Chapter 9: Installing Istio

  1. True – At the time of writing, Istio can only be used in a Kubernetes environment, though integration with VMs is being planned.
  2. False  The Istio sidecar can be enabled for new applications if the namespace is annotated with the istio-injection=enabled label. The sidecar can be enabled through the istioctl command.
  3. True Istio has more than 57 CRDs.
  4. True It is necessary to install CRDs to extend Kubernetes so that it can use Istio's features.
  5. True The existing application needs to be taken down first and then you need to enable sidecar proxy injection, either by annotating the namespace with a label or by using istioctl kube-inject to modify the existing application's manifest.
  6. False  It is possible to disable the sidecar for a microservice by setting the pod annotation to "false", even when a namespace has already been annotated with the istio-injection=enabled label.
  7. False Istio custom resources can be managed through the istioctl command, as well as through the kubectl command.
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