Chapter 3. Categories and Attributes

The combination of products, presentation, and service makes our store unique. In this chapter, we will see how to add products to our store. Before adding products, we need to make some decisions about how we will organize our site. A few minutes of planning now can save us hours of work later.

Categories, Products, and Attributes

Products are the items that are sold. In Magento, Categories organize your Products, and Attributes describe them. Think of a Category as the place where a Product lives, and an Attribute is anything that describes a Product. Each one of your Products can belong to one or more Categories. Also, each Product can be described by any number of Attributes.

Is it a Category or an Attribute?

Some things are clearly Categories. For example, if you have an electronics store, MP3 players would make a good Category. If you're selling jewelry, earrings would make a good Category.

Other things are clearly Attributes. Color, description, picture, and SKU number are almost always Attributes.

Sometimes, the same thing can be used for a Category or an Attribute. For example, suppose your site sells shoes. If you made size an Attribute, then after your shoppers have located a specific shoe, they can select the size they want. However, if you also made size a Category, the shoppers could begin their shopping by selecting their size. Then they could browse through the styles available in their size. So should size be an Attribute, a Category, or both? The answer depends upon what kind of shopping experience you want to create for your customers.


The hierarchy of Categories, Products, and Attributes looks like this:

  • Category 1

    • Product 1

      • Attribute 1

      • Attribute 2

    • Product 2

      • Attribute 1

      • Attribute 2

  • Category 2

    • Product 3

      • Attribute 1

      • Attribute 3

    • Product 4

      • Attribute 1

      • Attribute 3

We are building a site that sells gourmet coffee, so we might organize our store like this:

  • Single Origin

    • Hawaiian Kona

      • Grind (whole bean, drip, French press)

      • Roast (light, medium, dark)

    • Blue Mountain

      • Grind

      • Roast

  • Blends

    • Breakfast Blend

      • Grind

      • Caffeine (regular, decaffeinated)

    • Afternoon Cruise

      • Grind

      • Caffeine

In Magento, you can give your shoppers the ability to search your store. So if the shoppers know that they want Blue Mountain coffee, they can use the Search function to find it in our store. However, customers who don't know exactly what they want will browse the store. They will often begin browsing by selecting a category. With the organization that we just saw, when customers browse our store, they will start by selecting Single Origin or Blends. Then the shoppers will select the product they want: Hawaiian Kona, Blue Mountain, Breakfast Blend, or Afternoon Cruise.

After our shoppers decide upon a Product, they select Attributes for that product. In our store, shoppers can select Grind for any of the products. For Single Origin, they can also select Roast. For blends, they can select Caffeine. This gives you a clue about how Magento handles attributes. To each Product, you can apply as many, or as few, attributes as you want.

Now that we have definitions for Category, Product, and Attribute, let's look at each of them in detail. Then, we can start adding products.


Product Categories are important because they are the primary tool that your shoppers use to navigate your store. Product Categories organize your store for your shoppers. Categories can be organized into Parent Categories and Subcategories. To get to a Subcategory, you drill down through its Parent Category.

Categories and the Navigation Menu

If a Category is an Anchor Category, then it appears on the Navigation Menu. The term "Anchor" makes the category sound as if it must be a top-level category. This is not true. You can designate any category as an Anchor Category. Doing so puts that category into the Navigation Menu.

When a shopper selects a normal Category from the Navigation Menu, its landing page and any subcategories are displayed. When a shopper selects an Anchor Category from the menu, Magento does not display the normal list of subcategories. Instead, it displays the Attributes of all the Products in that category and its subcategories. Instead of moving down into subcategories, the shopper uses the Attributes to filter all the Products in that Anchor Category and the Categories below it. The Navigation Menu will not display if:

  • You don't create any Categories, or

  • You create Categories, but you don't make any of them Anchors, or

  • Your Anchor Categories are not subcategories under the Default Category.

The Navigation Menu will display only if:

  • You have created at least one Category

  • You have made at least one Category an Anchor

  • You have made the Anchor Category a Subcategory under Default.

