Using process isolation with Docker containers

Container technology has been around for quite some time, but it took Docker to make containers popular. Unlike a virtual machine, a container doesn't contain an entire operating system. Rather, a container contains just enough of an operating system to run applications in their own private sandboxes. Containers lack their own operating system kernels, so they use the kernel of the host Linux machine. What makes containers so popular is that you can pack a lot more of them onto a physical server than you can with virtual machines. So, they're great for cutting the cost of running a data center.

Docker containers use the technologies that we've covered in this chapter. Kernel capabilities, cgroups, namespaces, and SECCOMP all help Docker containers remain isolated from both each other and from the host operating system, unless we choose otherwise. By default, Docker containers run with a reduced set of capabilities and syscalls, and Docker developers can reduce all that even more for the containers that they create.

I can't go into the nitty-gritty details about how all this works in Docker because it would require explaining the development process for Docker containers. That's okay, though. In this section, you'll understand what to look out for if someone wants to deploy Docker containers in your data center.

But as good as all that sounds, Docker security is far from perfect. As I demonstrated in Chapter 9, Implementing Mandatory Access Control with SELinux and AppArmor, any non-privileged member of the docker group can mount the root filesystem of the host machine in a container of his or her own creation. The normally non-privileged member of the docker group has root privileges within the container, and those privileges extend to the mounted root filesystem of the host machine. In the demo, I showed you that only an effective Mandatory Access Control system, specifically SELinux, could stop Katelyn from taking control of the entire host machine.

To address this rather serious design flaw, the developers at Red Hat created their own Docker replacement. They call it podman-docker, and it's available in the RHEL 8 and CentOS 8 repositories. Security is much improved in podman-docker, and the type of attack that I demonstrated for you doesn't work with it, even without SELinux. Personally, I wouldn't even consider anything other than RHEL 8 or CentOS 8 for running containers. (And no, the Red Hat folk aren't paying me to say this.)

Now that I've given you a high-level overview of how the process isolation technologies are used in Docker, let's look at how they're used in technologies that a mere mortal is more likely to use. We'll begin with Firejail.

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