
Meghan Scheck

image I've built a series of Lego phonographs, but none has been as successful as this model. Based on an arm design by Jose Pino ( using a Lego WeDo motor and the Scratch programming environment, it plays loudly enough to be heard across the room with only a 9oz plastic drinking cup serving as the horn. No electronic amplifier is required. It’s not exactly high fidelity, and you definitely shouldn’t use it with any valuable vinyl, but it’s a cool demo and a great learning activity for science, programming, and robotics students.

Josh Burker works with elementary-age students on constructivist technology projects at an independent school in Connecticut. He has been a Lego maniac since kindergarten.

A Working Lego Record Player

Combine WeDo robotics elements, a handful of classic Lego bricks, and a bit of Scratch programming to build a functional phonograph.

Written and photographed by Josh Burker

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