Creating a unit test project using Xamarin Studio

In the previous section, we created the unit testing Solution folder within our TrackMyWalks main project solution that will be used to separate the unit tests from our main iOS and Android project solutions. This is so that we can run these independently from the main solution.

One of the great benefits of using Xamarin Studio to handle your tests is that it leverages the popular NUnit testing framework for performing unit tests. We will begin by creating the NUnit test project within the TrackMyWalks.Tests solution that we've previously created.

Let's start by creating a new NUnit project within our TrackMyWalks.Tests project solution, by performing the following steps:

  1. Right-click on the TrackMyWalks.Tests solution project and choose the Add | Add New Project... menu option, as shown in the following screenshot:

    Creating a unit test project using Xamarin Studio

  2. Next, choose the NUnit Library Project option located within the General section under the Other | .NET section; ensure you have selected C# as the programming language to use, as shown in the following screenshot:

    Creating a unit test project using Xamarin Studio

  3. Then, click on the Next button to proceed to the next step in the wizard.
  4. Next, enter TrackMyWalks.UnitTests to use as the name for your new project in the Project Name field.
  5. Then, ensure that the Create a project directory within the solution directory. has been selected, as shown in the following screenshot:

    Creating a unit test project using Xamarin Studio

  6. Finally, click on the Create button to save your project at the specified location.

Once your project has been created, you will be presented with the Xamarin Studio development environment, with your new projected created within the TrackMyWalks.Tests solution folder.

In the next section, we will begin to add the Moq (pronounced as mock) framework library that will be responsible for allowing us to test our ViewModels within the TrackMyWalks solution.

Adding the Moq NuGet package to the unit test project

Now that you have set up and created a new unit test project, our next step is to add the Moq (pronounced as Mock) NuGet package to the TrackMyWalks.UnitTests solution. This library is essentially one of the most popular and friendly mocking framework libraries for the .NET platform, and we will use this to test some of our ViewModels within our TrackMyWalks app.

Let's look at how to add the Moq NuGet package to our TrackMyWalks.UnitTests project solution, by performing the following steps:

  1. Right-click on the Packages folder that is contained within the TrackMyWalks.UnitTests solution, and choose the Add Packages... menu option, as shown in the following screenshot:

    Adding the Moq NuGet package to the unit test project

  2. This will display the Add Packages dialog, enter in moq within the search dialog, and select the Moq: an enjoyable mocking library option within the list, as shown in the following screenshot:

    Adding the Moq NuGet package to the unit test project

  3. Finally, click on the Add Package button to add the NuGet package to the Packages folder contained within the TrackMyWalks.UnitTests solution.
Now that you have added the Moq NuGet package, our next step is to begin writing the test case scenarios for our ViewModels, which we will be covering in the next section.

Adding the TrackMyWalks project to TrackMyWalks.UnitTests

In the previous section, we added the Moq NuGet package to our TrackMyWalks solution. The next step is to add a reference to the TrackMyWalks core library to our TrackMyWalks.UnitTests solution.

Since we will be testing our ViewModels, you will need to ensure that you have applied all of the cumulative code changes to the TrackMyWalks solution project throughout this book to avoid any issues, as we will essentially need to break each of the tests into individual classes representing each ViewModel and the accompanying unit test class that we want to test the business logic on. To successfully test our ViewModels, we will first need to include a reference to the TrackMyWalks project within our TrackMyWalks.UnitTests solution project.

Let's look at how we can achieve this, by performing the following steps:

  1. Right-click on the References folder that is contained within the TrackMyWalks.UnitTests project solution, and choose the Edit References... menu option, as shown in the following screenshot:

    Adding the TrackMyWalks project to TrackMyWalks.UnitTests

  2. Then, ensure that the Projects tab has been selected and choose the TrackMyWalks project to include our Android and iOS platform solution projects within our TrackMyWalks.UnitTests project solution:

    Adding the TrackMyWalks project to TrackMyWalks.UnitTests

  3. Next, ensure that you have selected the TrackMyWalks project within the Projects tab, click on OK to add the project reference to your References section of your TrackMyWalks.UnitTests project solution, and close the Edit References dialog.

In the next section, we will begin by creating our first unit test which will be responsible for validating the WalkEntry model to ensure that after the ViewModel has been initialized, it will contain walk information.

Creating and implementing the WalksTrailViewModel NUnit test class

Now that you have incorporated the TrackMyWalks project into the TrackMyWalks.UnitTests solution, our next step is to create the unit test for our WalksTrailViewModel. These tests will be used to help us check to see when our ViewModel passes or fails under these test conditions.

