, recommendations, 123

drop scones, Scottish, 175

dry biscuits, recommendations, 123

• E •

easy quiche, 236

eatable food, focusing on, 347–348

eating out, options and strategies for, 290–293

eating out with children, 329–330

educational achievement, effect of coeliac disease on, 40

egg and bacon pies, little, 171

eggplant salad with quinoa, warm, 219


instant, 169

separating, 168

test for raw or hard-boiled, 166

eggs in a bread basket, 167

eggshell chips, avoiding when cracking, 168

emotional struggles, common, 343

endoscopy, definition, 43

ethnic markets for gluten-free food, 134

exercise and health, 108

• F •

families, pros and cons of being gluten-free, 325–327


discussing gluten-free diet with, 318–325

trusting children with, 330

farmer’s markets for gluten-free and fresh food, 133–134

fast foods, gluten-free, 75

fast-food choices, 297–299

fats in diet, 95, 105

favourite flourless chocolate cake, 273

favourite lentil soup, 204

favourite white bread, 263

fertility, effect of coeliac disease on, 39

fetta frittata, 170


in diet, 102, 108

types of, 103–104

fillers, substitutes for, 146

finger food recipes, 181–186

fish wraps, 190

flatulence, reducing, 35

flour blend, low reactive, 153

flour tortillas, substitutes for, 146

flourless almond cake, 274

flourless chocolate cake, 273

flours, suggestions, 129

flying, eating while, 309–310

FODMAPs and irritable bowel symptoms, 31–32

folate in diet, 102

food additives, identifying those containing wheat, 79

food allergies

diagnostic tests for, 44

symptoms and effects, 30

food blogs, 131

food buying, planning, 126–132

food intolerance, 31–32

food labels, reading and understanding, 65–69

food manufacturers, checking with, 87–89

food preparation, 142–146

food storage

procedures, 114

for safety, 118

food supplements, safety of, 81


acceptable, 21–22

special ingredients to stock, 119–120

foreign languages, ‘gluten-free’ in, 307–309

French toast, 172

fresh harvest penne, 244

fresh mango mousse, 268

fresh summer salsa, 211

friands, 271

friends, trusting children with, 330

fridge inventory, 118–124

frittata, fetta, 170


spicy corn, 182

zucchini and haloumi, 183

frozen meals, recommendations, 123

frozen pastry, recommendations, 129

fruit balls, no sugar, 284

fruit cake

1-2-3, 278

last-minute, 272

fruit loaf, apricot, 275

fruit and nut muffins, 177

fruit snacks, 286

frustration at diagnosis, 340

frying, tips for, 184

• G •

Gastroenterological Society of Australia (GESA), recommendations of, 57

gastroscopy, definition, 43

gelatine powder, substitute quantity, 149

genes involved in coeliac disease, 52

genetic diseases (common), incidence in Australia, 50

genetic testing for coeliac disease, 44

GI Symbol, 100

ginger, benefits of, 241

gliadin, 65

glucose syrup, 68


attack by immune system of, 55

definition of, 64–65

desirability of avoiding, 45

keeping out of gut, 60–61

gluten in bread, effect of, 38

gluten intolerance

effect on bowel, 12

effect on psychiatric conditions, 14

gluten response of body, changing, 61

gluten sensitivity, effect on depression, 40–41

Gluten Switch phone app, 130

gluten-containing foods, 74

gluten-containing grains and food labelling, 67–68

gluten-free, benefits of being, 357–360

‘gluten-free’, meaning of, 67

gluten-free alternatives for children, 321

gluten-free bread recipe, 261

gluten-free cooking, time-saving tips, 155

gluten-free diets

conflicting beliefs about, 86

explaining to children, 320–321

getting started on, 20–27

nutritional problems, 102–105

weight gain and loss on, 106–107

gluten-free families, pros and cons of, 325–327

gluten-free flour mixes, making, 152–153

gluten-free flours

substitute quantities, 151–152

as thickeners, 148–149

gluten-free foods

acceptable, 21–22

comparison of GI values, 98

getting to like, 17–19, 20

other than grains, 73

quickly recognising, 69–74

retail stores carrying, 134

shopping for, 16, 23–24, 128–132

sources of opinions on, 131–132

gluten-free grains, cooking with, 147–148

gluten-free lifestyle, loving the, 361–364

gluten-free living, affordability of, 136–139

gluten-free mixes, using, 138

gluten-free muesli, 162

gluten-free phone app, 130

gluten-free porridge, 164

gluten-free standards (Australia and New Zealand), 65

gluten-free starches as thickeners, 148–149

glycaemic index (GI)