When you first create your Magento site and add Products, you won't see those Products on your site until you've met all of the previous conditions. For this reason I recommend that you create at least one Anchor Category before you start adding Products to your store. As you add each Product, add it to an Anchor Category. Then, the Product will display in your store, and you can preview it. If the Anchor Category is not the one that you want for that Product, you can change the Product's Category later.

Before we add Products to our coffee store, we will create two Anchor Categories: Single Origin and Blends. As we add Products, we will assign them to a Category so that we can preview them in our storefront.

Making best use of Categories

There are three things that Categories can accomplish. They can:

  1. Help the shoppers, who know exactly what they want, to find the product that they are looking for.

  2. Help the shoppers, who almost know what they want, to find a product that matches their desires.

  3. Entice the shoppers, who have almost no idea of what they want, to explore your store.

We would like to organize our store so that our Categories accomplish all these goals. However, these goals are often mutually exclusive.

For example, suppose you create an electronics store. In addition to many other products, your store sells MP3 players, including Apple iPods. A Category called iPods would help the shoppers who know that they want an iPod, as they can quickly find one. However, the iPods Category doesn't do much to help shoppers who know that they want an MP3 player, but don't know what kind.

On the Web, you usually search something when you know what you want. But when you're not sure about what you want, you usually browse. In an online store, you usually begin browsing by selecting a Category. When you are creating Categories for your online store, try to make them helpful for shoppers who almost know what they want.

However, what if a high percentage of your shoppers are looking for a narrow category of products? Consider creating a top-level Category to make those products easily accessible. Again, suppose you have an electronics store that sells a wide variety of items. If a high percentage of your customers want iPods, it might be worthwhile to create a Category just for those few products. The logs from the Search function on your site are one way you can determine whether your shoppers are interested in a narrow Category of a Product. Are 30 percent of the searches on your site for lefthanded fishing reels? If so, you might want to create a top-level Category just for those Products.


An Attribute is a characteristic of a Product. Name, price, SKU, size, color, and manufacturer are all examples of Attributes.

System versus Simple Attributes

Notice that the first few examples (name, price, and SKU) are all required for a Product to function in Magento. Magento adds these Attributes to every product, and requires you to assign a value for each of them. These are called System Attributes.

The other three examples (size, color, and manufacturer) are optional Attributes. They are created by the store owner. They are called Simple Attributes. When we discuss creating and assigning Attributes, we are almost always discussing Simple Attributes.

Attribute Sets

Notice that the Single Origin coffees have two Attributes: Grind and Roast. Also notice that the blends have the Attributes of Grind and Caffeine.

  • Single Origin

    • Hawaiian Kona

      • Grind (whole bean, drip, French press)

      • Roast (light, medium, dark)

    • Blue Mountain

      • Grind

      • Roast

  • Blends

    • Breakfast Blend

      • Grind

      • Caffeine (regular, decaffeinated)

    • Afternoon Cruise

      • Grind

      • Caffeine

In this example, the store owner created three Attributes: Grind, Roast, and Caffeine. Next, the store owner grouped the Attributes into two Attribute Sets: one set contains Grind and Roast, and the other set contains Grind and Caffeine. Then, an Attribute set was applied to each Product.

Attributes are not applied directly to Products. They are first grouped into Attribute Sets, and then a set can be applied to a Product. This means that you will need to create a set for each different combination of Attributes in your store. You can name these Sets after the Attributes they contain, such as Grind-Roast. Or, you can name them after the type of Product which will use those Attributes, such as Single Origin Attributes.

If each Product in a group will use the same Attribute as every other Product in that group, then you can name the set after that group. For example, at this time, all Single Origin coffees have the same Attributes: Grind and Roast. If they will all have these two Attributes and you will always add and remove Attributes to them as a group, then you could name the set Single Origin Attributes.

If the Products in a group will likely use different Attributes, then name the set after the Attributes. For example, if you expect that some Single Origin coffees will use the Attributes Grind and Roast, while others will use just Roast, then it would not make sense to create a set called Single Origin Attributes. Instead, create a set called Grind-Roast, and another called Roast.

