
The commissioners and publishers of this new Best Management Practice guidance would like to thank the following for all the time and effort they have contributed during its planning, development and completion.


Michael Dallas (lead author) Davis Langdon LLP and The APM Group
Stephanie Clackworthy Analytika Ltd

Project governance

The guide was developed as a project under the management of a project board comprising:

Mike Acaster, OGC, project executive; Eddie Borup, BPUG, senior user; James Davies, The APM Group, project manager; Janine Eves, TSO, senior supplier; Richard Pharro, The APM Group, senior supplier.

Reference group

Proposals for the guide were presented by the authors to the following reference group for discussion and guidance:

Mike Acaster, OGC; Paul Chapman, Evolve Business Consultancy; James Davies, The APM Group; Paul Francis, Modus Services Ltd; Neil Glover, TSO; Michael Graham , UK Value Management; Elwyn Jarrett, Symbiotic Projects Ltd; Stephen Jenner, Ministry of Justice; Gp Capt (retired) S. J. Kinder BE MSc BSc; Darren Ley, Maven Training; Matthew B. Locke, Lend Lease Design; David Purves, Marandale Management Training & Consultancy; David Stoughton, Value Kinetics Ltd; Peter Weaver, The Learning Habit.


We are very grateful for the time and consideration of the review group during the drafting of this edition and thank:

Andrew Ball, Audit Commission; Tim Banfield, National Audit Office; Claire Filby, Communications Consultant; Melanie Franklin, Maven Training; Michael Graham, UK Value Management; Sarah Harries, Openreach, a BT Group business; Elwyn Jarrett, Symbiotic Projects Ltd; Stephen Jenner, Ministry of Justice; Gp Capt (retired) S. J. Kinder MBE MSc BSc; Matthew B. Locke, Lend Lease Design; Sandy Mackay, BRE; Ronan J. Murphy, RPA; Dr Stephen Simister, Henley Business School; Victor Smart, Chartered Institute of Management Accountants; David Stoughton, Value Kinetics Ltd; Sue Taylor, APMG examiner; John Thorp, CMC, ISP, ITCP, The Thorp Network, Canada; Peter Weaver, The Learning Habit.

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