Chapter 4. Nonlinear Equations and Optimization

In this chapter, we will review two basic operations that are fundamental to the development of Numerical Mathematics: the search of zeros and extrema of real-valued functions.


Let's revisit Runge's example from Chapter 2, Interpolation and Approximation, where we computed a Lagrange interpolation of Runge's function using eleven equally spaced nodes in the interval from -5 to 5:

In [1]: import numpy as np, matplotlib.pyplot as plt; 
   ...: from scipy.interpolate import BarycentricInterpolator
In [2]: def f(t): return 1. / (1. + t**2)
In [3]: nodes = np.linspace(-5, 5, 11); 
   ...: domain = np.linspace(-5, 5, 128); 
   ...: interpolant = BarycentricInterpolator(nodes, f(nodes))
In [4]: plt.figure(); 
   ...: plt.subplot(121); 
   ...: plt.plot(domain, f(domain), 'r-', label='original'); 
   ...: plt.plot(nodes, f(nodes), 'ro', label='nodes'); 
   ...: plt.plot(domain, interpolant1(domain), 'b--',
   ...:          label='interpolant'); 
   ...: plt.legend(loc=9); 
   ...: plt.subplot(122); 
   ...: plt.plot(domain, np.abs(f(domain)-interpolant1(domain))); 
   ...: plt.title('error or interpolation'); 

One way to measure the success or failure of this scheme is by computing the uniform norm of the difference between the original function and the interpolation. In this particular case, that norm is close to 2.0. We could approximate this value by performing the following computation on a large set of points in the domain:

In [5]: error1a = np.abs(f(domain)-interpolant(domain)).max(); 
   ...: print error1a

However, this is a crude approximation of the actual error. To compute the true norm, we need a mechanism that calculates the actual maximum value of a function over a finite interval, rather than over a discrete set of points. To perform this operation for the current example, we will use the routine minimize_scalar from the module scipy.optimize.

Let's solve this problem in two different ways, to illustrate one possible pitfall of optimization algorithms:

  • In the first case, we will exploit the symmetry of the problem (both f and interpolator are even functions) and extract the maximum value of the norm of their difference in the interval from 0 to 5
  • In the second case, we perform the same operation over the full interval from -5 to 5.

We will draw conclusions after the computations:

In [6]: from scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar
In [7]: def uniform_norm(func, a, b):
   ...:     g = lambda t: -np.abs(func(t))
   ...:     output = minimize_scalar(g, method="bounded",
   ...:                              bounds=(a, b))
   ...:     return
In [8]: def difference(t): return f(t) - interpolant(t)
In [9]: error1b = uniform_norm(difference, 0., 5.)
   ...: print error1b
In [10]: error1c = uniform_norm(difference, -5., 5.); 
   ....: print error1c


What did just happen? The routine minimize_scalar uses an iterative algorithm that got confused by the symmetry of the problem and converged to one local maximum, rather than the requested global maximum.

This first example illustrates one of the topics of this chapter (and its dangers): the computation of constrained extrema for real-valued functions.

The approximation is obviously not very good. A theorem by Chebyshev states that the best polynomial approximation is achieved with a smart choice of nodes—the zeros of the Chebyshev polynomials precisely! We can gather all these roots by using the routine t_roots from the module scipy.special. In our running example, the best choice of 11 nodes will be based upon the roots of the 11-degree Chebyshev polynomial, properly translated over the interval of the interpolation:

In [11]: from scipy.special import t_roots
In [12]: nodes = 5 * t_roots(11)[0]; 
   ....: print nodes
[ -4.94910721e+00  -4.54815998e+00  -3.77874787e+00  -2.70320409e+00 
  -1.40866278e+00  -1.34623782e-15   1.40866278e+00   2.70320409e+00  
   3.77874787e+00   4.54815998e+00   4.94910721e+00]
In [13]: interpolant = BarycentricInterpolator(nodes, f(nodes))
In [14]: plt.figure(); 
   ....: plt.subplot(121); 
   ....: plt.plot(domain, f(domain), 'r-', label='original'); 
   ....: plt.plot(nodes, f(nodes), 'ro', label='nodes'); 
   ....: plt.plot(domain, interpolant(domain), 'b--',
   ....:          label='interpolant')); 
   ....: plt.subplot(122); 
   ....: plt.plot(domain, np.abs(f(domain)-interpolant(domain))); 
   ....: plt.title('error or interpolation'); 

This is a significant improvement in the quality of the interpolator. All thanks to the well-placed nodes that we computed as the roots of a polynomial. Let's compute the uniform norm of this interpolation:

In [15]: def difference(t): return f(t) - interpolant(t)
In [16]: error2 = uniform_norm(difference, 0., 2.)
   ....: print error2

For some recurrent cases, such as the example of the zeros of Chebyshev polynomials, the module scipy.special has routines that collect those values with prescribed accuracy. For a complete list of those special cases, refer to the online documentation of scipy.special at

For general cases, we would like to have a good set of techniques to get roots. This is precisely the other topic discussed in this chapter.

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