Three types of Products

In Magento, you can create three different types of Products: Simple, Configurable, and Grouped. The following is a very brief definition for each type of Product.

Simple Product

A Simple Product is a single Product, with Attributes that the store owner chooses. As the saying goes, "What you see is what you get." The customer does not get to choose anything about the Product.

In our coffee store, a good example for a Simple Product might be a drip coffee maker. It comes in only one color. And while the customer can buy drip coffee makers of various sizes (4 cups, 8 cups, 12 cups, and so on), each of those is a separate Product.

A bad example of a Simple Product would be a type of coffee. For example, we might want to allow the customer to choose the type of roast for our Hawaiian Kona coffee: light, medium, or dark. Because we want the customer to choose a value for an Attribute, that would not be a good Simple Product.

Configurable Product

A Configurable Product is a single Product, with at least one Attribute that the customer gets to choose. There is a saying that goes, "Have it your way." The customer gets to choose something about the Product.

A good example of a Configurable Product would be a type of coffee that comes in several different roasts: light, medium, and dark. Because we want the customer to choose the roast (s)he wants, that would be a good Configurable Product.

Grouped Product

A Grouped Product is several Simple Products that are displayed on the same page. You can force the customer to buy the group, or allow the customer to buy each Product separately.


The previous definitions are adequate for now. However, when you start creating Products, you will need to know more about each type of Product. When we discuss Products later in this book, you will learn more about each of these.

Putting it together

In the previous sections, we covered the definitions of Product, Category, and Attribute. A Product appears when it is assigned to an active Category, and that Category is an Anchor, or is under an Anchor Category. Attributes are added to sets, and a set can then be applied to a Product.

I recommend that before you add Products to your store, you create the Anchor Categories into which you will place those Products. This enables you to preview how those Products will appear in your store. I also recommend that you create the Attribute Sets you will need for those Products.

Let's put these concepts into action. In our new store, we will:

  1. Create some Anchor Categories.

  2. Create some Attribute Sets.

  3. Add a few Products.

Time for action: Creating Categories

In this section, we will create a Category for our store. We will make it an Anchor Category so that customers can search for the Products in this category based on their Attributes.

Before you begin

As Categories are the main tools for organizing your store, it is important to make best use of them. Plan which Categories you want to use. What will make products easiest to find? What will entice potential customers to explore? Also, remember that space in the Navigation Menu is limited. So, choose your Anchor Categories carefully.

The result of the following steps is an Anchor Category. By making slightly different choices, you can also create non-Anchor Categories and Subcategories.

  1. Log in to your site's backend, which we call the Administrative Panel:

Before you begin
  1. Select Catalog | Manage Categories:

    Before you begin

    Notice that there is already one Category, called Default:

    Before you begin

    You are going to add your new Category under Default. Doing this will create a Subcategory. This step is essential, because only those Anchor Categories that are children of the Default Category will appear in your Navigation Menu.


    You can add Categories so that they are not under the Default Category. They will be at the same level as Default. However, only Categories under Default will automatically appear in the Navigation Menu. If a Category is not under Default, you will need to create some other way for your customers to get to that Category.

    For example, look at these Categories. Notice that Single Origin Coffees is under Default, while I don't appear in the Nav Menu is not:

    Before you begin

    The result will be a Navigation Menu with only Single Origin Coffees displayed:

    Before you begin
  2. Select the Default Category.

  3. Click on Add Subcategory. A blank, New Category window is displayed:

    Before you begin
  4. Enter a Name for the Category. This will display in your storefront. In our example, we will enter Single Origin Coffees:

    Before you begin
  5. For the setting Is Active, selecting Yes makes the Category visible to customers. Selecting No will hide this Category and its Subcategories in your store.

    Because we want this Category to appear in the Navigati on Menu, we will select Yes.

  6. The URL Key enables you to enter a search-engine-friendly path for this Category. In this example, I entered single-origin-coffees so that when a shopper selects this Category, the address in their browser reads

    If you leave this fi eld blank, Magento will put the name of the Category into this field. You cannot enter spaces into this field.

