12.2. Understanding the Basics of Loops

In VBA, a loop is a structure that repeats a number of statements, looping back to the beginning of the structure once it has finished executing them. Each cycle of execution of a loop is called an iteration.

There are two basic categories of loops:

  • Fixed-iteration loops repeat a set number of times.

  • Indefinite loops repeat a flexible number of times.

The running of either type of loop is controlled by the loop invariant, also called the loop determinant. This can be either a numeric expression or a logical expression. Fixed-iteration loops typically use numeric expressions, whereas indefinite loops typically use logical expressions. For example, a fixed-iteration loop might need to run through five iterations of a loop, while an indefinite loop might need to continue taking an action until the end of a document is reached.

Table 12.1 explains the types of loops that VBA provides.

Table 12.1. VBA's Loop Types
For... NextFixedRepeats an action or a sequence of actions a given number of times.
For Each... NextFixedRepeats an action or a sequence of actions once for each object in a VBA collection.
Do While... LoopIndefinitePerforms an action or a sequence of actions if a condition is True and continues to perform it until the condition becomes False.
While... WendIndefinitePerforms an action or a sequence of actions if a condition is True and continues to perform it until the condition becomes False. Like Do... Loop While but almost obsolete.
Do Until... LoopIndefinitePerforms an action or sequence of actions while a condition is False and continues to perform it until the condition becomes True.
Do...Loop WhileIndefinitePerforms an action or a sequence of actions once and then repeats it while a condition is True until it becomes False.
Do... Loop UntilIndefinitePerforms an action or a sequence of actions once and repeats it while a condition is False until it becomes True.

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