Installing the Metrics Server 

The Metrics Server is required if we need to run kubectl commands to show the metrics:

$ helm install stable/metrics-server --name metrics --namespace kube-system --set fullnameOverride="metrics" --set args="{--logtostderr,--kubelet-insecure-tls,--kubelet-preferred-address-types=InternalIP,ExternalIP,Hostname}"

To install the Metrics Server, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure that the service is available:
$ kubectl get apiservice
NAME SERVICE AVAILABLE AGE kube-system/metrics True 13m

If the service shows FailedDiscoveryCheck or MissingEndpoints, it might be the firewall issue. Make sure that HTTPS is enabled through the firewall.

If the AVAILABLE column shows False (MissingEndpoints), wait for the endpoints to become available. Try the preceding command again and make sure that the AVAILABLE column shows True for the API service.

  1. Run the following:
$ kubectl get --raw "/apis/"

Please wait a few minutes and run the kubectl top nodes or kubectl top pods -A command to show the output.

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