  7. The Description that you enter here will appear on the Category's landing page.

  8. The Image that you upload will also appear on the Category's landing page. Here is what the page looks like so far:

Before you begin

The default Magento template will re-size the Category's image so that it is 475-pixels wide. If you upload an image that is taller than it is wider, the image will take up a lot of space on the landing page. For example, I've uploaded an image that is 240-pixels wide and 266-pixels high. Magento resized the image so that it is 475-pixels wide and 526-pixels high. Notice how much space this image takes up:

Before you begin

Also notice that the background of the image is solid. It does not allow the gradient on the page to show through. I want an image that will not take up so much vertical space. And, I want the gradient to show through. I solved both problems with this image, which is 475-pixels wide, 266-pixels high, and has a transparent background:

Before you begin

Because the image is already 475-pixels wide, Magento did not re-size it. The result is less space taken up by the image, and more space left for my products.


A full discussion of working with graphic images is beyond the scope of this book. However, here is a hint for creating graphics for your Category landing pages. Design the subject of the graphic according to the size you want. In this example, it was the African continent. Then, make the canvas of the graphic 475-pixels wide. Finally, make the background transparent. The result will be an image that is the right size for your landing page.

  1. The Page Title appears in the browser's title bar. This is not the same as the Name. The Name appears in the Navigation Menu at the top of the page, not in the browser's title bar:

    Before you begin


    The Category's Name and Page Title are both opportunities for you to help the page's search engine rank. You can make them identical, which will help the page score better when people search for that term. Or, you can make them different so that both search terms will be covered by this one page.

  2. The Meta Keywords and Meta Description appear in meta tags, in the page's HTML code. Enter information about this page, which you think will help search engines to properly categorize this page.

    A meta tag contains information not normally displayed to the user. It contains information about the page. The word "meta" means "about this subject". Webmasters use meta tags to tell search engines about a page and help the search engines better categorize that page.

    You can see the meta tags in a page if you view the pages' source code. The following code shows the first few lines of source code for the Single Origin Coffees page. Notice the last two meta tags:

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
    <title> Single Origin Coffee from Brew-Me-A-Cup - Default Store View </title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
    <meta name="description" content="single origin coffees"/>
    <meta name="keywords" content="single origin coffee"/>

    Use Meta Keywords and Meta Description as opportunities to optimize the page for search engines.

  3. For Display Mode, select Products only. This will cause the Category's landing page to display a list of products from that Category.

    You can also select Static block only or Static block and products. We are not selecting these now because we are not covering Static Blocks in this beginner's guide.

  4. If we chose to show a Static Block, we would use the CMS Block setting to specify which Block to display. For now, we can ignore this setting.

  5. We want shoppers to be able to filter products under this Category. So for Is Anchor, we will choose Yes.

  6. Click on the Save Category button.

  7. This completes the General Information tab for the Category. There are two other tabs: Category Products and Custom Design. We will learn about these tabs later. We have done everything to get this Category to work in our store.

What just happened?

You now have at least one Anchor Category under the Default category. This new Anchor Category has its own landing page, which you customized with text and a graphic. The Products under this Anchor Category will be listed on its landing page.

Have a go hero

Now that we have an Anchor Category, we can press ahead and complete the other steps needed to create our catalog. Or, we can create more Categories. For our coffee store, create several more Categories so that our store is organized like this:

  • Single Origin Coffees

    • Latin American

    • African

    • Hawaiian

  • Blended Coffees

Single Origin and Blended will be Anchors. The result will look as follows:

Have a go hero

Once we have the Categories, we need to hold our Products, it's time to add Attribute Sets.

Time for action: Creating Attributes

In this section we will create an Attribute set for our store. First, we will create Attributes. Then, we will create the set.

Before you begin

Because Attributes are the main tool for describing your Products, it is important to make the best use of them. Plan which Attributes you want to use. What aspects or characteristics of your Products will a customer want to search for? Make those Attributes. What aspects of your Products will a customer want to choose? Make these Attributes, too.

