Creating Azure Mobile App

To get started, you need to create the Azure Mobile App. Log in to your Microsoft Azure portal and click on the + or the + New button. From the wizard, select Web + Mobile and then Mobile App. This will open a new screen to enter the details about your mobile app.

Give the app a name, which should be globally unique, as it's going to create sub-domain under by the name of the app. Select the appropriate Subscription, create/select Resource Group, and select the proper App Service plan/Location.

When you are ready, click on the Create button to start creating the Azure Mobile App. This will now provision an Azure Mobile App backend which you can use in your mobile client applications. It will take some time to complete the operation:

Once it gets provisioned, navigate to the App Services screen and click on the app name that you have just created as shown in the following screenshot:

This will open the overview page of the app service, where you can get details about it. On this screen, you can also stop, restart, or delete it when you need.

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