progress here stalled. John took off to Chicago to
take care of business until he recovered. Sadly,
things steadily got worse. Eventually, he required
sedation and intubation. Despite receiving
the latest drugs and therapies, his condition
continued to degrade. Three-fifths of people
admitted to the ICU with Covid suffer kidney
damage. Dad was no exception. He eventually
required dialysis. In the end, the machines he
spent his whole life salvaging could not save him.
He passed away in mid-December after a drawn-
out and isolated hospital stay.
Our dad was in his early 70s. A bit old, he was
mentally and physically spry. There is no doubt
that he had a lot of quality time left. Life spares no
irony because the week he passed was the same
week that vaccines began to roll out. As a devout
supporter of science, he would have been first in
line for an early vaccine.
What a year. Like a lot of people with similar
stories, we can only hope 2021 brings better
news. There isn’t much to do but continue as
planned. We took a small hiatus, but now we’re
ready to sell our Tesla coil kit. We hope you enjoy
it; we put a lot into it. It may be just the thing you
need to keep your family entertained during the
pandemic. Stay safe, wear a mask, and keep
listening to the experts. If you get too bored, build
a Tesla coil.
mayhem: The
musical Tesla
coil kit packs
terrifying high
voltage into a
desktop form
The Thundermouse kit throws awesome 3-foot arcs in
the comfort of your own home. Find it at
To produce kits, Joe and John built this machine to wind
638 turns of wire on the secondary coils automatically.
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