Attributes are organized into Attribute Sets. Each set is a collection of Attributes. You should create different sets to describe the different types of Products that you want to sell. In our coffee store, we will create two Attribute Sets: one for Single Origin coffees and one for Blends. They will differ in only one way. For Single Origin coffees, we will have an Attribute showing the country or region where the coffee is grown. We will not have this Attribute for blends because the coffees used in a blend can come from all over the world. Our sets will look like the following:

Single Origin Attribute set










Blended Attribute set









Now, let's create the Attributes and put them into sets.

The result of the following directions will be several new Attributes and two new Attribute Sets:

  1. If you haven't already, log in to your site's backend, which we call the Administrative Panel:

    Before you begin
  2. Select Catalog | Attributes | Manage Attributes.

    A list of all the Attributes is displayed. These attributes have been created for you. Some of these Attributes (such as color, cost, and description) are visible to your customers. Other Attributes affect the display of a Product, but your customers will never see them. For example, custom_design can be used to specify the name of a custom layout, which will be applied to a Product's page. Your customers will never see the name of the custom layout.

    Before you begin

    We will add our own attributes to this list.

  3. Click the Add New Attribute button. The New Product Attribute page displays:

    Before you begin

    There are two tabs on this page: Properties and Manage Label / Options. You are in the Properties tab.

    The Attribute Properties section contains settings that only the Magento administrator (you) will see. These settings are values that you will use when working with the Attribute. The Frontend Properties section contains settings that affect how this Attribute will be presented to your shoppers. We will cover each setting on this page.

  4. Attribute Code is the name of the Attribute. Your customers will never see this value. You will use it when managing the Attribute.

    Refer back to the list of Attributes that appeared in Step 2. The Attribute identifier appears in the first column, labeled Attribute Code. The Attribute Code must contain only lowercase letters, numbers, and the underscore character. And, it must begin with a letter. The Scope of this Attribute can be set as Store View, Website, or Global. For now, you can leave it set to the default—Store View. The other values become useful when you use one Magento installation to create multiple stores or multiple web sites. That is beyond the scope of this quick-start guide.

  5. After you assign an Attribute set to a Product, you will fill in values for the Attributes. For example, suppose you assign a set that contains the attributes color, description, price, and image. You will then need to enter the color, description, price, and image for that Product.

    Notice that each of the Attributes in that set is a different kind of data. For color, you would probably want to use a drop-down list to make selecting the right color quick and easy. This would also avoid using different terms for the same color such as "Red" and "Magenta." For description, you would probably want to use a freeform text field. For price, you would probably want to use a field that accepts only numbers, and that requires you to use two decimal places. And for image, you would want a field that enables you to upload a picture.

    The field Catalog Input Type for Store Owner enables you to select the kind of data that this Attribute will hold:

    Before you begin

    In our example we are creating an Attribute called roast. When we assign this value to a Product, we want to select a single value for this field from a list of choices. So, we will select Dropdown.

    If you select Dropdown or Multiple Select for this field, then under the Manage Label/Options tab, you will need to enter the list of choices (the list of values) for this field.

  6. If you select Yes for Unique Value, then no two products can have the same value for this Attribute. For example, if I made roast a unique Attribute, that means only one kind of coffee in my store could be a Light roast, only one kind of coffee could be a French roast, only one could be Espresso, and so on. For an Attribute such as roast, this wouldn't make much sense. However, if this Attribute was the SKU of the Product, then I might want to make it unique. That would prevent me from entering the same SKU number for two different Products.

  7. If you select Yes for Values Required, then you must select or enter a value for this Attribute. You will not be able to save a Product with this Attribute if you leave it blank. In the case of roast, it makes sense to require a value. Our customers would not buy a coffee without knowing what kind of roast the coffee has.

  8. Input Validation for Store Owner causes Magento to check the value entered for an Attribute, and confirm that it is the right kind of data. When entering a value for this Attribute, if you do not enter the kind of data selected, then Magento gives you a warning message.