Let's now start to implement the code required for our WalksTrailViewModelTest class, by performing the following steps:

  1. Create an empty class within the TrackMyWalks.UnitTests project solution folder, by choosing Add | New File.... If you can't remember how to do this, you can refer to the section entitled Creating the TrackMyWalks model, within Chapter 1 , Creating the TrackMyWalks Native App.
  2. Then, enter WalksTrailViewModelTest for the name of the new class that you want to create, and click on the New button to allow the wizard to proceed and create the new file.
  3. Next, ensure that the WalksTrailViewModelTest.cs file is displayed within the code editor, and enter in the following code snippet:
            //  WalksTrailViewModelTest.cs 
            //  WalksTrailViewModel Testing Framework 
            //  Created by Steven F. Daniel on 23/09/2016. 
            //  Copyright © 2016 GENIESOFT STUDIOS. All rights reserved. 
                using NUnit.Framework; 
                using TrackMyWalks.ViewModels; 
                using TrackMyWalks.Services; 
                using Moq; 
                using System.Threading.Tasks; 
                namespace TrackMyWalks.Tests 
  4. Next, we need to modify the WalksTrailViewModelTest class constructor by adding the [TestFixture] attribute which sets up our class to be an instance of the TestFixture testing class. Proceed and enter in the following code snippet:
            public class WalksTrailViewModelTest 
                WalksTrailViewModel _vm; 
  5. Then, create the Setup instance method that will be responsible for creating a new instance of our ViewModel for each of the tests that are declared within the class. This is to ensure that each test is run using a clean instance of the ViewModel. We then proceed to declare a navMock variable instance of the Mock class from our Moq library to create a new instance of the IWalkNavService and instantiate the WalksTrailViewModel, using the navMock instance. Proceed and enter in the following code snippet:
            public void Setup() 
              var navMock = new Mock<IWalkNavService>().Object; 
              _vm = new WalksTrailViewModel(navMock); 
  6. Next, we need to implement the CheckIfWalkEntryIsNotNull instance method that will check to see if our WalksTrailViewModel has been properly initialized when the Init method is called. We declare the [Test] attribute which is essentially an abstract class that represents a test within the NUnit.Test framework. We proceed to initialize our WalkEntry model to null, and then call the Init method to check to see if the WalkEntry model has been properly set to the value provided in the Init method's parameter and then use the IsNotNull method on the Assert class to display a message should the test fail. This is so that you can troubleshoot the code at a later point. Proceed and enter in the following code snippet:
            public async Task CheckIfWalkEntryIsNotNull() 
              // Arrange 
              _vm.WalkEntry = null; 
              // Act 
              await _vm.Init(); 
              // Assert 
              Assert.IsNotNull(_vm.WalkEntry, "WalkEntry is null 
              after being initialized with a valid WalkEntries object."); 

In the preceding code snippet, we began by implementing the various instance methods that will be required to perform each test for our WalksTrailViewModel. We added the [TestFixture] attribute at the beginning of our class constructor so that it will be an instance of the TestFixture testing class. We then proceeded to create the Setup instance method so that it will be responsible for creating a new instance of our ViewModel for each of the tests that are declared within the class, using the [Test] attribute. This is essentially an abstract class that represents a test within the NUnit.Test framework, and ensures that each test is run using a clean instance of the ViewModel.

Next, we used the Mock class from our Moq library to create a new instance of the IWalkNavService when instantiating the WalksTrailViewModel.

In the next step, we implemented the CheckIfWalkEntryIsNotNull instance method that will perform a check to see if our WalksTrailViewModel has been properly initialized whenever the Init method has been called. Again, we declared the [Test] attribute prior to initializing our WalkEntry model to null, and prior to calling the Init method to check to see if the WalkEntry model has been properly set to the value provided in the Init method's parameter. After that, we used the IsNotNull method on the Assert class to display a message should the test fail. This is so that you can troubleshoot the code at a later point.

In the next section, we will begin by creating the second unit test which will be responsible for validating information contained within our WalkEntryViewModel to ensure that after our ViewModel has been initialized, we receive the expected results returned.

Creating and implementing the WalkEntryViewModel NUnit test class

In the previous section, we created the NUnit test for our WalksTrailViewModel which checked to ensure that the WalksEntry model was properly initialized after the Init method was called. In this section, we will create another NUnit test that will check to see if certain properties within our WalksEntryViewModel have been set up and initialized.

