Hands-on lab – viewing network services with netstat

In this lab, you'll practice what you've just learned about netstat. Do this on a virtual machine that has a desktop interface so that you can use Firefox to visit websites. Follow these steps:

  1. View the list of network services that are listening for a connection:
netstat -lp -A inet
netstat -lpn -A inet
  1. View the list of established connections:
netstat -p -A inet
netstat -pn -A inet
  1. Open Firefox and navigate to any website. Then, repeat Step 2.
  2. From your host machine, log into the virtual machine via SSH. Then, repeat Step 2.

You've reached the end of the lab – congratulations!

You've just seen how to audit network services with netstat. Now, let's learn how to do this with Nmap.

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