Blocking access to external services

We can apply rules to outgoing services through the egress gateway to enable/disable access to external services. From a security standpoint, this is a nice capability that allows us to enforce rules outside the application framework. Let's take a look:

  1.  Change the config map for mode: ALLOW_ANY to mode: REGISTRY_ONLY:
$ kubectl -n istio-system get cm istio -o yaml | sed 's/mode: ALLOW_ANY/mode: REGISTRY_ONLY/g' | kubectl replace -n istio-system -f -
configmap/istio replaced
  1. Now, double-check whether mode: REGISTRY_ONLY has been set:
$ kubectl -n istio-system get cm istio -o yaml | grep -m 1 -o "mode: REGISTRY_ONLY"
  1. Wait a couple of seconds for the configuration to push down to the proxy sidecar.
By doing so, we have a reverse firewall for all of our microservices for outbound access. You will need to create  ServiceEntry for external endpoints for services to access them.
  1. Repeat the curl test again for external services:
$ kubectl -n istio-lab exec -it -c ratings $RATING_POD -- curl -LI | grep "HTTP/"
command terminated with exit code 35

$ kubectl -n istio-lab exec -it -c ratings $RATING_POD -- curl -LI | grep "HTTP/"
command terminated with exit code 35

By using the preceding technique, it is possible to block access to external services from microservices.

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