Let's now start to implement the code required for our WalkEntryViewModelTest class by performing the following steps:

  1. Create an empty class within the TrackMyWalks.UnitTests project solution folder, by choosing Add | New File.... If you can't remember how to do this, you can refer to the section entitled Creating and implementing the WalksTrailViewModel NUnit test class, within this chapter.
  2. Then, enter in WalkEntryViewModelTest for the name of the new class that you want to create, and click on the New button to allow the wizard to proceed and create the new file.
  3. Next, ensure that the WalkEntryViewModelTest.cs file is displayed within the code editor, and enter in the following code snippet:
            //  WalkEntryViewModelTest.cs 
            //  WalkEntryViewModel Testing Framework 
            //  Created by Steven F. Daniel on 23/09/2016. 
            //  Copyright © 2016 GENIESOFT STUDIOS. All rights reserved. 
                using NUnit.Framework; 
                using TrackMyWalks.ViewModels; 
                using TrackMyWalks.Services; 
                using Moq; 
                using System.Threading.Tasks; 
                namespace TrackMyWalks.UnitTests 
  4. Next, we need to modify the WalkEntryViewModelTest class constructor by adding the [TestFixture] attribute just as we did in the previous section. This sets up our class to be an instance of the TestFixture testing class. Proceed and enter in the following code snippet:
            public class WalkEntryViewModelTest 
              WalkEntryViewModel _vm; 
  5. Then, create the Setup instance method that will be responsible for creating a new instance of our ViewModel for each of the tests that are declared within the class. This is to ensure that each test is run using a clean instance of the ViewModel. We then use the Mock class from our Moq library to create a new instance of the IWalkNavService when instantiating the WalkEntryViewModel. Proceed and enter in the following code snippet:
            public void Setup() 
              var navMock = new Mock<IWalkNavService>().Object; 
              _vm = new WalkEntryViewModel(navMock); 
  6. Next, we need to implement the CheckIfEntryTitleIsEqual instance method that will check to see if our Title property has been properly initialized when the Init method has been called. We'll declare the [Test] attribute just as we did in the previous test, and then we'll proceed to initialize the Title property and call the Init method to check whether the Title property has been initialized correctly to the value provided in the Init method's parameter.
  7. Next, we use the AreEqual method on the Assert class to check to see if the Title property has been initialized correctly, and then display a message containing the value of the Title property from the ViewModel, should the test fail. Proceed and enter in the following code snippet:
            public async Task CheckIfEntryTitleIsEqual() 
              // Arrange 
              _vm.Title = "New Walk"; 
              // Act 
              await _vm.Init(); 
              // Assert 
              Assert.AreEqual("New Walk", _vm.Title); 
  8. Then, we need to implement the CheckIfDifficultyIsEqual instance method and declare the [Test] attribute, prior to initializing our Difficulty property to a string value, and then calling the Init method. In the next step, we use the AreEqual method on the Assert class to check whether the Difficulty property has been initialized correctly, and display a message containing the value of the Difficulty property from the ViewModel, should the test fail. Proceed and enter in the following code snippet:
            public async Task CheckIfDifficultyIsEqual() 
              // Arrange 
              _vm.Difficulty = "Easy"; 
              // Act 
              await _vm.Init(); 
              // Assert 
              Assert.AreEqual("Easy", _vm.Difficulty); 
  9. Next, we need to implement the CheckIfKilometersIsNotEqual instance method that declares the [Test] attribute just as we did in the previous test. We then initialize our Kilometers property to a Double value, and call the Init method. In the next step, we use the AreEqual method on the Assert class to check to see if the Kilometers property has been initialized correctly, and display a message containing the value of the Kilometers property from the ViewModel, should the test fail. Proceed and enter in the following code snippet:
             public async Task CheckIfKilometersIsNotEqual() 
                 // Arrange 
                    _vm.Kilometers = 40.0; 
                 // Act 
                    await _vm.Init(); 
                 // Assert 
                    Assert.AreNotEqual(40.0, _vm.Kilometers); 

In the preceding code snippet, we began by implementing the various instance methods that will be required to perform each test for our WalkEntryViewModel. We added the [TestFixture] attribute at the beginning of the class constructor so that it will be an instance of the TestFixture testing class; and then proceeded to create the Setup instance method so that it will be responsible for creating a new instance of our ViewModel for each of the tests that is declared within the class, using the [Test] attribute which is essentially an abstract class that represents a test within the NUnit.Test framework, and ensures that each test is run using a clean instance of the ViewModel.