and blood-sugar levels, 96–99

of foods, 101

glycaemic load (GL), 100

Glycemic Index Foundation, 100–101

goi cuon (summer rolls), 193

good nutrition, principles of, 109

grab ’n’ go starters, 161


alternative, 75–79

safe to eat, 72–73

to be avoided, 70–71

gram flour, 119

grapes and French cream, 286

great gluten-free bread, 261

grief reaction to diagnosis, 340–341

grilled garlic and chicken salad, 206

GS1 Go Scan phone app for ingredient lists, 130

guacamole, 188

guar gum, 119

guests, educating in kitchen procedures, 117–118


effect of coeliac disease on, 55–56

keeping gluten out of, 60–61

nutrient absorption by, 12

workings of small intestine, 54

• H •

ham and mushroom pizza, Lola Workman’s, 248

health food shops

gluten-free foods from, 133

information from staff, 132

pitfalls in, 135–136

healthy eating gluten-free, 94–95

hie. See quinoa

home, eating at, 138

honey butter, 180

hordein, 65

hot fudge pudding, 267

• I •

IgE-mediated responses to foods, 30

immunoglobulins, 30

impulse buying, avoiding, 136

information, evaluating, 84–89

Ingredient List

of Coeliac Australia, 10, 22, 66, 135

as phone app, 130

insoluble fibre, action of, 103

instant eggs (recipe), 169


and blood-sugar levels, 99

effect of high levels in blood, 100

insulin resistance, 100

internet, reliability of information from, 91

intolerance of foods, 31–32

iron in diet, 103, 108

irritable bowel symptoms and FODMAPs, 31–32

• K •

kitchen procedures, 114

kitchen tools, rules for use, 115


gluten-free, 16–17

improvising in, 142–146

kofu, 74

• L •

labelling, problems with, 87

lactose intolerance, 12

lamb and eggplant tagine, 233

languages, ‘gluten-free’ in other, 307–309

lasagne, vegetarian, 242

last-minute fruit cake, 272

leftovers wrap, 190

lemon quinoa crunch, 215

lentil soup, 204

lettuce wraps

Asian pork, 198

making, 197

lists for shopping, making, 127–128

little egg and bacon pies, 171

little teff puffs (syrnike), 269

Lola Workman’s ham and mushroom pizza, 248

Lola Workman’s low reactive flour blend, 153

loss reaction to diagnosis, 341–342

‘low gluten’, meaning of, 68

low reactive flour blend, 153

• M •

macaroni bake, 255

macaroons, chocolate pistachio, 281

magnesium in diet, 103

main course recipes, 227–240

maize, cornflour from, 119

maize cornflour

substitute quantity, 149, 152

as thickener, 149

mango salsa, 189

manufacturers of foods, checking with, 87–89

marinade for beef, 232

marinades, tips for, 237

‘martyr syndrome’, avoiding, 350


planning, 126–127

preparation, 142–146

two-week plan, 26–27

meat consumption, 229

medications, safety of, 81

Mediterranean pizza, 250

menus, making smart choices, 299–300

Mexican roasted potatoes, 224

microwave soft polenta with parmesan, 221

millet, value of, 77

minted green pea soup, 203

misdiagnosis of coeliac disease, 37–38


baking, 121–122, 129

baking with, 150

using, 138

mochiko, substitute quantity, 152

mood disorders, effect of gluten sensitivity and coeliac disease on, 40–41, 47

mousse, fresh mango, 268

moving out of home by teenagers, 335–336


bircher, 163

gluten-free, 162


banana and choc chip, 178

berry, 179

fruit and nut, 177

tips for making, 176

multifactoriality of coeliac disease, 53

mushrooms with goat’s cheese, barbecued, 217

MYOP (make your own pizza) parties, 251

• N •

naturally gluten-free foods, 130–131

neurological conditions and coeliac disease, 47

new players, tips and traps for, 365–368

