Hands-on lab – scanning with Nmap

In this lab, you'll see the results of scanning a machine with various services either enabled or disabled. You'll start with a virtual machine that has its firewall disabled. Let's get started:

  1. Briefly peruse the Nmap help screen by using the following command:
  1. From either your host machine or from another virtual machine, perform these scans against a virtual machine that has its firewall disabled (substitute your own IP address for the one I'm using here):
sudo nmap -sS
sudo nmap -sT
sudo nmap -SU
sudo nmap -A
sudo nmap -sA
  1. Stop the SSH service on the target machine on Ubuntu: 
sudo systemctl stop ssh

On CentOS, use this command:

sudo systemctl stop sshd
  1. Repeat step 2.

You've reached the end of this lab – congratulations!

Now that you've seen how to scan a system, let's look at the GRUB2 bootloader.

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