Next, we used the Mock class from our Moq library to create a new instance of the IWalkNavService when instantiating the WalkEntryViewModel. In the next step, we implemented the CheckIfEntryTitleIsEqual instance method that will perform a check to see if the Title property has been properly initialized whenever the Init method has been called. Again, we declare the [Test] attribute prior to initializing the Title property of the WalksEntry model, and prior to calling the AreEqual method on the Assert class to check to see if the Title property has been initialized correctly. We then displayed a message containing the value of the Title property from the ViewModel, should the test fail.

Next, we implemented the CheckIfDifficultyIsEqual instance method that will initialize the Difficulty property to a string value, and then call the Init method of the WalkEntryViewModel. We called the AreEqual method on the Assert class to confirm that, after we call the Init method, the value of the Difficulty property from the ViewModel is the value that we expect to come back from the provided Mock instance. If the value is not what we expect, the test will fail and will display a message containing the value of the Difficulty property from the ViewModel.

In our final step, we implemented the CheckIfKilometersIsNotEqual instance method that initializes our Kilometers property to a Double value, and then calls the Init method. Just as we did in our CheckIfDifficultyIsEqual instance method, we used the AreNotEqual method on the Assert class to confirm that, after we call the Init method, the value of the Kilometers property from the ViewModel is the value that we expect to come back from the provided mock instance. If the value is not what we expect, the test will fail and will display a message containing the value of the Kilometers property from the ViewModel.

For each test method that you create that will be represented by the NUnit [Test] attribute, the Arrange-Act-Assert pattern will follow. This is described in the following table:

Test pattern



This will essentially perform all the setting up and initialization conditions for your test.


This ensures that your test will successfully interact with the application.


This will examine the results of the actions that were initially performed within the Act step to verify the results.

You can now see, that by incorporating the NUnit.Framework within your applications, as well as adopting the Arrange-Act-Assert pattern, you can essentially perform tests on your ViewModels to ensure that the results you are expecting are returned.


If you are interested in learning more about the NUnit.Framework.Test class, and its associated methods, please refer to the information contained at .

To learn more about the NUnit.Framework.Assert class and other methods that you can use to handle the different types of assertions, please refer to the information located at .

Now that you have created your unit tests, our next step is to begin running our tests right within the Xamarin Studio IDE, which we will be covering in the next section.

Running the TrackMyWalks.UnitTests using Xamarin Studio

In our previous section, we created and implemented unit tests for both the WalksTrailViewModel and the WalkEntryViewModel. These contained sets of various test conditions that we checked against.

Our next step is to begin running these unit tests directly from within the Xamarin Studio development environment.

Let's look at how we can achieve this with the following steps:

  1. To run a unit test, right-click on the TrackMyWalks.UnitTests project within the Solution pane, and choose the Run Item option, as shown in the following screenshot:

    Running the TrackMyWalks.UnitTests using Xamarin Studio

  2. Alternatively, you can also run the unit test by selecting the TrackMyWalks.UnitTests solution project and then navigating to the Run menu option and choosing the Run Unit Tests sub-menu item.

When the compilation of the unit tests has completed, you will be presented with a list showing each of your test results that have passed, failed, or were ignored. These are displayed within the Test Results pane, as shown in the following screenshot:

Running the TrackMyWalks.UnitTests using Xamarin Studio

Should any of your tests fail, these will be displayed within the Test Results pane, along with their associated Stack Trace. You will also notice that the message that we provided within the Assert.AreEqual method will also be displayed as part of the failure result:

Running the TrackMyWalks.UnitTests using Xamarin Studio

From this screen, you have the option of filtering your test results or re-running your unit test conditions again. These are explained in more detail in the following table:

Test result option


Successful Tests

This will display all the successfully executed tests which passed the conditions as specified within the test case.

Inconclusive Tests

This will display any test results that were found to be inconclusive, meaning that a firm result could not be determined.

Failed Tests

This option displays a list of any tests that did not meet the conditions as specified within the test case scenario.

Ignored Tests

This option displays a list of any tests that were ignored as specified by the [Ignore] attribute.


This option displays a console output for each of the tests that are executed and will contain any tests that have successfully passed, failed, been ignored, or were found to be inconclusive.

Rerun Tests

This option enables you to re-run your tests again, without the need for recompiling your test cases.

Now that you have a good understanding of how to create your own unit tests using the NUnit testing framework, we can now look at how to create another form of unit testing, which is called automated UI testing. This time we will be leveraging the UITest framework which will enable us to perform tests on the user interface portion of our TrackMyWalks app which we will be covering over the next sections.

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