    Before you begin
  9. The Apply To field determines which Product Types can have this Attribute applied to them. Remember that the three Product Types in Magento are Simple, Grouped, and Configurable. Recall that in our coffee store, if a type of coffee comes in only one roast, then it would be a Simple Product. And, if the customer gets to choose the roast, it would be a Configurable Product. So we want to select at least Simple Product and Configurable Product for the Apply To field:

    Before you begin

    But what about Grouped Product? We might sell several different types of coffee in one package, which would make it a Grouped Product. For example, we might sell a Grouped Product that consists of a pound of Hawaiian Kona and a pound of Jamaican Blue Mountain. We could call this group something like "Island Coffees." If we applied the Attribute roast to this Grouped Product, then both types of coffee would be required to have the same roast.

    However, if Kona is better with a lighter roast and Blue Mountain is better with a darker roast, then we don't want them to have the same roast. So in our coffee store, we will not apply the Attribute roast to Grouped Products. When we sell coffees in special groupings, we will select the roast for each coffee.

    You will need to decide which Product Types each Attribute can be applied to. If you are the store owner and the only one using your site, you will know which Attributes should be applied to which Products. So, you can safely choose All Product Types for this setting.

  10. By default, Magento puts a quick search box in the top right corner of each page in your store.

    Before you begin

    The quick search box will search only those Attributes for which Use in quick search is set to Yes. For some examples, let's refer back to our list of Attributes:

    Before you begin

    Look in the column labeled Searchable. Notice that color and description are searchable. This means that if a customer enters a word into the quick search box that is found in the color or description of a Product, then that Product will be found. Notice that customers cannot search based on a Product's price.

    In our coffee store, we will make roast a searchable Attribute because we know that some customers prefer only coffees that are roasted a specific way.

    If you select Yes for Use in advanced search, this attribute will have its own field on the Advanced Search page:

    Before you begin

    In our coffee store, we will make roast a field on the Advanced Search page.

    By default, Magento puts an Advanced Search link at the bottom of each page in your store.

    Before you begin

    Clicking on this link takes you to the Catalog Advanced Search page. Some Attributes get their own field on this search page:

    Before you begin
  11. By default, Magento enables customers to compare Products in your store. When viewing a Product, the customer sees an Add to Compare link, as shown in the following screenshot:

    Before you begin

    When a customer clicks on this link, the Product is added to the Compare Products block.

    Before you begin

    Next, when the customer clicks on the Compare Items button, the Compare Products page pops up:

    Before you begin

    On the Compare Products page, notice that only certain Attributes are compared. In the previous example, Model, SKU, Short Description, Description, Color, and Price appear on the Compare Products page.

    If you select Yes for Comparable on Front-end, this attribute will appear on the Compare Products page.

    You don't want to crowd the Compare Products page with Attributes, but you want to include all the Attributes that will help your customer to choose between similar Products. This requires you to think like a customer. When your customer is comparing similar Products, which Attributes will help the customer to see a real difference between them?

    For example, in our coffee store, customers who are interested in one lightly roasted coffee are probably interested in other light roasts. Any coffees that our customers compare probably have the same roast. Therefore, roast would not be an Attribute that helps our customers to decide between similar Products. So in our coffee store, we will not make roast a field on the Compare Products page. However, if we later add an Attribute called character, that would probably be a good one for the Compare Products page.

  12. The Use in Layered Navigation setting enables your customers to filter Products based on this Attribute. When this is enabled, your customer sees a filter on the left side of the page, where (s)he can select values for this Attribute. Magento will then display only Products that have a value for the Attribute that falls within the range selected by the customer.

    In the following screenshot, notice that the customer has selected the Category Electronics from the Navigation Menu at the top of the page. Also, notice that the customer can filter the results by three Attributes on the lefthand side of the page. They are Price, Color, and Manufacturer as shown in the following screenshot:

    Before you begin

    The customer can now find the Products that (s)he wants, using two criteria. A Category can be selected from the Navigation Menu at the top of the page. And, an Attribute Filter can be selected from the Layered Navigation menu on the left side of the page.

