Setting the SGID bit and the sticky bit on the shared directory

I've told you before that it's a bit of a security risk to set either the SUID or SGID permissions on files, especially on executable files. But it is both completely safe and very useful to set SGID on a shared directory.

SGID behavior on a directory is completely different from SGID behavior on a file. On a directory, SGID will cause any files that anybody creates to be associated with the same group with which the directory is associated. So, bearing in mind that the SGID permission value is 2000, let's set SGID on our marketing directory:

[donnie@localhost /]$ sudo chmod 2770 marketing
[sudo] password for donnie:

[donnie@localhost /]$ ls -ld marketing
drwxrws---. 2 nobody marketing 28 Nov 13 15:41 marketing
[donnie@localhost /]$

The s in the executable position for the group indicates that the command was successful. Let's now let Vicky log back in to create another file:

[donnie@localhost /]$ su - vicky
Last login: Mon Nov 13 15:41:19 EST 2017 on pts/0

[vicky@localhost ~]$ cd /marketing

[vicky@localhost marketing]$ touch vicky_file_2.txt

[vicky@localhost marketing]$ ls -l
total 0
-rw-rw-r--. 1 vicky marketing 0 Nov 13 15:57 vicky_file_2.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 vicky vicky 0 Nov 13 15:41 vicky_file.txt
[vicky@localhost marketing]$

Vicky's second file is associated with the marketing group, which is just what we want. Just for fun, let's let Charlie do the same:

[donnie@localhost /]$ su - charlie

[charlie@localhost ~]$ cd /marketing

[charlie@localhost marketing]$ touch charlie_file.txt

[charlie@localhost marketing]$ ls -l
total 0
-rw-rw-r--. 1 charlie marketing 0 Nov 13 15:59 charlie_file.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 vicky marketing 0 Nov 13 15:57 vicky_file_2.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 vicky vicky 0 Nov 13 15:41 vicky_file.txt
[charlie@localhost marketing]$

Again, Charlie's file is associated with the marketing group. But, for some strange reason that nobody understands, Charlie really doesn't like Vicky, and decides to delete her files, just out of pure spite:

[charlie@localhost marketing]$ rm vicky*
rm: remove write-protected regular empty file ‘vicky_file.txt’? y

[charlie@localhost marketing]$ ls -l
total 0
-rw-rw-r--. 1 charlie marketing 0 Nov 13 15:59 charlie_file.txt
[charlie@localhost marketing]$

The system complains that Vicky's original file is write-protected since it's still associated with her personal group. But the system does still allow Charlie to delete it, even without sudo privileges. And, since Charlie has write access to the second file, due to its association with the marketing group, the system allows him to delete it without question.

Okay. So, Vicky complains about this and tries to get Charlie fired. But our intrepid administrator has a better idea. He'll just set the sticky bit in order to keep this from happening again. Since the SGID bit has a value of 2000, and the sticky bit has a value of 1000, we can just add the two together to get a value of 3000:

[donnie@localhost /]$ sudo chmod 3770 marketing
[sudo] password for donnie:

[donnie@localhost /]$ ls -ld marketing
drwxrws--T. 2 nobody marketing 30 Nov 13 16:03 marketing
[donnie@localhost /]$

The T in the executable position for others indicates that the sticky bit has been set. Since  T is uppercase, we know that the executable permission for others has not been set. Having the sticky bit set will prevent group members from deleting anybody else's files. Let's let Vicky show us what happens when she tries to retaliate against Charlie:

[donnie@localhost /]$ su - vicky
Last login: Mon Nov 13 15:57:41 EST 2017 on pts/0

[vicky@localhost ~]$ cd /marketing

[vicky@localhost marketing]$ ls -l
total 0
-rw-rw-r--. 1 charlie marketing 0 Nov 13 15:59 charlie_file.txt

[vicky@localhost marketing]$ rm charlie_file.txt
rm: cannot remove ‘charlie_file.txt’: Operation not permitted

[vicky@localhost marketing]$ rm -f charlie_file.txt
rm: cannot remove ‘charlie_file.txt’: Operation not permitted

[vicky@localhost marketing]$ ls -l
total 0
-rw-rw-r--. 1 charlie marketing 0 Nov 13 15:59 charlie_file.txt
[vicky@localhost marketing]$

Even with the -f option, Vicky still can't delete Charlie's file. Vicky doesn't have sudo privileges on this system, so it would be useless for her to try that.

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