Application development

Whether using studio or not, once an application is created, we need to do the development and make sure that all of the application files we need for our application are created. Each application is different, and the ability to create unique applications in ServiceNow is almost limitless.

When developing your application, remember the skills and techniques we have covered in the earlier chapters of this book to get the best out of it.

When creating a new application, I would recommend considering the table structure of the application first and associated relationships. Once the table structure is in place, the other application files will be easier to plan and place into the application.

ServiceNow also allows us to add records considered as data to our custom applications. This allows us to take across records where the Update sync attribute we discovered in the previous chapter is not set to true for the table. To do this, we can right-click on the header bar for a list view, and we are given the option to Create Application Files, as shown in Figure 12.13:

Figure 12.13: Creating application files from a list view

In Figure 12.13, we are looking at an incident list with only one record in the list due to the filter. On selecting the Create Application Files option, we will then be given a popup to select how the application files should be added. This popup can be seen in Figure 12.14:

Figure 12.14: Creating application files popup

This popup in Figure 12.14 has a field of Load When, and this is the most important field on this form. From here, we have the following three options that we can choose:

  • New Install and Upgrades
  • New Install
  • New Install with Demo Data

The first two options are quite straightforward: the data is either loaded only with a new installation of the application and never again, or with a new installation and for future upgrades of the application. The third option is slightly different, but the concept of demo data will be familiar to most system admins. With this option, the records will be available to add when the application is deployed, although it is not mandatory. When we discuss deployment later on in the chapter, the options around including demo data will become clear. 

Once a selection has been made for the Load When field, we can click on OK, and the records will be added to our application. We can see what that looks like for our test application and our previous example in Figure 12.15:

Figure 12.15: Sample application files shown included in an application related list

In Figure 12.15, we can see that the incident record that was showing in our list view has been moved into the application files of our custom application.

After all of the application files needed for your application have been added, we can then move to testing the application.

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