
Procfs is a special filesystem that enumerates kernel data structures as files. This filesystem serves as a debugging resource for kernel programmers, since it allows users to view the state of data structures through the virtual file interface. Procfs is mounted to the /proc directory (mount point) of rootfs.

Data in procfs files is not persistent, and is always constructed on the run; each file is an interface through which users can trigger associated operations. For instance, a read operation on a proc file invokes the associated read callback function bound to the file entry, and that function is implemented to populate the user buffer with appropriate data.

The number of files enumerated depends on the configuration and architecture for which the kernel was built. Following is a list of a few important files with useful data enumerated under /proc:

File name Description
/proc/cpuinfo Provides low-level cpu details such as vendor, model, clock speed, cache size, number of siblings, cores, CPU flags, and bogomips.
/proc/meminfo Provides a summarized view of physical memory state.
/proc/ioports Provides details on current usage of port I/O address space supported by the x86 class of machines. This file is not present on other architectures.
/proc/iomem Shows a detailed layout describing current usage of memory address space.
/proc/interrupts Shows a view of the IRQ descriptor table that contains details of IRQ lines and interrupt handlers bound to each.
/proc/slabinfo Shows a detailed listing of slab caches and their current state.
/proc/buddyinfo Shows the current state of buddy lists managed by the buddy system.
/proc/vmstat Shows virtual memory management statistics.
/proc/zoneinfo Shows per-node memory zone statistics.
/proc/cmdline Shows boot arguments passed to the kernel.
/proc/timer_list Shows a list of active pending timers, with details of clock source.
/proc/timer_stats Provides detailed statistics on active timers, used for tracking timer usage and debugging.
/proc/filesystems Presents a list of filesystem services currently active.
/proc/mounts Shows currently mounted devices with their mountpoints.
/proc/partitions Presents details of current storage partitions detected with associated /dev file enumerations.
/proc/swaps Lists out active swap partitions with status details.
/proc/modules Lists out names and status of kernel modules currently deployed.
/proc/uptime Shows length of time kernel has been running since boot and spent in idle mode.
/proc/kmsg Shows contents of kernel's message log buffer.
/proc/kallsyms Presents kernel symbol table.
/proc/devices Presents a list of registered block and character devices with their major numbers.
/proc/misc Presents a list of devices registered through the misc interface with their misc identifiers.
/proc/stat Presents system statistics.
/proc/net Directory that contains various network stack-related pseudo files.
/proc/sysvipc Subdirectory containing pseudo files that show the status of System V IPC objects, message queues, semaphores, and shared memory.

/proc also lists out a number of subdirectories that provide a detailed view of elements in process PCB or task structure. These folders are named by the PID of the process that they represent. Following is a list of important files that present process-related information:

File name Description
/proc/pid/cmdline Command-line name of the process.
/proc/pid/exe A symbolic link to the executable file.
/proc/pid/environ Lists out environmental variables accessible to the process.
/proc/pid/cwd A symbolic link to the current working directory of the process.
/proc/pid/mem A binary image that shows the virtual memory of the process.
/proc/pid/maps Lists out virtual memory mappings for the process.
/proc/pid/fdinfo A directory that lists out open file descriptors' current status and flags.
/proc/pid/fd Directory that contains symlink to open file descriptors.
/proc/pid/status Lists out current status of the process, including its memory usage.
/proc/pid/sched Lists out scheduling statistics.
/proc/pid/cpuset Lists out the cpu affinity mask for this process.
/proc/pid/cgroup Shows cgroup details for the process.
/proc/pid/stack Shows backtrace of the process-owned kernel stack.
/proc/pid/smaps Shows memory consumed for each mapping into its address space.
/proc/pid/pagemap Shows the physical mapping status for each virtual page of the process.
/proc/pid/syscall Exposes the system call number and arguments for the system call currently being executed by the process.
/proc/pid/task Directory containing child process/thread details.
These listings were drawn up to familiarize you with proc files and their use. You are advised to visit the manual page of procfs for a detailed description of each of these files.

All of the files we listed so far are read-only; procfs also contains a branch /proc/sys that holds read-write files, which are referred to as kernel parameters. Files under /proc/sys are further classified as per the subsystems to which they apply. Listing out all those files is out of scope.

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