Retries and timeouts

Linkerd implements intelligent retries automatically to handle application failures gracefully. However, incorrect automatic retries can also aggravate the problem due to a retry storm (amplifying the retry to a service that is already either overloaded, experiencing backpressure, or sending a negative acknowledgment).

Linkerd solves this by limiting risks by using retry budgets rather than a fixed number of retries. If the retry budget is defined at 10%,  only 10% more requests may be added to avoid an indefinite retry amount, which can lead to a retry storm. The retry budget and timeouts can be specified through a service profile that's been created for specific routes.

A service profile for a service/specific path can be defined for retries as follows for /api/annotations, which has a configuration to turn on retries through isRetryable: true:

- name: GET /api/annotations
method: GET
pathRegex: /api/annotations
isRetryable: true

The retry budget can be defined in the service profile by using the ratio as a percentage and by setting the time-to-live (ttl) parameter. The following specification is for a retry budget of 20% retries with a minimum of 10 retries per second. This retry attempt will not last for more than 15 seconds:

retryRatio: 0.2
minRetriesPerSecond: 10
ttl: 15s

Timeouts can be configured through the service profile, as shown in the following example:

- condition:
method: HEAD
pathRegex: /authors/[^/]*.json
name: HEAD /authors/{id}.json
timeout: 300ms

The preceding specification defines a maximum of 300 milliseconds of wait time before the Linkerd proxy cancels the request and returns a 504 code for paths starting with /authors and ending with .json.

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