nibbles recipes, 181–186

no sugar fruit balls, 284

non-food products, likelihood of gluten in, 81–82

noodles, steak and peanut pepper, 230–231

nori rolls

chicken, 196

making, 195

nutrition and ageing, 107–109

nutritional deficiencies and coeliac disease, 47

nutritional problems on gluten-free diets, 102–105

nutritious foods, eating, 138

• O •

oats not gluten-free, 70

1-2-3 fruit cake, 278

online rating systems for food products, 132

opinions on products, options, 131–132

optimism, practising, 349–350

orange butter, 180

orzenin, 65

osteoporosis and coeliac disease, 48

oven-baked bread, 262

• P •

Pain Amplification Phenomenon (PAP), 316–317


making, 174

vegetable, 220

panic reactions to diagnosis, 339–340

pantry inventory, 118–124

parties, children eating at, 332

pasta, recommendations, 123, 129

pasta recipes, 254–257

pastry, making gluten-free, 146

peaches ’n’ cream, 286

penne, fresh harvest, 244

penne with pea sauce, 254

phone apps for gluten-free food information, 130

pizza bases

making, 246, 251

pre-made, 123

pizza recipes, 247–253

pizza sauces, 251–253

plain flour (gluten-free) mixture, 153

planned impulsivity in shops, 136

polenta, substitute quantity, 152

polenta with parmesan, microwave soft, 221

polenta wedges with ratatouille, 222

pork, cooking with, 234

pork, bok choy and noodle stir-fry, 235


blueberry amaranth, 165

gluten-free, 164

potato flour

substitute quantity, 152

use of, 119

potato starch

substitute quantity, 152

as thickener, 149

potatoes, Mexican roasted, 224

product information, obtaining, 87–89

prolamins, 65


for breakfast, 166–173

in diet, 104–105, 108


hot fudge, 267

milk, 286

puffs, teff (syrnike), 269

pumpkin and sweet potato, 223

• Q •

quiche, easy, 236

quick bread, 260

quick zucchini and ricotta pasta, 256

quinoa, value of, 77–78

quinoa flour, substitute quantity, 152

quinoa snacks, 186

• R •

railways, eating on, 310–311

re-defining oneself, 351–352


adapting, 143

cooking without, 143–144

substitutions in, 144–146

recovery from coeliac disease after diagnosis, 56–58

refrigerator inventory, 118–124

resistant starch, action of, 103

restaurant cards, 301, 303


choosing gluten-free menus, 299–300

choosing type of, 294–297

points system for, 304

talking with staff, 300–302

tipping at, 305

tips for dining at, 293–294

rice cake melts, 185

rice cakes, recommendations, 123–124

rice, fetta and chickpea salad, 216

rice flour (brown or white), substitute quantity, 149, 152

rice rolls, making, 191–192

• S •

sadness at diagnosis, 342–343

salad dressing

Asian, 207

Caesar, 209

importance of, 211

salad wrap recipe, 190


broccoli and avocado, 210

Caesar, 208

cool as a cucumber, 206

extra ingredients for, 212

grilled garlic and chicken, 206

making, 205–206

rice, fetta and chickpea, 216

Thai beef, 206

warm beef, 206

warm eggplant with quinoa, 219

salmon and quinoa loaf, 238

salmon steaks with basil, 240

salsa, fresh summer, 211

sauces, recommendations, 123

scallops with orange peel, Szechwan, 239

school, eating at, 331–332

school camps, eating at, 332–333

Scottish drop scones, 175


benefits of, 237

recipes, 238–240

secalin, 65

seitan, 74

self, re-defining, 351–352

serological tests. See blood tests

ships, eating aboard, 310

shock reactions to diagnosis, 339–340


developing good habits, 139

for gluten-free foods, 16

list for getting started, 23–24

shopping lists, making, 127–128

shopping tours to find products, 131

