Technical requirements

To complete the exercises in this chapter, you will require the following equipment:

  • A macOS or Windows computer with the following configuration:
    • For Windows: A minimum of 16 GB of RAM and an Intel Core i7 or higher processor with a minimum of 4 CPU cores
    • For macOS: A macOS Pro (2015) onwards with 16 GB of RAM, Intel Core i7 processor, with 4 cores, and preferably 512 GB SSD (minimum)
  • A virtualization software to build a VM.
As you go to through the book and example commands or script, pay attention to the commands that you need to run as root or as a user.

The username in the VM is user. The root and user passwords have been set to password for ease of memory. If the command uses # as a prefix, you should run it as root. Commands prefixed with $ need to be run as a regular user and not as root. We show the usage of sudo wherever it is required to use privileges. 
  • Using a browser: The VM has the Chrome browser installed and we will use it to run the demo web application. While you could use an ssh tunnel or run the kubectl proxy command to connect via a browser on your local machine, it will be a more consistent experience if you run the browser from within the VM during these hands-on examples.
  • Using a command-line shell: You need to have command-line access to the VM. Either you can work directly from the VM by opening a GNOME Terminal, or you can also ssh to VM using a command-line shell such as iTerm2 ( in macOS or Git Bash ( in Windows. 
While you are going through the code snippets in the book, you will notice that, in some instances, a few lines from the code/output have been removed and replaced with dots (...) for brevity. The use of ellipses is only to show relevant code/output. The complete code is available on GitHub at

  • Typing commands: After you build your VM and start going through chapters in chronological order for a particular section, you will find that you need to type commands in your shell. If it is a single-line command, it may just be more comfortable to type the command as it helps to grasp the content, and then the brain tends to retain it. However, if you are very familiar with Kubernetes, it may be just irritating to type the commands, especially if the command extends across multiple lines. If you are reading the online version, it will be just as simple to copy and paste the command into your running shell to avoid typing.

If you are reading a hard copy, it will be easier for you to pull the command reference from GitHub so that you can copy and paste the commands easily.

For each implementation section of the book for Istio, Linkerd, and Consul, you can refer to the following links for the commands to use throughout the hands-on exercises:

Be on top of the Kubernetes updates! You can visit to find out the latest release. The instructions given in this chapter can also be found at
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