    Notice the values for the Attribute Price. The first range covers $100 to $200. Then, the values jump to $300. The Price range $200 to $300 is missing. This is because no Products in this Category fall in that price range.

    There are three settings for Use in Layered Navigation. Selecting No excludes this Attribute from the Layered Navigation menu.

    Selecting Filterable (with results) will put the Attribute into the Layered Navigation menu, but only for those values that show some Products. That is, it places only those values that produce results when used as a filter. That is what happened in the previous screenshot.

    Selecting Filterable (no results) will put the Attribute into the Layered Navigation menu, and all values will be displayed. Even values that don't produce results will be displayed. If that setting were selected in the page we just saw, the Price range $200-$300 would be displayed, even though there are no Products in that range.

    You can make an attribute filterable only if the Input Type is Dropdown, Multiple Select, or Price.

  13. If you use this Attribute in the Layered Navigation menu (that is, if you allow your customers to filter by this Attribute), then Position determines the position of the attribute in the Layered Navigation. Entering 1 puts this Attribute at the top of the menu.

  14. The setting for Visible on Catalog Pages on Front-end applies only to Simple Attributes. That is, it applies only to Attributes that you create, not to those that are automatically created by Magento.

    Every product page has a section called Additional Information. It displays below the Product Description section. In the following screenshot, you can see this section:

    Before you begin

    If you select Yes for Visible on Catalog Pages on Front-end, this Attribute will appear in the Additional Information section of each Product that uses the Attribute. In the previous example, the Attributes Model, In Depth, Dimensions, and Activation Information had Visible on Catalog Pages on Front-end set to Yes.

    If a Product has no Attributes that are Visible on Catalog Pages on Front-end, then the Additional Information section will not display for that Product.

  15. Select the Manage Labels/Options tab:

    Before you begin
  16. Under Manage Titles in the Admin field, enter the name that you will use for this Attribute in the administrative interface. In the Default Store View field enter the name for this Attribute that your customers will see in your store:

Before you begin
  1. If this Attribute type is Dropdown or Multiple Select, then the Manage Options section will appear:

    Before you begin

    Recall that when an Attribute is a dropdown or multiple selection, you must select one or more values for that Attribute from a list. The Manage Options section is where you create that list.

    In the Admin field, enter the name that you will use for this value in the administrative interface. You will see this name when you are creating a Product, and assigning a value to the Attribute. In the Default Store View field, enter the value that your customers will see in your store.

    If this Attribute type is not Dropdown or Multiple Select, then this section will not appear.

  2. Click on Save Attribute. The Attribute is saved and you are returned to the list of Attributes. You should see the one you just added in the list, along with a success message at the top of the page like this:

    Before you begin

    This concludes the process for creating a new Attribute. Repeat this as needed. In our demonstration store, we will create two more Attributes: grind and caffeine.

What just happened?

In this section you created new Attributes. These Attributes will be used to describe your Products. Your customers will be able to use some of these Attributes to filter Products, helping them to drill down to exactly the merchandise they want. Other Attributes will appear in the Search function, enabling your customers to search your entire site for Products that meet their criteria. Your customers will also be able to use some of these Attributes when they compare products side-by-side, helping them to choose between the Products.

What's next?

Next, we will put our Attributes into Attribute Sets. Recall that you do not apply Attributes individually to Products. Instead, you apply a set of Attributes to each Product.

Time for action: Creating Attribute Sets

  1. If you haven't already, log in to your site's backend. We call it the Administrative Panel.

  2. Select Catalog | Attributes | Manage Attribute Sets.

Time for action: Creating Attribute Sets
  1. Click on Add New Attribute Set. The Edit Set Name page is displayed as follows:

Time for action: Creating Attribute Sets
  1. Enter a Name for this set. The shoppers will never see the name of this Attribute set. You will see the name when you create a Product and need to assign a set to that Product. This is why you should use a name that will help you remember the purpose of this set.