siblings, discussing gluten-free diet with, 319

simple salmon and quinoa loaf, 238

simple smoothie, 173

smoothie, simple, 173

soba. See buckwheat

soluble fibre, action of, 103


substitute quantity, 152

value of, 78

sorghum flour, 119


beef and eggplant, 201

canned, 129

lentil, 204

making, 200

minted green pea, 203

substitutes for, 145

zucchini, 202

soy flour

substitute quantity, 152

use of, 119

soy sauce, substituting tamari for, 146

special food ingredients to stock at home, 119–120

spiced Moroccan chicken with quinoa, 228

spicy butter, 180

spicy chicken rolls, 194

spicy corn fritters, 182


keeping gluten-free, 116–117

recipes for, 190

spring-form cake tins, 266

sprouts, growing at home, 213

standby substitutions in recipes, 144–146

starches, safe to eat, 72–73

steak and peanut pepper noodles, 230–231


bok choy and mushroom, 218

pork, bok choy and noodle, 235

Titus Chan’s beef tomato, 232

strawberries and yoghurt, 286

substitutions in recipes, 144–146

summer rolls (goi cuon), 193

superfoods, 75–79

supermarkets, finding gluten-free foods in, 132–133

support groups

in Australia, 89–90

for food opinions, 131

sushi, making, 195

sweet chilli cream cheese spread, 190

sweet potato and pumpkin, 223

sweet rice flour (glutinous or sticky rice flour), substitute quantity, 152

sweet sorghum blueberry loaf, 276

syrnike (teff puffs), 269

Szechwan scallops with orange peel, 239

• T •

tagine, lamb and eggplant, 233

tamari, as substitute for soy sauce, 146

tapioca flour, as thickener, 149

tapioca flour or starch

substitute quantity, 152

use of, 119

teenagers, guiding, 333–336

teff, value of, 78–79

teff puffs (syrnike), 269

temptation to cheat, overcoming, 354

teriyaki sauces, wheat-free, 146

Thai beef salad, 206

thiamin (vitamin B) in diet, 102


gluten-free starches and flours, 148–149

substitutes for, 146

time-saving tips for gluten-free cooking, 155

tips for new players, 365–368

Titus Chan’s beef tomato stir-fry, 232

toasters, procedures with, 116

tomato herb pizza sauce, 252

toppings, keeping gluten-free, 116–117

‘traces of gluten’, meaning of, 69

trains, eating on, 310–311

traps for new players, 365–368

travel accommodation, gluten-free-friendly, 306

travelling, dining while, 305–309

two-week meal plan, 26–27

type 1 diabetes and coeliac disease, 46, 47

• V •

variety in diet, 95

vegetable pancakes, 220

vegetables, new ways with, 214–224

vegetarian lasagne, 242

vegetarian recipes, 241–244

Vietnamese rice wraps, 193

villi, 54

visitors, educating in kitchen procedures, 117–118

vitamin D, needs during ageing, 108

vitamins A and B1 in diet, 102–103

• W •

warm beef salad, 206

warm eggplant salad with quinoa, 219

water, needs during ageing, 108


for gluten-free shopping, 134–135

reliable, 91

weight gain and loss on gluten-free diet, 106–107

well-balanced diet, components of, 102–103

wheat, digestion of, 15

wheat alternatives, cooking with, 147–149

wheat fibres, 71

wheat grass, 71

wheat meat, 74

white bread recipe, 263

white rice flour, 119–120


Asian pork lettuce, 198

chicken nori rolls, 196

lettuce, 197

nori rolls or sushi, 195

rice rolls, 191–192

spicy chicken rolls, 194

Vietnamese rice, 193

• X, Y, Z •

xanthan gum, use in baking, 120, 151

yeast, 120

zein, 65

zinc in diet, 103

zonulin, 54

zucchini and eggplant pizza, 249

zucchini and haloumi fritters, 183

zucchini soup, 202

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