    If you will use the set only for a specific kind of merchandise, consider naming the set after that merchandise. In the previous screenshot, I am creating a set that I will apply only to coffee sold by the pound. The name coffee-by-pound reminds me of the purpose for this set.

    If you will apply this set to several kinds of merchandise, consider using a name that describes the contents of the set. In our demo site, we could create a set that contains those Attributes called grind-roast-origin.

  2. For Based On, select a set that will be the starting point for this set. If this is the first set that you created, then your only choice will be Default.

    When you create a new set, you must always base it upon an existing set. The first time, this will be Default because that is the only set available.

    Default contains all of the system Attributes that are required for each Product, plus a few more Attributes that come with the standard Magento installation.


    You can edit the contents of Default, but you should not do this without a compelling reason. Leaving Default intact ensures that you will always have a set that contains the minimum Attributes needed for a Product. When you need to create a set that is very different from any of the others in your store, it is usually easiest to start with a minimum set such as Default and build it up. This is easier than starting with another set, removing the Attributes that you have added, and then building it up. Starting with Default and building up is easier when making new sets that are unlike any others in your store.

  3. Click on Save Attribute Set. The Edit Attribute Set window is displayed:

    Time for action: Creating Attribute Sets

    The left column contains the name of this set. The middle column contains all of the Attributes that are a part of this set. Right now, those are the same as for the Default set. The right column contains Attributes that are not part of this set. The label Unassigned Attributes might be misleading because these Attributes might have been assigned to other sets.

    Notice that the Attributes in this set are organized into Groups. Each Group in this set will create a tab on the Product page if at least one Attribute in that Group is set to display. If all of the Attributes in a Group are hidden from the shopper, then that Group will not create a tab on the Product page. For example, the group Meta Information contains only Attributes that are hidden, so shoppers will not see a tab called Meta Information.

    The orange circles mark the System Attributes. Recall that every set must contain all of the System Attributes because each Product must have all of the System Attributes applied to it.

  4. To add an Attribute to the set, open a Group and then drag the Attribute into that Group as shown in the following screenshot:

    Time for action: Creating Attribute Sets

    In our demo store, we will add caffeine, grind, and roast to the General group.

  5. To remove an Attribute from the set, drag it from the Group that contains it to the Unassigned Attributes column.

    In our demo store, we will remove manufacturer and color because they do not apply to our coffee product.

  6. To move an Attribute from one Group to another Group, just drag and drop the Attribute.

  7. To add a new Group (and possibly create a new tab on the Product page), click on Add New. When prompted, enter the name of the new Group.

  8. To change the order of the Groups, drag and drop them.

    The tabs that these Groups create on the Product page display left to right. They appear in the order that the Groups are placed here. The topmost Group creates the tab on the left, and the bottom Group creates the rightmost tab.

  9. To delete a group, select it and click on Delete Selected Group.

    You cannot delete a Group that has System Attributes in it. When you delete a Group, its Attributes become unassigned. When you are finished, click on Save Attribute Set.

What just happened?

You have just created at least one Attribute set. Each set contains a collection of Attributes that you will use to describe a product. If you created just one set, every Product in your site will use that set. This is fine if all your Products are similar (for example, if all you sell is coffee). If you created several sets, you probably sell several different kinds of Products (for example, coffee and coffee brewing accessories).

Pop quiz

  1. The Layered Navigation Menu:

    • Displays all Categories in the store.

    • Displays only those Categories that are Anchors.

    • Displays Anchor Categories at the top level and subcategories beneath that.

  2. Designating an Attribute as Filterable makes the Attribute appear:

    • In the Advanced Search page.

    • In the Layered Navigation menu.

    • On the Front Page.

For the answer, check out this screencast at the Magento web site:


In this chapter, we created Categories that will hold our Products. Think of a Category as a department in a physical store. Then, we created Attributes and Attribute Sets. Think of Attributes as the qualities that enable us to distinguish one product from another.

In the next chapter, we will finish our basic set up by adding a Tax Class for our Products. Then, we will be ready to start adding Products.

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